When Your Time Comes

by Rick

This morning I continue our series entitled, “Standing on a Word from God.”  We spent 28 messages on Abraham.  Today we will switch over to look at the life of David and the promise God gave him.  So this is Part 29 of the series and Part 1 of the life of David.


I like to start the story of David with his selection by the prophet of God.  But before I get into that portion of the story, which happens in 1 Samuel chapter 16, I will mention the context.  You should know what happened in chapter 15.


In 1 Samuel 15 the Lord, through the prophet Samuel, told king Saul to attack and utterly destroy Amelek for attacking Israel when they came out of Egypt.  Saul was to kill everyone and destroy all possessions, to include all animals.  Saul, however, chose to spare Agag, the Amelekite king and he also spared the best of the animals.  Saul decided that he wanted to make a sacrifice to the Lord with these animals.  God sent Samuel again to Saul, but this time to inform him that he no longer had God’s favor.  The prophet told the king that he was no longer “little in his own eyes” and he had somehow arrived at the point where he thought he could disobey, or dismiss, God’s commands.  Samuel said, “Obedience is better than Sacrifice.”  When Samuel left the king he never went back to see him until the day of his death.  This truly grieved the prophet, because he truly loved Saul.


In the next chapter the Lord told the prophet Samuel to visit Jesse’ house, because He had selected one of Jesse’ boys to be Saul’s replacement; the next king of Israel.  Jesse hailed from the tribe of Judah.  He was a great-grandson of Boaz and Ruth.  He lived in Bethlehem. Samuel knew that if king Saul found out he was going to Bethlehem to anoint his replacement, the king would have him killed.  So Samuel took an animal for sacrifice, to make his trip look like a routine act of worship. When the prophet arrived in Bethlehem he told the town elders that he was there for a sacrifice.  Samuel then proceeded to Jesse’s house and he asked Jesse to join in, with his sons, in the purification rite normally performed before a proper sacrifice.  The Bible says that “Jesse and his sons joined in the purification ritual.”  I highlight this because I will bring it back up later.  


Once everyone was ceremonially clean, Samuel was ready to make his selection.  However, before he left for his trip the Lord clearly said to him, “You are to anoint for me the one I indicate.”  You would think that a prophet would not need to be reminded of this, but there was a reason the Lord said it.  As Samuel stood there, looking at Jesse and his boys, Samuel could not help but be impressed with Jesse’s eldest son, Eliab.  Samuel thought to himself, Surely the Lord’s anointed stands here before the Lord.”  Samuel was impressed with how good Eliab looked, but the Lord said, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at.  People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”  After Eliab was rejected by God, Jesse went to the next son Abinadab, and the next, and the next, until he had gone through all seven sons standing before him.  At this point Samuel was confused. He asked Jesse, “Are these all the sons you have?”  Jesse had to admit that he had another son, the youngest, David, but he was out tending sheep.  Samuel said, “Send for him; we will not sit down until he arrives.”  


We will stop here for today.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


1.  God gives commands, not suggestions.  When the Lord gives you clear instructions, don’t come up with something you think is a better idea.


2.  Remain “little in your own eyes.”  When king Saul disobeyed God, the prophet told him that he would have never done it when he was “little in his own eyes.”  Always remain humble before God.  The quickest way UP in God is keeping yourself DOWN, in humility.  And the quickest way DOWN in God, is raising yourself UP in pride.


3.  If you remain humble, God will EXALT YOU!  But if you exalt yourself, God will HUMBLE YOU!  I have experienced both. Take it from me: allowing God to exalt you is much better!


4.  No one can take THE BLESSING God has with YOUR NAME ON IT!

a)  David’s father did not even think enough about him to have him in the lineup when it was time to bless one of his sons.  Not one of his brothers spoke up either. But it did not matter! What God has for you, is for you! No one can take your blessing!

b)  Even when people don’t think enough about you to even put your name in the running, God has a way of picking you anyway.  And when God does it, you will wind up getting promoted right in front of them!

c)  God has plans for you that you know nothing about.  David was minding his own business, out with his father’s sheep, when the Lord told the prophet to go to Bethlehem to anoint David as the next king of Israel.  We serve a God who reveal His purpose in stages. And with every revelation, your life will change forever.

d)  When your time comes no one can stop you!  When least expect it, the Lord can give you a PROMISE that will propel you into your destiny!


Closing Confession:  

Father, this is a season of expectation for me.  Like David, I know You have destined me for Your purpose.  I am not a mistake. I am here for a reason. I was born for a specific assignment.  While I am waiting on You to reveal Yourself, I will be faithful over what I am charged to do.  I will do what I am expected to do, in excellence, every day, even when it seems like no one is watching.  I know You are watching and I know You will open the door of favor in Your timing. What You have for me, is for me!  My blessing has MY NAME ON IT! It cannot be given to anyone else. So I will wait patiently, expectantly, and faithfully.  When I least expect it, my breakthrough will come and my life will be changed forever. Understanding this I can work, and whistle while I work!  Because when my time comes, NO ONE CAN STOP ME! I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!


This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!


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