You Can Do It… By God’s Grace!

by Rick

This morning we continue our series entitled, “Refined Focus”, with an emphasis on “Focusing on God’s Finished Work”.  Yesterday I introduced you to the following verse.  The Bible says, “God has made us what we are.  In Christ Jesus, God made us new people so that we would spend our lives doing the good things he had already planned for us to do” (Eph 2:10 ERV).  Today we go back to this verse to learn more about God, His grace, His finished work, and how it applies to our lives.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.

1.  Grace is not a license for laziness, but rather an indictment against it.

a)  The grace of God empowers you to do what you could not do without God.

b)  The grace of God is God’s super on your natural, empowering you to operate in the supernatural.

c)  The addition of God’s grace into any human equation requires the subtraction of every limit and human impossibility.

d)  The fact that God has called you and empowered you by grace does not mean you do nothing.  It actually means you do more than you ever imagined.

e)  God sent you to this planet for a specific assignment and He has, along with the assignment, freely given you His grace to perform it.

f)  God calls you to do things you cannot do without Him.  So He freely gives you His grace to get them done.

g)  Without God you cannot.  Without you God will not.  While God can do whatever He wants (because He is Go), He chooses to operate in the earth through humans.  That’s why you are here!

h)  When you finally embrace the reality that you are called, appointed, anointed and empowered by God’s grace, you will know that there is nothing you can’t do.  Because there is nothing God can’t do and He is the one who is willing to work through you.


2.  God was strategic when He sent you to the planet.

a)  We already looked at the lives of Abraham, David, Joseph, Gideon, Peter and Paul.  Everyone of them had a specific assignment for a specific season.  Like them, you were born when you were born, and where you were born, because of WHY you were born.

b)  God wants you to spend your life doing the “Good Works” He already planned for you to do.  He strategically sent you to the planet for such a time as this.

c)  You have an assignment no one else has.  You have no excuses, because God’s grace is upon you to do what He called you to do.  This is your season.  This is your time.  Lift up your head.  Become the man/woman God called you to be.  There are people counting on you to walk in your divine purpose!


Closing Confession:  Father, this is a season of refined focus for me.  I bring my life into focus in 2016.  I clear my heart and my mind from every limitation.  You called me by Your unearned grace.  You then empowered me by grace to do what You called me to do.  You are ON me, IN me, WITH me and FOR me.  There is nothing I cannot do, because You are the one who is committed to work through me!  This is my season.  This is my time.  You sent me to this planet for such a time as this.  I walk in my purpose.  I am empowered and emboldened by Your grace.  I will accomplish what You sent me to the earth accomplish and I will do it before I die!  Not because I am so good, but because You are!  Not by my power, but only by Your grace!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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