A Leader’s Words

by Rick

This morning we continue our series entitled, “Refined Focus”, with a mini-series within it entitled “Focusing on the Word”.  We are using Joshua as a case study.  We’ve looked at Joshua for over a week, but we have a lot more digging to do.  So let’s get to it.


Joshua was the newly appointed leader of the nation of Israel.  He was a new leader, leading a new generation, to take possession of an old promise.  God promised Canaan to Joshua’s forefathers 440 years earlier.  It was now time to take God up on the offer.  To prepare Joshua for the assignment the Lord said, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.  Then you will be prosperous and successful.” (Joshua 1:8 NIV).  In this scripture the Lord taught Joshua to line up his mouth, mind and methods with the Word.  In the last message I focused in on the words, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips.”  Today’s message will flow in the same vein.


The Lord made it clear to Joshua that it was of the utmost importance to keep His Word on Joshua’s lips.  The words Joshua spoke, as a leader, held the power of life and death for his followers.  If anyone understood this, it was Joshua.  40 years earlier a group of 12 young leaders performed a reconnaissance mission in Canaan.  Two of the leaders (Joshua and Caleb) came back with a good report.  Joshua and Caleb’s words aligned with God’s promise.  However, 10 of the 12 leaders spoke words of defeat.  They did not have the faith to align their words with God’s promise.  The result?  Those 10 leaders and the millions of people who believed their words died in the wilderness.


The new generation was not going to repeat the mistake of their fathers.  They were ready to believe Joshua this time.  However, they needed Joshua to speak life.  They needed Joshua to align his words with God’s promises.  This is what they said to Joshua:


We will do whatever you command us to do.  We will go wherever you tell us to go.  We will obey whatever you say, just as we obeyed Moses.  We only ask that the Lord your God be with you just as he was with Moses.  Then anyone who refuses to obey your commands or turns against you will be killed.  Just be strong and brave!” (Joshua 1:16-18).  They were basically saying, “Joshua, we are ready to receive the promise.  You are our leader.  Our prosperity is IN your mouth.  Wherever you lead, we will follow.  Whatever you say, we will do.  Whatever you command, we will perform.  And anyone who comes up against you and what you say will be killed, because any objection to you and your commands is an objection to us and our future.”  Do you see how important the words of a Godly leader are?  


I have much more to say about this, but I will stop here for today.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


  1.  As a leader you must understand the importance of the words that flow from your lips.  Those assigned to follow you are greatly impacted by what you say.


  1.  God raises up leaders and gives them charge over others.  As a Godly leader, your words can (and should) be seasoned with grace.  When they are your words can exude confidence, courage and compassion.


  1.  If you truly understand the magnitude of the assignment God has given you as a leader, you will properly discern the importance of your words.  In many ways, the prosperity of those you lead is greatly impacted by what you say.


  1.  In this season of refined focus, make an effort to focus on your words.  Do all you can to align your words with God’s Word.  Speak words that line up with heaven and God’s Kingdom plans and purposes.  As you do, you will find that your words will contain LIFE to all who receive them.


Closing Confession:   Father, this is a season of refined focus for me.  As I bring my life into focus I take control of my tongue.  The power of death and life is in my mouth.  Just like I live by the words you speak to me, there are others who are greatly impacted by the words that flow from my lips.  You have graced me to lead and those I lead follow me by the words I say.  I use my words to communicate life and blessing.  I use my words project confidence and courage.  I use my words to share divine compassion.  My words are seasoned with grace.  My words contain life to all who receive them, because my words are not my words.  It is You Father, living in me, You give me the words and You perform the work!  As people follow me, they are actually following You!  I declare this by faith!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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