Jesus AND Peter Walking on Water (Part 3)

by Rick

Read Matthew 14:-20-33


This morning we continue our series entitled, “The Year of Supernatural Manifestation”, with our mini-series on “The Miracles of Jesus”.  For the past couple of days we have been looking at the story of Jesus AND Peter walking on water.  Let’s go back to it today.


After catching up with His disciples in the middle of the water, in the middle of the night, Jesus’ disciples first through Jesus was a ghost.  Jesus said, “Don’t worry!  It’s me!  Don’t be afraid.”  Peter replied, “Lord, if that is really you, tell me to come to you on the water.”  Jesus responded with just one word, “Come!”  Jesus was inviting Peter into the supernatural.  With that, Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on water towards Jesus.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  Hearing from God is critical to living by faith.

a)  Peter knew better than to get out of the boat without hearing from God first.  Faith is not about doing whatever you want.  Faith is an expression of your confidence in what God has said or what you believe He is saying to you today.

b)  God gave you His Spirit so He can communicate with you Spirit-to-spirit.  Jesus only said what He heard the Father say, and He only did what He saw (in the Spirit) the Father do.  The Father then gave you His Spirit (the same Spirit that was IN Jesus), so you can live the same way.

c)  Once you know you have heard from God, you can launch out in-faith.  Until that happens, whatever you are doing is NOT faith.  If Peter had gotten out of the boat without hearing from Jesus first, it would not have been faith.  Unfortunately, believers all over the world ‘get out of their boats’ daily, launching out into new projects and calling it “faith”, when they have not heard from God.

d)  Jesus taught us that we are not supposed to live our lives by natural bread only.  We are supposed to live our lives by every Word God speaks to us (Mat 4:4).

e)  Reading the Bible (what God said) conditions your mind to think like God, and it prepares you to be able to discern God’s voice.  So, when you read the Bible (what God said), you should do so with an expectation to hear what He is saying to you today.

f)  The purpose of studying what God SAID is so that you can hear what He is SAYING!


2.  Hearing from God is only half the equation.  You must then have the faith to attempt what you hear.

a)  It takes ‘investigative faith’ to ask for permission to attempt the impossible.  But once the permission is granted, it takes ‘fearless faith’ to actually attempt it.  Said another way, it took one level of faith for Peter say, “Lord, if that is really you, tell me to come to you on the water.”  It took another level of faith for Peter to actually get out of the boat and step out onto the water.  You may have had the faith to ask God for it, but when God grants you the permission, do you have the faith to GO GET IT?

b)  When you have the audacity to ask God for something that exceeds your ability, you are exhibiting faith in your LIPS.  However, having faith in your LIPS and having faith in your LEGS are not the same thing.  After you have said, after you have prayed it, after you have asked for it, and after you have declared it [once permission is granted], you still have to GO DO IT!  What you had in your LIPS must then be transferred to your LEGS!

c)  Are you walking on the WORDs God has spoken to you for this year?  Hearing what God said is great, but attempting to DO it, is something else altogether.  Faith is an action Word.  Don’t hesitate any longer.  Get out of your boat and WALK on the WORD God spoke to you.

d)  Most Christians know more and have heard more than they are actually doing.  Make a decision today that you are NOT going to just be a HEARER or and ASKER.  Determine that you shall be a DOER of what God says!


I will stop here for today.  We will continue this story tomorrow.


Closing Confession:   Father, this is a year of Great Victory for me.  I am Your child, I hear Your voice, and the voice of a stranger I will not follow.  You speak to me daily.  I read what You said with the goal of hearing what You are saying to me every day.  When You give me a Word, I know Your Word is accompanied by Your grace.  You will never give me a Word to do something that You have not already given me the grace to perform.  So I embrace Your Word.  I expand my capacity to believe You.  I have the audacity to ask for permission to perform the supernatural.  And once the permission is granted, I launch out in faith.  I get out of my boat.  I walk on Your Word!  By doing so I get to accomplish Your will in the earth.  I live by every Word that proceeds from out of Your mouth.  And I WALK ON everything You say!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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