Maintain The Proper Attitude

by Rick

This morning I continue our series entitled, “Standing on a Word from God.”  This is Part 50 of the series and Part 22 of the life of David.  


Today I am not going to focus in on any specific part of David’s story to this point.  What I want to do is talk about his attitude. As a believer, while you are waiting on God to do what He said He would do in your life, you are going to have to maintain the proper attitude.  If you don’t, it is easy to get frustrated, disillusioned, and if you are not careful, even depressed.


David was the youngest of eight sons.  He spent most of his time in the fields, tending his father’s sheep.  God would speak to him while he was out there, all alone. God used him to kill a lion and a bear with his bare hands.  No person got to see it when he did it. He received no notoriety. But God saw it. God saw his faithfulness. God sent his prophet to anoint David to be the next king of Israel.  David’s brothers had to stand there as the prophet attempted to give them the blessing that was reserved for David, only to watch as God said, “NO” to each of them. They then had to watch as David was called in from the fields and anointed right in front of them.  David was already not that liked, but this built up even more resentment towards him.


When the prophet left, nothing supernatural happened, so everyone went back to their normal lives.  David was anointed to be kind, but he had to go right back out to the fields. Later he was summoned by the king to be his personal musician.  After that he was promoted to be the king’s armor bearer. All of this was great, but it was not what God promised. In his heart David knew that he was called to be Saul’s replacement, but he had to keep the right attitude until that day would come.  David did not know it, but that day would not come for 13 years.


When the Philistine army approached Israel that nation went into wartime mode.  David was sent home and his two older brothers, who were in the army, were sent to battle.  For 40 days the armies faced each other, but nobody did anything, because the Israelites were afraid of Goliath.  Jesse asked David to take food to his brothers on the frontlines. While David was running the errand he heard Goliath.  Everyone else saw Goliath as a problem. David saw Goliath as an opportunity for God to be glorified. When David inquired about the giant his brother got upset and told him to go home.  They saw David was a problem, but Saul saw David as the answer. This happened because David never got upset about the fact that he was not king yet. He knew he was called, but he was content with whatever process he had to go through to become the man he was called to be.  He maintained the proper attitude.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


1.  If you keep the proper attitude you can make the most of every stage you are required to endure before you arrive at where you are called to be.

a)  David was anointed to be king, but he did not allow the fact that he was not king YET to keep him from making the most of every level and stage he was required to endure on the road to his destiny.

b)  When God calls you to do something big, it is easy to get so caught up in waiting for the BIG THING that is ahead of you that you fail to make the most of the situations right in front of you.  Don’t make that mistake.

c)  God is so big of a God and your assignment is so big of an assignment, that God has to process you for your purpose.  He calls you to something big, but that does not mean that you are ready for it the day He calls you. No. God reveals His purpose to you and He then allows you to be processed in order to carry the weight of the anointing associated with the assignment.  David was called to be king. But that day, in the Valley of Elah, his purpose was not to be a king, but a giant-killer. If David was so caught in being king that he failed to do what he was called to do that day, he may have derailed himself from his destiny.  You have to keep the BIG DREAM before your eyes, while handling whatever is before your face for the moment.


2.  If you keep the proper attitude God will make you the answer to the world’s problems.

a)  David’s brothers did not want him around when it was time for someone to fight Goliath.  Never allow someone else’s attitude to dictate yours. David ignored his brothers and he inquired about the giant anyway.  Guess what happened? While David’s brothers saw him as a problem, Saul saw David as the answer. David solved ‘the giant problem’ and it helped propel him into his destiny.  This would not have happened if David had not maintained the proper attitude.

b)  When you live life with the proper attitude, when others see problems you will see opportunities.  And if you can see it, you can have it. God will use you to be the answer to this world’s problems.  Let that be your testimony today!


Closing Confession:  

Father, this is a season of expectation for me.  I expect to be ALL You destined me to be. However, I know I will not arrive at Your overall expected end today.  So I keep the BIG PICTURE before my eyes and I keep what I have to do today before my face. I will never lose heart, give up, cave in or quit, as it relates to the BIG PROMISE.  But for today, I will make the most of what is in front of me. I keep the proper attitude, I seek to glorify Your name, and where others may see a problem, You MAKE ME the answer!  I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.


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