Experience vs. Observation

by Rick

(Read Matthew 14:32-33)


This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  We have been studying the life of the Apostle Peter.  Our study brought us to Matthew 14.  For the past few weeks we have been dissecting the story of Peter walking on water.  I trust you know it by now.  We have gleaned so much from the few steps Peter took while he was walking on the water and flowing in the supernatural.  Today we will see what happened when Peter and Jesus got in the boat.


The Bible says, “After Peter and Jesus were in the boat, the wind stopped.  Then the disciples in the boat worshiped Jesus and said, “You really are the Son of God.”


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


  1.  11 of the 12 disciples had to see Jesus walk on water before they proclaimed that He was the Son of God.  Peter got out of the boat.  You can learn of God by observation or experience.  Which will you choose?


  1.  Seeing God move in someone else’s life is powerful, to a certain extent.  But experiencing God move in your own life is much more powerful.


  1.  You can make the argument that Peter’s experience on the water was unsuccessful.  He only took a few steps before he sank.  But then again, he was the only disciple to get out of the boat.


  1.  When it comes to God, seemingly unsuccessful experiences, where you learn from your mistakes, are much better than no experience at all.  


  1.  Experiencing God for a moment is much more powerful than observing Him for a lifetime.


  1.  Peter made many mistakes, but Peter was willing to experience God.  You may not make mistakes ‘playing it safe’, but then again you won’t experience God either.


  1.  Once you experience God, even if only for a few seconds, you will never be the same!


  1.  Don’t just sit on the sidelines and OBSERVE God.  Determine today (at this moment), that you will EXPERIENCE God daily.


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  I spent years like the disciples in the boat, simply observing You.  I watched as others experienced You and I rejoiced over their experiences.  But the time has come for me to experience You for myself.  I have the faith to get out of the boat.  I launch out into the unknown.  I cross the ‘faith-line’.  I extend beyond the natural.  I want to experience You and I declare that I will.  I may not get it all right.  I may make mistakes.  But I would rather make a mistake while EXPERIENCING You than no mistakes while simply OBSERVING You.  From this day forward I live my life IN Your presence.  I walk with You and You walk with me.  You lead me, guide me, direct me, speak to me, and manifest Your glory IN, WITH and THROUGH me.  I live my life experiencing Your love, power and glory.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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