Living Boldly Under God’s Blessing

by Rick

Today, we continue our series entitled “Laser Focus,” emphasizing living with a Laser Focus on the Fixed Purpose God established for us before the world began.

(Proverbs 4:25 TPT)

Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.

Scriptures for today:

(James 1:2-4 TPT)

2 My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties, see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! 

3 For you know that when your faith is tested, it stirs up power within you to endure all things. 

4 And then as your endurance grows even stronger it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.

(Ecc 3:1 ERV)

There is a right time for everything, and everything on earth will happen at the right time

(Genesis 47:5-7 TPT)

Then Joseph brought his father Jacob before Pharaoh. After Jacob blessed Pharaoh, Pharaoh asked him, “How old are you?”

Jacob replied, “My earthly journey has been one hundred and thirty years. My years have been few and difficult, and they do not equal the years of my ancestors.”

Then Jacob blessed Pharaoh again and left his presence.

Setting the Stage

After introducing his brothers to the king, Joseph thought it right to bring in his father.  In yesterday’s message, we saw how Joseph introduced five of his brothers to his boss, the king, the Pharaoh. In today’s message, Joseph gets an opportunity to introduce his father. Now, I want to highlight the difference in the mentality of Joseph’s brothers when they were introduced to the king compared to the mentality that his father had. The brothers came in lowly, humble, and very respectful of the King and his throne. They were basically bowing down before the King and pleading with him to allow them to stay in Goshen. 

However, when Jacob walked in to see the king, he didn’t come in begging, pleading, or bowing.  Instead of begging, he came in blessing. Jacob walked in and had a short conversation with the king. But notice that he did the same thing twice. He blessed the king when he walked in and after a brief conversation, he pronounced the blessing over the king when he walked out. 

This series is about remaining focused on your purpose, knowing who you are, and not being distracted by anything, including circumstances and situations.

Let’s think about Jacob for a minute.  His grandfather was Abraham, and one thing he was raised to know was that God’s blessing was on Abraham, his grandfather.  That blessing was passed down to his father Isaac, and the blessing of Abraham that was on Isaac was passed down to Jacob.  Now, we know that he pretty much conned his father into pronouncing the blessing over him, but nonetheless, the blessing of Abraham was on Jacob. 

So, fast-forward years later, Jacob is living in Canaan. He has plenty of money, and his family is suddenly strong. They all of a sudden start to experience a famine. The famine is impacting everyone, but they’re good because they have plenty of reserves. But two years into the famine, the reserves are running out, so he sends his boys to Egypt to buy food. When the boys got an audience with the King of Egypt, they went in begging. When Jacob got an audience with the King of Egypt, he went in blessing. 

In Jacob’s mind, it did not matter that he was enduring a famine. It did not matter that the King of Egypt was the one with the food and the power in Egypt.  What was more important to him was that despite the famine, the blessing was still on him.  This morning, I want you to be reminded of the fact that negative circumstances, situations, challenges, and obstacles will never negate the fact that the blessing is on you. Not only is God’s blessing on you, but you should exercise confidence in that blessing every day. Let’s get into it.

So, what does this mean for you today?  A few things.

1. The Blessing Gives You Unshakable Confidence.

When you truly understand your identity in Christ and the blessing on your life, it fundamentally changes how you approach life. This identity gives you a confidence that is unshakable because it is not based on external circumstances but on the eternal truth of who you are in Him. Jacob’s boldness before Pharaoh stemmed from his deep awareness of God’s blessing on his life.  He knew he carried a divine authority that transcended earthly power. Similarly, when you know who you are in Christ and the blessing on your life, you can face any situation with a confident assurance that God’s favor is upon you.  This confidence is not arrogance; it is a humble acknowledgment of God’s grace and power working through you.

How this applies to you:

— Embrace your divine identity and walk with unshakable confidence.

— Let your knowledge of who you are in Christ give you boldness in every situation.

— Stand firm in your faith, knowing that your identity in Christ empowers you.

2. A Personal Testimony About Knowing the Blessing.

I understand Jacob’s actions well. I served in the U.S. Army for 25 years. I had the opportunity to stand before the highest-ranking leaders in the Army. I had to present to them several times. While I was on the Army Staff, I witnessed otherwise poised men crumble under the pressure of standing before senior General Officers or politically appointed officials. I have seen men literally and figuratively bow before these leaders because of the position they hold. Now, please don’t get me wrong. I respect authority, and I appreciate the fact that these individuals have worked hard to obtain their positions of power. My point here is that no matter whom I am dealing with – General or private, rich or poor, CEO or janitor – I know who I am. My identity is solidified in God. I know that I, like Jacob, walk in the blessing. I know the hand of God is on my life. I know I am BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING everywhere I go. Therefore, I don’t cower in any situation. I don’t shrink in the presence of others. Why? Because I know who I am.  

Jacob had this mentality. He walked into the room like he owned it.  He spoke to the king like he was the one with the blessing, and he was!  Although he was coming to Egypt to receive a blessing, he also knew that God’s blessing was on him.  He understood what the Lord said to his grandfather Abraham when God said, “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you!” This is why Jacob walked into the room like, “You think you are here to bless me. But I am a walking conduit of God’s blessing. I will bless you for blessing me!” That’s the kind of attitude we live with when we know who we are!

How this applies to you:

— Recognize that your identity in Christ transcends all earthly titles and positions.

— Draw confidence from your divine identity, no matter whom you face.

— Live with the assurance that God’s blessing on your life makes you a blessing to others.

3. The Blessing Transforms Your Life.

When you truly grasp who you are in Christ and the blessing on your life, it transforms every aspect of your life. The Bible is filled with powerful declarations about our identity in Him:

— You are a king’s kid!

— You are a royal priesthood.

— You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

— You are the righteousness of God in Christ.

— You are the head and not the tail.

— You are above only and never beneath.

— You are the lender and not the borrower.

— You are the winner and not the loser.

— You are the victor and never the victim.

— You are God’s child. Act like it.  

The blessing of Abraham (natural blessing) and the blessing of Jesus (spiritual blessing) are on you! God will bless those who bless you and deal with those who curse you. Act like the man/woman you are in Christ!

How this applies to you:

— Internalize what the Bible says about your identity and live accordingly.

— Let your identity in Christ shape your actions, thoughts, and attitudes.

— Trust that knowing who you are in Christ will transform your life.

4. Jesus Wants You to Identify with Him.

As Jesus is, so are you, in this world (1 John 4:17). Picture Jesus in heaven, seated at the right hand of the Father, full of glory.  Now, think of yourself. As Jesus is, right now, in heaven, so are you in this world.  Enter into this day with that mindset.  This means living with the same authority, victory, and righteousness that Jesus embodies.  Jesus is not struggling with sin, sickness, or lack in heaven, and neither should you be on earth. Your identity in Christ gives you access to His victory and His resources. Approach each day with the confidence that you are as Jesus is in this world.

How this applies to you:

— See yourself as Jesus is: victorious, righteous, and full of glory.

— Approach each day with the mindset that you are, as Jesus is, in this world.

— Live your life reflecting the nature and character of Jesus.

5. God Wants You to Establish Your Identity in Him.

Knowing your identity in God is the foundation for a life of confidence, purpose, and power. When you are rooted in your divine identity, you are not swayed by the opinions or judgments of others. You understand that your worth and purpose are defined by God, not by the world.  This gives you a steadfast assurance that regardless of external circumstances, you are secure in who you are because of who God is.  

Establishing your identity in God allows you to walk in the fullness of His blessing, enabling you to be a blessing to others.  Even when things are not going well for you, remind yourself that God’s blessing is still on you. This unshakable confidence transforms your life, empowering you to fulfill your God-given purpose and achieve uncommon success.

How this applies to you:

— Make it a daily practice to remind yourself of who you are in Christ.  This will fortify your confidence and align your actions with God’s purpose for your life.

— Live with the confidence that comes from being rooted in your divine identity. Allow your knowledge of your identity in God to influence your decisions, interactions, and mindset.  This will help you to navigate life’s challenges with assurance and grace.

— Trust that God’s favor is upon you and that His blessing equips you for success. Step into each day expecting God to work through you to bless others, even during difficult times.

6. When You Know The Blessing is on You, You Know God Empowers You to BLESS Others in His Name.

Understanding that you carry God’s blessing means recognizing that you are a conduit of His grace, love, and provision to the world around you.  Just as Jacob blessed Pharaoh, you are empowered to bless others because of the blessing on your life. This divine empowerment is not just for your benefit but is meant to flow through you to impact others positively.  

In Matthew 10, when Jesus sent His disciples out to minister, He instructed them, “When you enter a home, greet the family. If the family is worthy, give your blessing of peace” (Matthew 10:12-13).  Jesus went on to say, “If they do not receive you, then pick up your peace.”  In other words, you don’t have to release the blessing over people who don’t want to receive what is on your life!

This shows that as carriers of God’s blessing, we are called to release that blessing wherever we go. Your awareness of your divine identity and the blessing on your life positions you to be an agent of God’s kingdom, spreading His goodness wherever you go.  This knowledge should inspire you to live purposefully, knowing that you are equipped and called to release God’s blessing in every interaction and situationEven when you face challenges, remember that God’s blessing is still on you, and it empowers you to bless others.

How this applies to you:

— Recognize that your ability to bless others is rooted in your understanding of who you are in Christ. This understanding empowers you to act with authority and compassion.

— Recognize that you are a conduit of God’s blessing, empowered to impact others. See yourself as a vessel through which God’s blessings flow. This perspective will transform how you interact with others and approach opportunities to serve.

— Embrace your divine purpose by walking in the blessing and releasing it to others. Just as the disciples were instructed to bless the homes they entered, commit to living out your divine purpose by actively seeking ways to bless others.  Trust that as you do so, God’s blessings will continue to flow into and through your life, even in the midst of difficulties.

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I embrace my divine identity in Christ and walk with unshakable confidence.

I stand firm in the knowledge that Your blessing is upon my life.

I boldly approach every situation, knowing who I am in You.

I draw my confidence from Your Word and live boldly in every circumstance.

I trust in the divine blessing You have placed on my life, knowing it empowers me to bless others.

I internalize my identity as Your child, living as a royal priesthood.

I see myself as Jesus is: victorious, righteous, and full of glory.

I establish my identity in You, confident in the success Your blessing brings.

I remind myself daily that even in difficult times, Your blessing is still on me.

I declare that GREATER IS COMING FOR ME because I am blessed TO BE a blessing! 

I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!

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