The Mother of All Parables

by Rick

This morning we continue our series entitled, “Refined Focus”.  I feel led to introduce you to what I call, “The Mother of All Parables”.  You will see why in a minute.  We will spend the next few weeks studying this parable.  Let’s get into it.


In Mark 4 we find Jesus with a crowd and as was His custom, He taught them.  In this case Jesus taught a parable about sower who went forth to sow seed.  The seed fell on four different types of soil.  After completing the story Jesus said, “Those who have ears to hear, let him hear.”  Jesus was basically saying, “Those who can discern the true meaning of the story, let them hear and apply the teaching.”  Jesus expected his listeners to hear with spiritual ears and for them to seek spiritual understanding.


In this case his own disciples did not understand the story.  So after the crowd was gone the disciples asked Jesus to explain the story to them.  Jesus said, “Do you understand this story?  If you don’t, how will you understand any story?”  Other translations say, “If you don’t understand this parable, how will you understand any parable?”  This is why I call this the mother of all parables.  There is obviously something important in this parable.  Nevertheless, Jesus went on to explain the parable.  He said:


The farmer is like someone who plants God’s teaching in people.  Sometimes the teaching falls on the path.  That is like some people who hear the teaching of God.  As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the teaching that was planted in them.


Other people are like the seed planted on rocky ground.  They hear the teaching, and they quickly and gladly accept it.  But they don’t allow it to go deep into their lives.  They keep it only a short time. As soon as trouble or persecution comes because of the teaching they accepted, they give up.


Others are like the seed planted among the thorny weeds.  They hear the teaching, but their lives become full of other things: the worries of this life, the love of money, and everything else they want.  This keeps the teaching from growing, and it does not produce a crop in their lives


And others are like the seed planted on the good ground.  They hear the teaching and accept it.  Then they grow and produce a good crop—sometimes 30 times more, sometimes 60 times more, and sometimes 100 times more.”  (Mark 4:13-20 ERV)


We will take a deep-dive into this parable in the days to come.  For this morning I will highlight just a few quick thoughts.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


  1.  The sower went forth to sow and he released seed on four types of soil.  There were four different results.  Not because the sower was different.  Not because the seed was different.  But because the soil was different.  Different people receive things differently from God and they produce based on how they receive.


  1.  You must remain focused when God is speaking.  If you don’t, you can miss what He is saying.  That’s why you can be in the same place, at the same time as someone else who received a tremendous breakthrough from God, through a Word spoken.  You were there, but your heart was not in position to receive.  So those around you were blessed and you missed out altogether.


  1.  God is always speaking, but we are not always listening.  If your heart is not open to hear what God is saying, you are going to miss out on critical information and revelation; and it could have been just what you needed to get you out of the situation you are in.


  1.  When God is speaking through someone there is a voice behind the voice, there is a Word behind the word, and you must be focused and prayerful in order to hear it.


  1.  God likens you to soil.  He sends people your way to sow seed in your heart.  The seed is His Word.  He expects His Word to produce results in your life.  But you will fail to produce results if you don’t properly receive the seed (or the Word) when it comes.


  1.  You must live your life with discipline and focus in order to consistently hear from God and then make the most of what you heard.


Closing Confession:  Father, this is a season of refined focus for me.  I bring my life into focus in 2016.  For me to maximize my purpose and potential, for me to make the most of the life You have given me, it is absolutely critical that I hear from You daily.  I do not live by bread only.  I live by every Word that proceeds from out of Your mouth.  You are speaking and I am listening.  I read what You said, so I can hear what You are saying.  I have ears to hear.  I have eyes to see.  I receive insight, wisdom, revelation and understanding from You daily.  I live my life with focus.  As I do, You provide clarity.  I am good ground and my life produces a harvest on every seed You sow into it.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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