Lazarus (Part 5) – God Wants You To Believe in His Power!

by Rick

Read John 11:1-16


This morning we continue our series entitled, “The Year of Supernatural Manifestation”, with our mini-series on “The Miracles of Jesus.”  We have been studying the story of Lazarus for a while now and I trust you have been enjoying it.  There is so much to this story that I will continue to take my time as we walk our way through it.  Let’s continue this morning.


Yesterday we saw how Jesus plainly told His disciples that Lazarus was dead.  The fact that Jesus allowed the situation to get to the point where Lazarus died led to many questions.  The family was left wondering why Jesus had not shown up.  The disciples were left wondering why Jesus decided to stand-pat for two more days and to basically ALLOW Lazarus to die.  And then they had to reconcile Jesus’ statement to them, when He said, “For your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe.”  Did they not believe already?  I am sure they THOUGHT they believed God.  But what Jesus was alluding to what the fact that this situation would stretch them and cause them to believe on another level.


Back in 2006 I taught a series entitled “Expanding Your Capacity to Believe God.”  I taught on this topic the entire year.  In the series I taught how our belief system is the foundation for our faith.  If we don’t believe something, we will never come to God in-faith for it.  But our experiences with God enable us to expand our capacity to believe Him to that point where we can release our faith for things we previously thought impossible and unreachable.  The more we walk with God, and the more we experience Him and His power, the more we are able to expand our capacity to believe in a God who can do ALL things.  


Jesus was not glad that Lazarus was dead.  He loved Lazarus and his family.  There is no way Jesus wanted to cause Mary and Martha unnecessary pain.  But He was glad that the situation was so grave, so bad, so impossible, and so hopeless, that God would get the glory and all those involved would expand their capacity to believe.  Jesus had performed many miracles, but this one would shake the kingdom of darkness and bring glory to the Kingdom of God on a greater level.


I like the way the God’s Word Translation translated verse 15.  It says, “But I’m glad that I wasn’t there so that you can grow in faith.”  Jesus once said, “As far as possibilities go, everything is possible for the person who believes” (Mark 9:23).  Don’t just pass over those words.  Read them again.  Remember, this was Jesus speaking and He literally said that there are no impossibilities for person who believes.  None!  Not one. Jesus’ point was that we are only limited by our capacity to believe God.  If we can believe God can do it, and we build up our confidence to the point where we can ask God for it (which is a release of our faith), then we are no longer the stumbling block.  Once we get to that point and once our faith switch is in the “ON” position, God is free to do whatever He wants to do by His unearned grace.  Prior to that point, our fear, doubt or unbelief may have been hindering God from moving.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


  1.  There are no impossibilities in God.  There is literally NOTHING God can’t do.  


  1.  You limit God’s ability to operate in your life when you fail to believe in Him and His limitless power.


  1.  Reading the Bible is great, but in order to grow your faith to a limitless level, you will have to experience the God of the Bible.


  1.  It is your experiences with God that prove the reality of His power.  The problem with this is that to truly experience God in a supernatural way, you will often need to be placed in impossible and uncomfortable situations.  You will never know God as a healer if you are never sick.  You will never know God as a supernatural provider, if you never launch out past your resources.  You will never know the soothing touch of God’s peace if you are never shaken, rattled or disturbed.  In short, you may be introduced to God in a book (the Bible), but you will only get acquainted with Him through your experiences.


  1.  True experiences with the God of No Limits, stretch you to the point where the supernatural becomes natural to you.


  1.  When you truly believe God, you are no longer the issue and God is free to manifest His best in your life!


  1.  Jesus was glad that Lazarus’ situation got so bad.  Not because He wanted to see Lazarus, Mary and Martha suffer, but because people needed to see the impossible become possible before their very eyes.  Jesus had already raised two people from the dead, but it would be nothing like this.  When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, after he had been dead for 4 days, after his body was already stinking, and after rigor mortis was setting in, and it caused people to believe God in a way no one ever had.  This is what happens when the supernatural is manifested in the earth.  And this is why miracles, signs and wonders are so important.  It causes people to believe God in ways they never have and it causes them to release every artificial limit they have ever placed on our limitless God!


  1.  Jesus believed and He wanted so badly for His disciples to believe.  I am convinced that He wants us to believe as well.  If we can believe, we position ourselves to receive.


Closing Confession:  Father, this is a year of Great Victory for me.  I believe YOU!  I know, I trust, I believe, and I am convinced there are no impossibilities for You.  I take my limits off of You.  You are a limitless God and I no longer limit You with weak faith, fear, doubt, or unbelief.  No matter what it looks like, I believe You can, and I have faith that You will, manifest Your power and Your glory in my life!  I am a believer and not a doubter.  I walk by faith and not by fear.  My heart is open to believe.  My spirit is open to receive.  I am no longer the issue.  Father, You are free to do whatever You want to do in my life!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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1 comment

Pearl April 13, 2017 - 1:02 pm

Pastor I thank you for the word,it’s a struggle, I know God is able to do anything I ask of him,but I now realize I need to stop depending on my abilities, take the limits of and just trust God,Amen


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