The Power of Knowing Who You Are

by Rick

(Read Matthew 16:13-20)


This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  We have been studying the life of the Apostle Peter and our study brought us to Matthew chapter 16.  In this chapter the Father revealed Jesus’ true identity to Simon.  Jesus, in turn, revealed Simon’s true identity (Peter) to him.  This revelation changed Simon the fisherman into Peter the Apostle.  Let’s go back to the passage this morning.


The Bible says, “Jesus went to the area of Caesarea Philippi.  He said to his followers, “Who do people say I am?”  They answered, “Some people say you are John the Baptist.  Others say you are Elijah.  And some say you are Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”  Then Jesus said to his followers, “And who do you say I am?”  Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”  Jesus answered, “You are blessed, Simon son of Jonah.  No one taught you that.  My Father in heaven showed you who I am.  So I tell you, you are Peter.  And I will build my church on this rock.  The power of death will not be able to defeat my church.  I will give you the keys to God’s kingdom.  When you speak judgment here on earth, that judgment will be God’s judgment.  When you promise forgiveness here on earth, that forgiveness will be God’s forgiveness.”  Then Jesus warned his followers not to tell anyone he was the Messiah.”


The more I meditate this passage, the more the Father speaks to me concerning it.  For today, as we close out the week, let’s flow in the same vein as yesterday and focus in on the power we gain access to the day we discover our true identity.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  Your life forever changes the day you discover your true identity in Christ Jesus.  Peter was never the same and he could never go back to being Simon the fisherman.


2.  The more Peter pursued Jesus, the more he learned about himself.  There is no point in learning about Christ if you are not open to learn about yourself in the process.


3.  The day you discover your true identity is the day you begin to access the grace made available to you before the world began.

a)  Once Simon the fisherman knew he was called to be Peter the Apostle, he could then access the grace for the Apostolic.  Likewise, once you know whom God has called you to be, you will also be in position to access the grace to flow in your divine assignment.

b)  When you don’t know who you are you miss divine opportunities.  You don’t even notice them.

c)  Knowing who you are opens you up to an awareness of God’s grace – the grace made available to you to flow in your purpose.


4.  Your true value in the earth is found in your divine identity.

a)  You must get your value from God and what He called you to do.

b)  You don’t have to add to your divine identity to feel valuable in this world.  Don’t ever think you need to add anything to your divine assignment.

c)  What God called you to do is big enough to establish your value in it for the rest of your life.

d)  Once Simon the fishermen started living as Peter the Apostle he never looked back or went back.  Neither should you!


5.  When you discover God and your true identity you will no longer life an ordinary life.

a)  God takes up residence IN you (He moves IN), so His power and glory can be seen IN and THROUGH you!

b)  Our invisible God becomes visible in the earth when you know who you are and you begin to flow in the unforced rhythms of God’s grace.

c)  When you know who you are and you are flowing in God’s grace, then what is true in God is equally true in you!


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  You made plans for me before the world began.  As I walk with You, You reveal those plans to me and You make it clear that Your grace is already available for me to complete them.  But in order for me to maximize my purpose and potential, I must know who I am and what I am called to do.  I declare that I do.  I know who I am and I refuse to look back or go back to my old identity.  I walk in the newness of the life Christ Jesus died to give me.  I walk in my divine assignment.  I flow in my divine purpose.  I flow in the unforced rhythms of grace.  And as I do, I continually die to self.  It is You Father, living IN me, You give me the words and You do the work.  I find my value in my divine identity and I don’t seek value in anything else.  You know who I am, I know who I am, and soon the world will know who I am, because You Father, will make my name great, for Your glory!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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