Don’t Let Fear Be A Factor For You

by Rick

Today, we continue our series entitled “Laser Focus,” emphasizing living with a Laser Focus on the Fixed Purpose God established for us before the world began.

(Proverbs 4:25 TPT)

Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.

Scriptures for today:

(James 1:2-4 TPT)

2 My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties, see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! 

3 For you know that when your faith is tested, it stirs up power within you to endure all things. 

4 And then as your endurance grows even stronger it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.

(Ecc 3:1 ERV)

There is a right time for everything, and everything on earth will happen at the right time

Setting the Stage. (Based on 1 Samuel 17:1-11)

As we enter chapter 17, David’s story shifts its focus to Saul.  The spirit of the Lord was no longer on Saul, and he no longer had the grace for national leadership.  Saul was basically fired by God, and he did not even know it

During this time, when God’s favor had left Saul, the Philistines mustered their army for battle against Israel.  The Philistine army camped between Socoh in Judah and Azekah at Ephes-dammim.  Saul countered by gathering his Israelite army near the valley of Elah.  So the Philistines and Israelites faced each other on opposite hills, with the valley between them, just like a scene from a movie.

Once the scene was set, a Philistine champion from Gath named Goliath, came out of the Philistine ranks to face the forces of Israel.  This man was a beast.  Goliath was over 9ft. tall, wore armor weighing 125 pounds, and carried a javelin with a 15lb. spearhead.    His shield was so big that another man (his armor bearer) had to walk with him to carry it. 

Goliath stood in the valley and taunted the Israelites, saying, “Why are you all coming out to fight?  I am the Philistine champion, but you are only the servants of Saul.  Choose one man to come down here and fight me!  If he kills me, then we will be your slaves.  But if I kill him, you will be our slaves!  I defy the armies of Israel today!  Send me a man who will fight me!”  When Saul and the Israelites heard this, instead of having confidence in the God who had seen them through countless battles, the Bible says, “They were terrified and deeply shaken.”

There was a time when Saul operated in faith, but this is clearly a case when he was operating in fear.  I have lots of teachings on fear on my website, and we, as believers, should resist fear at all costs.  Interestingly enough, some time ago, I taught a message entitled “Overcoming the Fear Factor” from this passage and shared it in Jail.  

Fear is an incapacitating force that can stop the strongest person in their tracks.  Fear is an opposite form of faith.  Faith expresses confidence in God and His promises.  Fear expresses confidence in the enemy and his promises.  That being the setting, let’s get into the message.

So, what does this mean to you today?    A few things:

1. Satan wants you to Play by His Rules.

The devil is always trying to set you up. He wants you to play by his rules, but remember, you’re not under his jurisdiction. You’re under God’s grace and His canopy of protection. However, if you do like Saul did, you can fall for the enemy’s trap of fear and intimidation.  

How this applies to you:

— One of the main ways to overcome fear is by meditating and medicating on who you are in Christ Jesus.

— Recognize that you’re seated with Christ in heavenly places with Jesus, at the right hand of the Father (Ephesians 2:6).

— Embrace and stand firm in your God-given authority over the enemy (Luke 10:19). Jesus said, “I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you!

— Declare God’s Word over your situation, not the enemy’s lies.

— Walk by faith, not by sight. In other words, don’t let what you see dictate your actions. What God says to you (on the inside) must be more real to you than what you see (on the outside).

— Remember, greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world (1 John 4:4).

2. Fear or Faith: It’s One or the Other.

I have taught you this in the past, but it is worth repeating.  You can’t be in fear and in faith at the same time. It’s like trying to walk east and west simultaneously – it just doesn’t work! When the Israelite soldiers got caught up in fear, their faith flew out the window. They were incapacitated by fear as Goliath taunted them twice a day.  But you, my friend, are called to live FROM victory, not FOR victory!

How this applies to you:

— Choose faith over fear every single time – it’s a decision!

— Feed your faith and starve your doubts through the Word of God.

— Declare, “I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus” – fear can’t stick to righteousness!

— Rest in God’s perfect love that casts out all fear (1 John 4:18).

— Remind yourself daily: “God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).

3. We’ve Got a Real Enemy, But a Greater God!

The devil is real, and he’s really mad that you’re saved! But here’s the good news: his weapons might be formed, but they won’t prosper against you (Isaiah 54:17). Fear is his go-to weapon, but you’ve got something better: faith in a faithful God!

How this applies to you:

— Acknowledge the battle, but focus on the victory Christ has already won. You are not striving FOR the victory. You are resting in the victory Jesus already provided.

— Put on the full armor of God daily so you can be dressed for success! (Ephesians 6:11).

— Use your God-given authority to rebuke fear and embrace faith.

— Remember, the battle is the Lord’s, and you’re on the winning side! Either you believe the Bible or you don’t. If you do, you will rest in what God has promised. If you don’t, you will fear what the world and the enemy is saying.

— Declare, “Fear has no power over me. I am in God’s hands. I have nothing to fear.”

4. Don’t Let the Enemy’s Smoke and Mirrors Fool You.

The devil is a master illusionist. He’ll try to make your Goliath look 10 feet tall!  But remember, your God is bigger than any giant. Don’t let the enemy’s special effects department scare you into inaction. You’ve got the real power: the power of the Holy Spirit!

How this applies to you:

— Focus on God’s Word, not the world’s noise.

— See yourself as God sees you – more than a conqueror! (Romans 8:37)

— Meditate on scriptures that reveal your true identity in Christ. Once you know who you are, you will not be shaken!

— Speak to your mountain with faith; don’t let your mountain speak fear to you.

— Remind yourself: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13)

5. Our God is Bigger, Better, and Badder Than Any Enemy!

Our God doesn’t break a sweat over your battles. He’s not pacing heaven’s floor wondering how to solve your problems. What seems massive to you is easy-work for Him.  Not only that, but God has already mapped out the victory.  So, when God shows up, your giant does not stand a chance.

How this applies to you:

— Start thanking God for the victory before you see it. Give God pre-performance praise! (note: even heathen can give God post-performance praise).

— Approach every challenge with a “God’s got this” attitude.

— Expect God’s supernatural intervention in your natural circumstances.

— Declare daily: “If God be for me, He is more than the entire world against!” (Romans 8:31).

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I stand firm in Your grace, refusing to play by the enemy’s rules.    

Your authority flows through me, and I walk in dominion over every scheme of the devil.

I choose faith over fear, resting in Your perfect love that casts out all fear.    

My mind is filled with Your Word, leaving no room for fear, doubt, or unbelief.

I acknowledge the reality of spiritual warfare, but I rejoice that You have already won the victory.    

My eyes are fixed on You, Lord, not on the intimidating images the enemy tries to project.    

I see myself as You see me – victorious and more than a conqueror in Christ.

You are bigger than any giant I face, Father.  I approach every challenge with confidence, knowing that You’ve already prepared my triumph.

My faith is anchored in Your unfailing love and unwavering faithfulness.

Thank You, Father, for making me more than a conqueror through Christ who loves me.  This is how I know: GREATER IS COMING FOR ME!

I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  AMEN!

This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!

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