The Condition of Your Heart

by Rick

This morning we continue our series entitled, “Refined Focus”.  We have been studying the parable of the sower for months.  Today I want to go back to the parable with a message entitled, “The Condition of Your Heart.”


Jesus said:


The farmer is like someone who plants God’s teaching in people.  Sometimes the teaching falls on the path.  That is like some people who hear the teaching of God.  As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the teaching that was planted in them.


Other people are like the seed planted on rocky ground.  They hear the teaching, and they quickly and gladly accept it.  But they don’t allow it to go deep into their lives.  They keep it only a short time.  As soon as trouble or persecution comes because of the teaching they accepted, they give up.


Others are like the seed planted among the thorny weeds.  They hear the teaching, but their lives become full of other things: the worries of this life, the love of money, and everything else they want.  This keeps the teaching from growing, and it does not produce a crop in their lives.


And others are like the seed planted on the good ground.  They hear the teaching and accept it.  Then they grow and produce a good crop—sometimes 30 times more, sometimes 60 times more, and sometimes 100 times more.”  (Mark 4:13-20 ERV)


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  The condition of your heart impacts the yield it produces.

a)  Jesus likened your heart to soil and His Word to seed.  God’s Word is sown into the soil of your heart.  The better the condition of your heart, to more God’s Word will produce in your life.

b)  The more you die to self and grow in God, the more God’s Word produces in your life.  It’s not because the Word changes, but rather because you change.


2.  Protect what gets down into your heart.

a)  The same seed went into the good soil and the non-productive soil (wayside, rocky and thorny).  The condition of the soil impacted the harvest the seed was able to produce.  Likewise, the condition of your heart will either be conducive to the Word of God working, or it will stifle the Word from working in your life.

b)  If you want to ensure your heart is ready to receive and produce a Godly harvest, you must protect what gets down in it.  Your eyes and ears are gates into your soul (heart).  You cannot allow garbage to flow unfiltered through your eye and ear gates, and then expect the condition of your heart to be conducive to a Godly harvest.  Garbage-in, garbage-out.  Godliness-in, Godliness-out.  The more you put the Word of God through your eyes and ears, the better positioned you will be to experience God’s best.


3.  The Word is only limited by the condition of your heart.

a)  The power of the Word of God is ultimately unleashed when it is sown into a heart that is clear of all distractors and yielded to the Father.

b)  Repent as often as you are convicted of the Holy Spirit.  By doing so you will ensure you are good ground daily.

c)  Your focus matters.  The attention you give to the Word of God can either unleash or hinder its power.


Closing Confession:  Father, this is a season of refined focus for me.  I bring my life into focus in 2016.  By faith I declare that I am good ground and my heart is conditioned for Godliness.  I am free of all distractors.  I am free of all ungodly desires.  I repent daily.  I protect what goes through my eye and ear gates.  My heart is conditioned to receive, believe and unleash the power of Your Word.  Your Word works for me, because my heart is a breeding ground for supernatural belief, miracles and power.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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