You Have The Grace to Make a Difference

by Rick

Today, we continue our series entitled “Laser Focus,” emphasizing living with a Laser Focus on the Fixed Purpose God established for us before the world began.

(Proverbs 4:25 TPT)

Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.

Scriptures for today:

(James 1:2-4 TPT)

2 My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties, see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! 

3 For you know that when your faith is tested, it stirs up power within you to endure all things. 

4 And then as your endurance grows even stronger it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.

(Ecc 3:1 ERV)

There is a right time for everything, and everything on earth will happen at the right time

(1 Sam 17:52,53 ERV)

52 The soldiers of Israel and Judah shouted and started chasing the Philistines. The Israelites chased them all the way to the city limits of Gath and to the gates of Ekron. They killed many of the Philistines. Their bodies were scattered along the Shaaraim road all the way to Gath and Ekron. 

53 After chasing the Philistines, the Israelites came back to the Philistine camp and took many things from that camp.

Setting the Stage.

Yesterday, I talked about how this teenage boy was thrust into the national spotlight while running an errand for his father.  David was supposed to be taking lunch to his brothers and heading back home, but a routine errand turned into a life-changing event because God’s timing lined up with earthly opportunity.  Many times, when we want the two to line up when they are not, we are forced to exercise Godly patience.  However, David was not looking for the spotlight, notoriety, or a fight in this case.  All David was doing was what his father asked him to do, but something funny happened on the way to lunch.  David heard Goliath defy the only true God, and he was led by the Holy Spirit (who had recently enveloped him during his spiritual coronation) to fight the giant.

Let me reiterate that every Soldier in Saul’s army had the opportunity to fight Goliath, but none of them took it.  Partly because they were afraid, but more importantly, because this was David’s assignment.  Let me explain.  Many preachers criticize Moses for striking the rock twice and claim that had he not tempted God, he would have led the nation of Israel into the Promised Land.  However, I firmly believe that Joshua’s job of leading Israel into Canaan was Joshua’s and that the Lord would not allow Moses to fulfill Joshua’s assignment.  Moses had his own assignment and his own grace, and so did Joshua.

Further, many criticize Peter for not ministering to the Gentiles.  One can make the argument that Peter was prejudiced or a racist; however, ministering to the Gentiles was not Peter’s assignment; it was Paul’s.  Peter had the grace to minister to the Jews, and then Paul came along with the grace to minister to the Gentiles. 

So, getting back to this story, God would not allow any of the other Soldiers to step into David’s moment.  David might have thought he was there for an errand, but God had bigger plans.  Before the foundations of the world, the Lord knew what David would do that day, and the grace was on him to accomplish it.  Last point; when David stepped into his purpose and killed Goliath, the men of Israel and Judah broke out of their stupor, rushed after the Philistines, and won a great military victory that day.  

So, what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1.  What God has for you is for you.  

No one can take what God has destined for you.  Likewise, you can’t take what God has destined for others.  Understanding this, you can celebrate the diversity of giftings and callings without jealousy.  You don’t ever have to envy what God is doing through someone else because they have their own assignment, and you have yours.  Your job is to run your own race, and everything you need to maximize your purpose and potential is available to you.  But if you attempt to run someone else’s race, you will need things you don’t have, and you will wind up asking God for things He can’t give you because they are not yours to have.

How this applies to you:

— Embrace your unique calling and gifting without comparing yourself to others.

— Feel free to genuinely celebrate the success of others, knowing your destiny is secure in God.

— Focus on walking in your own giftings, developing your own talents, and fulfilling your own purpose.

— Trust that God has equipped you with everything you need for your specific assignment.

— Avoid coveting others’ blessings and instead seek God’s will for your life.

— When you envy what God is doing in the life of someone else, you are undervaluing what He is doing in your own and what He has called you to do.

— You will get to live your life with a great level of freedom and fulfillment the day you stop comparing yourself to others, and embrace the grace of being YOU!

— Say this: “What God has for me is for me!

2.  The Lord can change your life in a moment.  

Know this: there is nothing God can’t do, and He is not limited by time or any of the limits of this world. God can elevate you in an instant. He can cause you to bypass the norms of society.  But just remember, He will not elevate you before your time.  God will not bless you with certain things before the proper time because He knows that some things given prematurely can distract, derail, or even destroy you instead of blessing you.  So stand fast, trust God, live by faith, and know that every blessing ordained for you to have will be manifested in its proper time.

How this applies to you:

— God had been preparing David for his assignment all his life, and he did not even know it.

— When the time was right, God saw to it that David was thrust into the national spotlight, that he had an audience with the king, and that he killed a giant on a national stage. All of this happened in a moment, but it did not happen before the right time!  

— Remain patient and faithful, knowing God’s timing is perfect.

— Use seasons of waiting to prepare yourself for future blessings.

— Trust that God is working behind the scenes, even when you can’t see it.

— Stay ready for your moment of elevation, like David was ready for Goliath.

— Understand that delays are often God’s way of protecting and preparing you.

— The right thing, at the wrong time, becomes the wrong thing.

— The Lord can change your life in a moment, but it just has to be the right moment.

— When the time is right, God can bypass systems, requirements, norms, and expectations to move you to the front of the line. That’s called FAVOR, and it is part of #TheGraceLife.

3.  The grace of God on you can activate the grace on others.  

The anointing that is on your life is contagious.  What I mean by this is that God can use us to activate and release things in others.  The more God’s grace and power flow through us, the more it is stirred up in everyone we come in contact with.  So enter into this day knowing that you are an agent of change!

How this applies to you:

— Once David killed Goliath, it was like the entire Israeli army broke out of a trance. They woke up and attacked the Philistines. What was on David activated something IN them!

— Recognize the power of your influence on those around you.

— God has anointed you as an agent of supernatural change!

— Live in a way that inspires others to pursue their own calling.

— Be aware that your faith can spark courage and action in others.

— Embrace your role as a catalyst for positive change in your sphere of influence.

— When you walk in your God-given grace, it’s like you give others permission to do the same. I can’t tell you how many people come up to me (especially in Corporate America) to tell me that my boldness in living my faith inspires them to do the same.

— Your obedience to God’s call can inspire a chain reaction of faith in your family, workplace, and community.

— Remember, you are anointed to be a difference-maker in your generation.

— Your life is meant to be a testimony of God’s grace in action.

— Every day, you have opportunities to let God’s grace flow through you to touch others.

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I thank You for the grace You’ve given me to make a difference in this world.

I embrace my unique calling, knowing that what You have for me is for me alone.

I trust Your perfect timing, recognizing that You can change my life in a moment when the time is right.

I step forward as an agent of supernatural change, allowing Your anointing to flow through me and activate others.

I celebrate the success of others without envy, focusing on becoming who You’ve called me to be.

I stand ready for my ‘David moments,’ prepared to face giants and inspire others through Your grace.

I trust that Your grace has equipped me with everything I need to fulfill my divine purpose.

I embrace my role as a catalyst for positive change in my sphere of influence, stirring up faith in others.

I am expectant for every blessing You’ve ordained, knowing they will manifest at the perfect time.

I thank You for using me as a conduit of Your grace, expanding Your kingdom through my life and testimony.


I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name. AMEN!

This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!

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