Kingdom Connections: Purpose-Driven Friends

by Rick

Today, we continue our series entitled “Laser Focus,” emphasizing living with a Laser Focus on the Fixed Purpose God established for us before the world began.

(Proverbs 4:25 TPT)

Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.

Scriptures for today:

(James 1:2-4 TPT)

2 My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties, see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! 

3 For you know that when your faith is tested, it stirs up power within you to endure all things. 

4 And then as your endurance grows even stronger it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.

(Ecc 3:1 ERV)

There is a right time for everything, and everything on earth will happen at the right time

Setting the Stage.  (From 1 Samuel 18:1-3)

After David had finished talking with King Saul, he met Jonathan, the king’s son.  This was a supernatural connection. The Bible says “there was an immediate bond between them, for Jonathan loved David.” The Bible goes on to say Jonathan “loved him as he loved himself.”  This quickly became a covenant relationship when Jonathan made a solemn pact with David.  Jonathan sealed the pact by taking off his robe and giving it to David, together with his tunic, sword, bow, and belt.  Symbolically, this meant that Jonathan was giving David everything he had. Spiritually, the two men were entering into a covenant with one another. Jonathan’s father, King Saul, sanctioned the relationship and welcomed David into the palaceDavid would never again live in Bethlehem. On a day when David was running an errand for his father, a funny thing happened on the way to lunch; he killed a giant, and his life changed forever.

So, what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1. You cannot be a lone ranger and fulfill God’s purpose for your life.

You will never maximize your divine purpose and potential without the assistance of others. God’s fixed purpose for your life intertwines with the purposes of others in the Body of Christ. I run into people all the time who say things like, “I don’t need anyone,” but in actuality, they are making the statements out of pain because they have been hurt. No matter how badly you have been hurt, you need others, and others need you to fulfill God’s grand design.  Allow the love of God to wash your heart and welcome the relationships He has ordained for you to have as part of His fixed purpose.

How this applies to you:

— Understand that your divine purpose is connected to the purposes of others.

— Recognize that isolation can hinder the fulfillment of God’s fixed purpose for your life.

— Recognize your need for meaningful relationships in your spiritual journey.

— Be open to healing from past hurts that may be hindering new relationships.

— Embrace the interdependence of the Body of Christ. We were designed to “do life” together.

— Actively seek and nurture God-ordained relationships in your life.

— Allow yourself to be vulnerable and authentic in your connections with others because this type of vulnerability is required to build strong bonds.

2.  Covenant Relationships are critical in pursuing God’s purpose for your life.

The word “friend” is used very loosely today — especially when people have thousands of “friends” on Facebook — but God-given friends should be cherished as part of His divine plan.  I believe the Lord helped set up the relationship between Jonathan and David as part of their individual and collective purposes, and if you take the time to acknowledge it, you will find that He has done the same for you.  The Father sends people our way to help us stay laser-focused on our divine purpose, to be a blessing to them, and for them to be a blessing to us. Life’s purpose is better fulfilled when pursued with the company of great, covenant friends.

How this applies to you:

— Understand how your covenant relationships align with God’s fixed purpose for your life and the purpose of your friends. They are in your life for a reason and vice-versa.

— Recognize that some friendships are divinely orchestrated to help you stay focused on your purpose.

— Differentiate between casual acquaintances and true covenant friends.

— Recognize and appreciate the God-ordained friendships in your life.

— Invest time and energy in nurturing these special relationships.

— Be open to new covenant relationships that God may bring into your life.

— Strive to be the kind of friend that God intends you to be. Not only will you add value to the life of your friends, but you will be enriched in the process. Life is better when lived with friends.

3.  Friends help friends fulfill their divine purpose out of love.

Jonathan helped David, even at the expense of going against his father, because he loved him and recognized God’s purpose in David’s life.  And David helped Jonathan’s family, even after he was dead, because he loved him and honored God’s purpose in their covenant.  When you operate in God’s love, you are able to help your friends fulfill their divine purpose because you simply want to help; not because you’re looking for anything in return.

How this applies to you:

— Recognize how you can support your friends in fulfilling their God-given purpose.

— Be open to how your friends might be instrumental in helping you stay focused on your divine purpose.

— Cultivate a selfless attitude in your friendships, mirroring God’s heartbeat.

— Be willing to make sacrifices for your friends when needed.

— Help your friends without expecting anything in return.

— Extend your love and support even when it’s inconvenient or challenging.

— Honor your friendships long-term, even beyond immediate circumstances.????????????????

4.  God uses “Divine Appointments” to connect us to the right people.

God orchestrates divine appointments, bringing people into our lives at precisely the right moment to help fulfill our divine purpose. Just as He connected David with Jonathan at a crucial time, God does the same for us. These divinely timed relationships often become instrumental in shaping our journey and helping us stay focused on our God-given assignment.

How this applies to you:

— Recognize that seemingly chance encounters may be divinely orchestrated (this is why you must learn to discern the divine impulses of the Holy Spirit, so you can know when He is connecting you to someone).

— Be open and attentive to new relationships that God brings into your life.

— Understand that these divine connections often come at pivotal moments in your journey.

— Appreciate how these relationships can provide support, wisdom, or resources for your purpose.

— Be willing to step out of your comfort zone to embrace these God-ordained connections.

— Trust in God’s timing, even when relationships don’t make immediate sense.

— Be prepared to be a divine appointment for someone else, as God may use you in their journey.

In closing, remember this: God did not create you to be an island.  He designed you for connection, for covenant, and for purpose-driven relationships. As you pursue your divine assignment with laser focus, embrace the friendships God orchestrates in your life. These aren’t just casual acquaintances; they’re divinely appointed allies in your journey. Whether it’s a Jonathan to your David or you being a Jonathan to someone else, these relationships are crucial to fulfilling God’s grand design. So open your heart, heal from past hurts, and be ready for those divine appointments. Your destiny is too big for you to fulfill it alone. Together, with the friends God provides and the power of His love flowing through you, you will fulfill your purpose, you will help others fulfill theirs, and you will have fun along the way!  

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I embrace the divine connections You’ve ordained for my life’s purpose.

I reject isolation, knowing I need others to fulfill Your grand design for me.

I cherish the covenant friendships You’ve blessed me with as special gifts from You.

I commit to loving selflessly, helping my friends fulfill their purpose without expecting anything in return.

I remain open to sacrificial friendships, honoring these relationships even when the timing is not convenient.

I recognize and value the divine appointments You orchestrate in my life.

I trust Your perfect timing in bringing key people into my journey at crucial moments.

I’m ready to be a divine appointment for others, allowing You to use me in their journey.

Living in the fullness of Your designed relationships, I know GREATER IS COMING FOR ME!????????????????

I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

This is Today’s Word. Apply it and prosper!????????????????

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