This morning we continue our series entitled, “Refined Focus”, with a mini-series within it entitled “Focusing on the Word”. As I prayed over what to share I was led to think about the “why” behind God’s instruction to us. Here we are, in the earth, carefully reading, studying, meditating, medicating and on every word God left for us. We have 66 books of His instruction. We read it for breadth, study it for depth, and apply it success in every area of our lives. The Bible is the shepherd’s staff, the pilgrim’s compass, the three king’s north star, and the believers gps. It tell us who we are, why we are, and how to live. And then, even after everything God sad in His written Word, God turns around and speaks to us with living words as we read the Bible. As we read what He said we get to hear what He is saying. But why? Why would God to such great lengths to communicate with us? Why would He tell us to meditate on what He said? Why would He tirelessly pursue us, even when we ignore or flat-out reject Him? The answer for me is simple: because God is love. Love is not something He has, love is not something He gives, love is WHO HE IS. So for today, let’s look at this series through the lens of love.
So what does this mean to you today? A few things.
- God does not instruct you to change your ways because He gets some sort of twisted enjoyment out of ruling over you. No, God wants you to change your ways to line up with His ways because He loves you and He wants you to experience His best for your life.
- God does want you to meditate/medicate on His Word day and night so He can control you like a puppet. You are not a puppet and He is no puppetmaster. God tells you what to meditate on His Word because He knows you will never experience His best until you think and act like Him in the earth.
- God doesn’t need us. God doesn’t need anything. God is God and He can do what He wants. He chooses to operate in the earth through humans. Remember, He chose you far before you chose Him. And if He had never chosen you, you would have never chosen Him.
- We could not even love God if He did not love us first. We even see the grace of God in our ability to love Him.
- When God tells you to meditate and meditate on His Word, He does so because He loves you. He wants to see you succeed. He takes pleasure in your prosperity. Like a proud Father sitting on the sidelines of a game, He looks down on you this morning and He is rooting for you. When you succeed He is pointing at you saying, “That’s my boy!” or “That’s my girl!”. So while God is God, and He is a Lord who must be worshipped, He is also a heavenly Father who should be appreciated, simply because He loves us.
Closing Confession: Father, this is a season of refined focus for me. In this season I am learning to strip away anything that is not conducive to the pursuit of my divine purpose and potential. I have spent a lot of time meditating on what You have said and all the things I must do. I have focused on all the changes I need to make. This morning I pause for a few minutes to think about WHY. I ponder WHY You go out of Your way to lead, guide and direct me. You pursue me, even when I don’t pursue You. You are faithful to me, even when I am not faithful to You. You do all You do for me because You love me. You don’t have love, YOU ARE LOVE, and You release Your love to me every day. I enter this day meditating and medicating on the fact that You love me. I did nothing to get You to start loving me and nothing I do will cause you to stop. The reality of Your love is both liberating and empowering. I enter this day with confidence because my Daddy loves me and He is committed to my success. I declare this by faith! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is Today’s Word! Apply it and Prosper.