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Today we continue our series entitled, “Faith and Patience Volume IV — The Wonder Twins”. I am using Joseph as a good example of our need for patience. We are seeking to learn from the different phases of Joseph’s life. Each phase (paternal, pit, Potiphar, prison, and palace/Prime Minister) has significance to this series and to our lives. There are lessons to be learned in every season.
(James 1:2-4 TPT)
2 My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can!
3 For you know that when your faith is tested it stirs up power within you to endure all things.
4 And then as your endurance grows even stronger it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.
(Ecc 3:1 ERV)
There is a right time for everything, and everything on earth will happen at the right time.
(Gen 41:41-46 ERV)
41 Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I now make you governor over all of Egypt.”
42 Then Pharaoh gave his special ring to Joseph. The royal seal was on this ring. Pharaoh also gave Joseph a fine linen robe and put a gold chain around his neck.
43 Then he told Joseph to ride in his second chariot. Pharaoh’s officials said, “Let him be the governor over the whole land of Egypt!”
44 Then Pharaoh said to him, “I am Pharaoh, the king over everyone in Egypt, but no one else in Egypt can lift a hand or move a foot unless you say he can.”
45 Then Pharaoh gave Joseph another name, Zaphenath Paneah. He also gave Joseph a wife named Asenath. She was the daughter of Potiphera, a priest in the city of On. So Joseph became the governor over the whole country of Egypt.
46 Joseph was 30 years old when he began serving the king of Egypt. He traveled throughout the country of Egypt.
So what does this mean for you today? A few things.
1. God will give you the look.
a) What this meant for Joseph. The clothes and the chain helped Joseph look the part. Joseph knew the importance of looking, externally, like what you feel like, internally. This is why he shaved and changed clothes before coming to the king. Joseph understood that a poor external appearance often stifles your ability to influence others because they immediately turn you off and/or tune you out. In other words, it is important for your video to match your audio.
If you look like a pauper, you might have a royal message, but no one will ever take the time to hear it. Appearance would no longer be an issue for Joseph. He had access to the finest tailors in the land. His ability to look the part would also help him solidify the reality of the position. If he had any doubts, they were all quenched whenever he put on that royal robe.
b) What this meant for the people. The clothes made Joseph more presentable and possibly more acceptable to the people.
c) What this means for you. Your external appearance is important. The image you portray to the world is something God can use for His glory. Why? Because while God does not focus on the outward appearance and He peers into the heart (see 1 Sam 16), people are not God. The people we are trying to reach are not spiritual, and in many cases, they are flat-out shallow. They want to see how you dress, where you live, and what you drive. These are the things they pay attention to. I believe this is one of the many reasons why God is not opposed to earthly success or prosperity. He uses the image of earthly success to draw people to His children, and once they are there, the Holy Spirit can help them gain access to true riches; riches that far exceed anything this world has to offer. All that said, 1) always look the part in physical appearance and comportment, 2) allow God to use the external image you portray to draw people to Him, and 3) once they are there, allow the Holy Spirit to use you to minister what is truly important… eternal life through Christ Jesus!
2. God will give you the license.
a) God will give you the authority to do what He has called you to do. Beyond just the look, Pharoah gave Joseph his signet ring. This was the official signet used to sign documents and to sanction business transactions. Possessing this ring meant that Joseph had a legal right to operate in the authority of the king. In one fell swoop he was given both the look and the license. He now had the natural authority to do what God had supernaturally equipped him to do.
b) We serve a God who can make your enemies your footstool (Psalm 110:1). The clothes made Joseph more presentable and possibly more acceptable to the people, but even if they found out about his past (prisoner and slave), it would not matter because he had the ring. The signet ring meant that they had to submit to Joseph and his authority, whether they liked him or not. Even Potiphar, the man that used to be Joseph’s master, was now his servant.
c) God wants us to both look the part and to yield His authority. The Bible says that God has made us royal priesthood and a holy nation (1st Peter 2:9). You should look like who you are! Take pride in your appearance and know that you are spiritual royalty.
— Allow your external appearance to match your internal condition.
— Don’t hinder your influence by looking like a pauper when God has made you a king.
— God has given you the legal right to operate in the authority of the King of Kings. You may not possess a ring, but God has given you His Holy Spirit and the authority to operate in the name of Jesus. God gave you both power and authority.
3. God has already given you the LASTING POWER!
Joseph was 30 yrs. old when this happened. This is significant because he was only 17 yrs. old back in chapter 37 when he received his dream. Although it has taken me a just a few weeks of messages to get us from chapter 37 to chapter 41, it is easy to overlook the fact that these give chapters cover a span of 13 years. It would be at least another seven years before Joseph’s brothers would sit under Joseph and the dream would finally come to pass. This means that the space between the promise and the performance, in this case, was more than 20 years.
This reminds me of one of the laws John Maxwell teaches in his book, “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.” The law I am reminded of is the third; “The Law of Process.” The law of process states that leadership develops daily, but not in a day. This law shows that what matters most is what you do over the long haul. Success in life requires a lifetime of perseverance and dedication. If you want to see how someone becomes a champion you should look at their daily routine. What you consistently do is what you eventually become.
Joseph was just a dreamer at 17, but by the time Pharaoh appointed him as the Prime Minister of Egypt, 13 years later, he had developed his relationship with God, he knew how to hear from God, he had a strong work ethic, and he knew God would provide the blessing if he provided the work. This is evident because he started working as soon as he left Pharaoh’s presence. That is a sign of maturity.
— There is often a space between the promise of God and the performance of the same promise. In that space God requires you to remain diligent, to develop perseverance, to operate in integrity, and to work hard. You are being developed daily, but you will not be developed in a day!
— You have lasting power. It’s not that God is going to give you lasting power. He already did. You already have it. You have the grace to become the man/woman you are called to be. Walk in this grace. You are built to last!
That is enough for today.
Declaration of Faith:
Father, You have provided me great and precious promises. I have faith to believe and receive every promise from You. I will remain in faith until they all become my reality. I declare that I will add work to my faith. I remain consistent, diligent, and faithful in the space between the promise and the performance. I know I am being developed daily and I know my development will not be complete in one day. Over time I become the person You birthed me to be. And when that time comes, You will give me the look and the license! I know I will get there because I have lasting power. I am built to last! GREATER IS COMING FOR ME! I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is Today’s Word. Apply it and prosper!