The Revelation of Kings and Priests

by Rick

Today, we continue our series entitled “Laser Focus,” emphasizing living with a Laser Focus on the Fixed Purpose God established for us before the world began.

(Proverbs 4:25 TPT)

Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.

Scriptures for today:

(James 1:2-4 TPT)

2 My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties, see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! 

3 For you know that when your faith is tested, it stirs up power within you to endure all things. 

4 And then as your endurance grows even stronger it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.

(Ecc 3:1 ERV)

There is a right time for everything, and everything on earth will happen at the right time.

Setting the stage. This summary will cover Genesis 42:24-34.

When we left off in the story, Joseph was keeping Simeon and sent the other nine brothers back home with sacks of grain.  As an act of grace, Joseph chose not to take their money and he put it in one of the sacks of grain.  Joseph also ordered his men to give the Hebrews food for the road.  Joseph was being kind to men who had not been kind to him.

The brothers loaded up and set off.  They stopped for the night, and during their pause, they took the time to look in the bags.  Then they realized their money was in one of the bags.  The brothers were both confused and afraid.  They asked each other, “What’s God doing to us?”  They did not know that God was showing them favor through Joseph.  Joseph had the power to do what he did because of his position.  When they got back to Canaan, they told their father, Jacob, what happened. They said, “The man, who is the lord of the land, spoke roughly to us, and took us for spies of the country” (v.30).  I feel led to focus on the fact that Joseph was referred to as “the lord of the land.”  In the 33rd verse, he is called “the lord of the country.”

As believers, we usually reserve the title “Lord” for God Himself.  However, it was a common word in Biblical times. The Hebrew word translated lord in verses 30 and 33 is not the same word used for God.  It is a word (Hebrew ‘adon) that means: “one who possesses absolute control.”  This word is used for a master or ruler.  Along those lines, Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines a lord as: “A master; a person possessing supreme power and authority; a ruler; a governor.”  The point I am making is that Joseph was in a position of high authority; he was a lord, and it was the will of God.  

Many Christians today believe our rule and reign will come in heaven, in the sweet by-and-by.  But they don’t see themselves prospering or operating in authority while on the earth.  It is almost as if their hope is deferred, and their expectation is on time delay because they never see themselves getting ahead down here (on the earth). That, my friends, is NOT the will of God.

That said, I will take a different direction with today’s message.

So, what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1. Understanding Our Dual Role: Kings and Priests.

If you look at the 12 tribes that comprised the nation of Israel, they were divided into one tribe of priests and 11 tribes of kings. The priests were the ones who spent time in the presence of the Lord, engaged in all the religious practices, washed and anointed themselves, and went before God. They were the ones who entered the sanctuary and offered up prayers for the people. The High Priest was the only person authorized to enter the Holy of Holies, where the Holy Spirit resided above the Ark of the Covenant.  These priests brought the petitions of the 11 tribes to the Lord. In turn, they listened to what the Lord was saying for the people and communicated back what was revealed by God.

The 11 tribes were then equipped with revelation from heaven and went out to conduct their activities in the world.  They conducted business, raised livestock, secured silver and gold, and did battle, but they did so with the advantage of knowing that someone on their team had heard from God. This divine insight gave them an edge, allowing them to experience victory.  They would then return with the spoils and give a portion of what they brought back to support the priests, who did not work in the traditional sense but focused on hearing from God. This support ensured that the priests could maintain their relationship with God, thereby keeping the advantage for the tribes in their worldly affairs.

Understanding these roles—one focused on spending time with God and the other on operating in the world with divine insight—helps to comprehend the dual anointing in the New Testament, where believers are called to fulfill both roles.

In the last book of the Bible, in John’s opening chapter, he wrote, “May kindness and peace be yours from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness. Jesus was the first to conquer death, and He is the ruler of all earthly kings. Christ loves us, and by his blood he set us free from our sins.  He lets us rule as kings and serve God his Father as priests. To him be glory and power forever and ever! Amen” (Rev 1:5,6). In this text, we see God telling us through John that He is the ruler of all earthly kings.  He further explains that He lets us rule as kings and priests on the earth. The King James Version says, “Jesus has made us kings and priests unto God.”  This is not a reference to heaven but rather an assignment in the earth.

Kings and Priests: this dual role is vital in fulfilling God’s purpose for us in His Kingdom.

— Kings on Earth: We are meant to rule, dominate, govern, and win in our earthly initiatives. Joseph is a prime example, referred to as “the lord of the land” and “the lord of the country” because of his high position and authority. He was in a position of power and used it to bless others and carry out God’s plans.

— Priests to Hear from Heaven: As priests, we should hear from heaven, gaining divine insight that gives us an advantage in our earthly roles. This spiritual insight allows us to make decisions that align with God’s will and purposes. The priests in Israel sought God for direction and then shared His guidance with the kings, providing them with divine strategies for success.

How this applies to you:

— Recognize that you have both spiritual and natural authority in this world.

— Embrace your role as a leader within your sphere of influence, knowing God has empowered you to succeed.

— Seek God’s guidance in all you do, allowing His wisdom to lead your actions.

— Understand that your success on earth reflects God’s glory and advances His Kingdom. God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants (Psalm 35:27).

— Balance your responsibilities as both a king (doing business in this world) and a priest (hearing from heaven daily), ensuring your decisions are bathed in prayer and aligned with divine wisdom.

— God wants you to hear His voice; as you hear the Holy Spirit clearly, He will lead you to WIN in this world!

2. Leveraging Divine Insight for Earthly Success.

God’s revelation provides us with a distinct advantage in life and business.  When we operate with divine insight, we can confidently navigate challenges and seize opportunities.

— Divine Insight as an Advantage: Joseph’s wisdom and understanding came from his connection with God, which positioned him to make impactful decisions. This insight allowed him to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams and implement a strategy that saved nations.

— Revelation Leads to Victory: We gain an edge over those who do not seek divine guidance by listening to God and applying His principles. David said, “By considering your commands I have an edge over my enemies, for I take seriously everything you say” (Psalm 119:98 TPT).

— Consulting God for Success: Just as leaders hire consultants for business insights, we can rely on God’s Word as our ultimate source of wisdom and guidance. His consultation is free (it will just cost you time in His presence) and readily available through His Word and prayer.

How this applies to you:

— Regularly seek God’s wisdom through prayer and the study of His Word.

— Trust that God’s guidance will lead you to make the best decisions in all areas of your life.

— Understand that divine insight gives you a competitive advantage in your endeavors. You are hearing from heaven while many are not.

— Use God’s revelation to overcome challenges and experience the success He wants you to experience so you can advance His Kingdom.

— View your relationship with God as your most valuable asset in achieving your goals.

3. Balancing Authority and Compassion.

Operating as kings and priests requires us to balance our authority with compassion. This balance is crucial in reflecting God’s character and achieving His purposes.

— Authority with Compassion: Joseph had the power to retaliate against his brothers, but he chose to act with forgiveness and compassion. His restraint showed his maturity and trust in God’s plan. 

— Creating a Supportive Culture: In our business, Isabella and I strive to create a culture where people know they are loved, appreciated, and supported. While it is clear that we are the ones running the business, our team understands that we do so with compassion and care. As a result, they are free to thrive.

— Godly Leadership: When you are in charge, and you are a Godly leader, you don’t lead the way the world leads. You lead with Godly character, and people notice. Your leadership style becomes a testament to your faith and values.

— Integrity in Leadership: As a Godly leader who hears from heaven, you will experience success, but you won’t have to cut corners or compromise your integrity as others might. Your success is built on a foundation of divine guidance and moral uprightness.

How this applies to you:

— Exercise your authority with a heart of compassion, reflecting God’s love in your actions.

— Make a conscious decision to forgive those who wrong you, knowing it opens the door for God’s healing and blessings.

— Foster a culture of love, appreciation, and support in your sphere of influence, allowing those under your leadership to thrive.

— Lead with Godly character, setting a standard that others will notice and respect.

— Maintain your integrity and trust in God’s guidance, knowing that Godly success does not require compromising your values.

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I embrace my dual role as a king and priest on earth.

You have called me to rule, dominate, govern, and win in my earthly endeavors by Your grace and for Your glory!

You give me divine insight and revelation to guide my decisions and actions.

This spiritual insight gives me an advantage and sets me up for success.

I operate with both authority and compassion, reflecting Your character, Father.

I walk in Your love, compassion, and forgiveness, becoming a conduit of Your love in this world.

I balance my natural and spiritual assignments, making a divine impact and advancing Your Kingdom.

My earthly prosperity opens doors for evangelism, and I share the revelation of Your Son, Jesus the Christ, with others.

Living this way, I know GREATER IS COMING FOR ME!

I declare this by faith, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

This is Today’s Word. Apply it and prosper!

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