How Do You Look On The Inside?

by Rick

This morning we continue our series entitled, “Refined Focus”, with a mini-series within it entitled “Focusing on the Word”.  For a couple of weeks now we have been looking at reasons to focus in on the Word of God, and we have looked at the following scripture for days.  Solomon said, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life” (Prov 4:23 KJV).  Some scholars believe the term “heart” here is a reference to our spirit, some believe it is a reference to our soul, and yet others believe it is a reference to our mind, or the way we think.  I believe it boils down to a combination of all three.  


Our spirit is our true self and our soul contains our mind (thinker), emotions (feeler), and will (chooser).  The only part of us left out of this equation is our body.  What’s interesting is that many people spend much more time on their body (their outward man) than they do their inner man (spirit and soul).  They will spend hours in the gym or hours in front of the mirror applying makeup and mascara, but they can’t spend an hour a week in church or they can’t find 5 minutes a day to read their Bible.  These people spend lots of time worrying about what they look like on the outside, but when God looks at us, He is concerned with what we look like on the inside!  Solomon teaches us to protect our inner-man, because “the issues of life” flow from what is happening TO us and IN us on the inside.  


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  Everything you produce in this world (externally) is a manifestation of something that started in your heart (internally).  This is why it is so very critical that you protect your heart.

a.  Put up a wall of defense against undisciplined conduct.

b.  Never allow your mind to stray or remain idle, to allow your emotions to fluctuate unchecked, or to allow your will to choose what you know is wrong.


2.  Your inner-man is the one who chooses at forks in the road and life-changing moments.  The New Living Translation of Proverbs 4:23 reads, “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”  


3.  Don’t put more effort into your outer-man than your inner-man.  Many spend countless hours in the gym building their bodies or countless hours in the mirror working on their outward appearance, while they allow their inner man to go unprotected and uninvested in.

a.  There is great danger in allowing your inner man to be un or underdeveloped.

b.  Greater than the discipline required to get up in the morning for a run, is the discipline required to abstain from sin, to do what is right the sight of God, to walk circumspectly before Him.

c.  It’s in your inner man that the course of your life is determined.  It’s in your inner man that you either thrive or starve in God.  It’s in your inner man that you either overcome or succumb to the temptations of the enemy and the flesh.  You may fool others by being a big, strong, and physically fit imposing specimen, but God looks past the outward appearance and He judges the heart (1 Sam 16:7).  How do you look on the inside?  How fit is your inner man?  How do you look to God?


Closing Confession:   Father, this is a season of refined focus for me.  In this season I will focus on what truly matters.  I will give my attention to the things that produce maximum results in my life.  I no longer have time or energy to focus on things that don’t line up with Your purpose for me.  I take care of my body.  I eat right.  I exercise.  I want to live long and strong.  But I put more emphasis on my inner-man than our outer-man!  I keep my heart with all diligence, because I know that that’s where true discipline is needed.  I keep my mind sharp and alert.  I read and study to keep it crisp and ready.  I ruler over my emotions and keep them in check.  I train my will to line up with Yours.  I submit my spirit to the leadership of the Holy Spirit.  My inner man, my heart, is fit, firm, and focused.  Living this way I am sure I will arrive at your ultimate destination for my life and along the way I will leave a mark in this world that is not easily erased!  I declare this by faith!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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