Maximize Your Moment

by Rick

Today, we continue our series entitled “Laser Focus,” emphasizing living with a Laser Focus on the Fixed Purpose God established for us before the world began.

(Proverbs 4:25 TPT)

Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.

Scriptures for today:

(James 1:2-4 TPT)

2 My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties, see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! 

3 For you know that when your faith is tested, it stirs up power within you to endure all things. 

4 And then as your endurance grows even stronger it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.

(Ecc 3:1 ERV)

There is a right time for everything, and everything on earth will happen at the right time

(1 Sam 17:51 NIV)

David ran and stood over him. He took hold of the Philistine’s sword and drew it from the sheath. After he killed him, he cut off his head with the sword.

Setting the Stage.

In our last message, we got to the point in the story when David killed Goliath.  This legendary story is full of life application, but the story does not end with Goliath’s last breath.  The only reason David was fighting Goliath (in the first place) was because none of Saul’s men (not even one of the entire army) dared to face him.  The giant stood in front of the Israelite army for 40 long days and taunted Saul and his Soldiers twice a day.  Many of these Soldiers had been through extremely hard battles and gruesome hand-to-hand combat, but none of them took the challenge.  I don’t necessarily blame them.  Spiritual forces were working behind the scenes, which kept the soldiers from stepping forward.  And this went on long enough for David to get there.  You see, this was David’s time, his designated moment, and his coming-out party.  

David was the youngest of eight boys who had been somewhat dismissed at home, but after being validated by God in front of his father and brothers, the Lord took it a step further and validated him on a national stage.  With the entire national defense force watching, along with the Commander-in-Chief himself (King Saul), David was propelled into the national spotlight as he stepped into the next phase of his calling.  After the prophet anointed David in front of his brothers, he returned to work as a shepherd and continued his life as normal.  David knew something had happened, spiritually, but naturally, everything continued on the same until it was the proper time to step into the change in the spirit.  This was that time, and after David killed Goliath, his life would never be the same.  As soon as the rock left his sling and Goliath’s face hit the ground, David’s life was changed.  I will talk tomorrow about how this moment snapped the Israeli Soldiers out of their stupor and how David inspired them to win a great battle against the Philistines that day.    

So, what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1.  First, the spiritual, then the natural.  

The Lord already knows what is going to happen, because your present is heaven’s past.  To be clear, I am not saying that God is making everything happen. We are not puppets, and He is not a puppet master. I am just saying that God has foreknowledge of everything that will ever happen.  As a result, He can reveal to you a glimpse of your future, knowing that there will be a period of time before you experience it on the earth

When God reveals it to you, know that it won’t happen before it’s time. There is a timing component to the things of God. When the time is right, you will be able to walk into the realm of what has been destined for you, and you will have the grace to handle it then.  You may not have the grace now, so if the Lord gives it to you before your time, it can wreck your life.  But when the time comes, the grace will be present for you to maximize your moment.

How this applies to you:

— Recognize that God reveals things in the spirit before they manifest in the natural.

— God spends time working IN you before He works THROUGH you.

— When God reveals something to you, you should get excited. Anticipation is part of your faith. However, you must also learn to be patient and trust God’s timing.

— Understand that there may be a waiting period between revelation and manifestation.

— Use the waiting period to prepare yourself spiritually and mentally for what’s to come.

— Remember that when the time is right, you’ll have the grace to handle what God has revealed, and everything will happen fast. Things will unfold right before your very eyes, and it will be a Deja Vue moment for you. It’s not that you have experienced it before. It’s just that you have seen it before, in your heart, in the spirit, and God is not making it happen for you on the earth, in the natural.  This is all part of walking and living by faith!

2.  All your life, the Lord has been preparing you for this moment.  

Know that today, August 20, 2024, is not a mistake.  All your life, the Lord has been preparing you for today.  Whatever you face today, which may include something you have been facing for days or weeks, is something you are prepared and equipped to face.  In other words, you have the grace for it.  If you could not handle it, you would not be facing it.  The fact that you are facing it proves that the Lord trusts you with it.  So walk out into it confidently, knowing you have the grace to maximize this moment.

How this applies to you:

— Embrace today’s challenges, knowing God has equipped you to face them.

— When David stepped out into the Valley of Elah, although he was just a teenager, God had been preparing him all his life for that moment.

— Trust that you have the grace to handle whatever comes your way today. Good or not-so-good, you have the grace for it!

— View difficulties as opportunities to demonstrate the preparation God has given you.

— Approach each day with confidence, knowing God trusts you with what you’re facing.

— Recognize that your past experiences have prepared you for your present challenges. When you have this perspective, you will never get overwhelmed!

3. Your moment of destiny requires your participation and your faith.

Just as David had to step forward and face Goliath, your destiny requires your active participation and unwavering faith. God has prepared the way, but you must take the steps to walk in it, believing in His promises. Your faith, coupled with action, is the key to unlocking the destiny God has prepared for you.

How this applies to you:

— While God does all He does for you by grace, God requires you to tap into His grace with your faith. Faith is an action word.

— Recognize that God’s plan for you requires both your willing participation and your faith.  For God to operate, you must cooperate with Him!

— Step out in faith when God presents opportunities, even if they seem impossible.

— Understand that faith without action, or action without faith, can limit your breakthrough.

— Be prepared to leave your comfort zone, trusting God’s guidance as you step into your destiny.

— Remember that your obedience and belief activate (or tap into) God’s power in your life.

— Knowing that God has great plans for you is great, but when the moment comes, God will require you to have the faith that lays hold of what He has already provided.

4. When you make the most of “Your Moment,” your faith and action will inspire others.

When David defeated Goliath, it wasn’t just a personal victory – his faith and courageous action inspired the entire Israelite army to rise up and defeat the Philistines.  When you seize your God-given moments with faith and decisive action, you not only experience personal breakthroughs, but you also motivate those around you to believe for their own victories.

How this applies to you:

— Recognize that your faith-filled actions can serve as a powerful inspiration for others.

— When you claim to be a Christian, people are watching you. They want to “see” your faith in action.  

— Be aware that others are watching how you respond in faith to your challenges.

— When you maximize your moment(s), it will inspire them to do the same. In other words, maximizing your moment can catalyze corporate victory and breakthrough.

— Share your testimonies of faith and action to encourage those facing similar situations.

— Remember that your courage to step out in faith can embolden others to do the same.

— Humans are social beings. We are interconnected with each other. Therefore, your faith (or lack of faith) will impact those around you. You will rub off on them, and they will rub off on you. So make sure your life is testifying of God’s goodness!

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I thank You for revealing glimpses of my future in the spirit realm before they manifest in the natural.

I trust in Your perfect timing and patiently await the manifestation of Your promises in my life.

I embrace the waiting period as a time of preparation, knowing You are working in me before You work through me.

I declare that I am fully equipped and prepared for this moment, recognizing that You have been preparing me all my life for today.

I face today’s challenges with confidence, knowing I have the grace to handle whatever comes my way.

I step forward in faith, actively participating in the destiny You’ve prepared for me.

My faith is coupled with decisive action, unlocking the fullness of Your promises in my life.

I leave my comfort zone, trusting Your guidance as I step into new realms of breakthrough.

Living this way, I know GREATER IS COMING FOR ME!

I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name. AMEN!

This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!

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