4 Timeless Lessons from David

by Rick

Today, we continue our series entitled “Laser Focus,” emphasizing living with a Laser Focus on the Fixed Purpose God established for us before the world began.

(Proverbs 4:25 TPT)

Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.

Scriptures for today:

(James 1:2-4 TPT)

2 My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties, see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! 

3 For you know that when your faith is tested, it stirs up power within you to endure all things. 

4 And then as your endurance grows even stronger it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.

(Ecc 3:1 ERV)

There is a right time for everything, and everything on earth will happen at the right time

Setting the Stage.  (From 1 Samuel 18:6-12)

Today, instead of moving on to the next verse or verses, I want us to pause and consider what we have learned so far from the life of David in this series.  Most scholars believe David was 17 or 18 yrs. old when he killed Goliath.  I have an 18-year-old son, and as amazing as I believe my son is, when I think about David’s age while he was doing what he did and facing what he faced, it really puts some context around what God was doing in David’s life at such a young age.  

David was exposed to things as a teenager that would cause most men to give up, cave in, and quit.  When you consider the fact that David did this all without the support of his father or brothers, the story becomes even more impressive.  But David was not truly alone, for God was with him every step of the way.  

So, what does this mean to you today?  Let’s consider what David did and seek to learn from him.  

1. Resist Pride When You Receive Accolades.

When those women came out singing David’s praises, giving him more credit than King Saul himself, it would have been so easy for David to get ‘the big head.’ But David didn’t let it go to his head. He kept his cool and maintained a proper perspective of himself.  This is huge! Pride is a silent killer. It’ll sneak up on you, and before you know it, you’re thinking you’re more than you actually are. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.  Remember, every good thing you have, every victory you’ve won, it all comes from God.  So when the accolades start rolling in, don’t let them puff you up. Instead, let them push you to your knees in gratitude to the One who made it all possible.

How this applies to you:

— Remember that your abilities and successes are gifts from God.

— Cultivate gratitude for your achievements rather than pride.

— Recognize that true greatness lies in serving others and in advancing God’s Kingdom, not self-exaltation.

— Seek to glorify God through your accomplishments, not yourself.

— Regularly reflect on areas where you need growth to maintain humility.

— If you can maintain a humble heart in the face of accolades, there is no limit to what God will be able to do through you. However, if you allow accolades to foster pride in your heart, God will see to it that the accolades stop!

2. Push Through Troubles That Will Follow Triumphs.

David was riding high after taking down Goliath, but sure enough, trouble came knocking.  And we’re not talking about some minor inconvenience. We’re talking about the King of Israel, Saul, trying to pin David to the wall with a spear!  Talk about going from the mountaintop to the valley in a heartbeat.  But here’s where David, once again, shows maturity beyond his years.  He doesn’t crumble under the pressure. He doesn’t throw in the towel and say, “God, I thought you were on my side!” No, David stands firm. Why? Because he understood a fundamental truth: the same God who gave him victory over Goliath was with him in Saul’s palace.  

Listen, when trouble follows your triumph – and it will – don’t you dare think for a second that God has abandoned you. The devil would love nothing more than to get you to quit after a big win.  But remember this: if God is for you, He is more than the whole-wide world against you!  The God who empowered you for the triumph is the same God who will sustain you through the trouble. So don’t give up! Don’t cave in! And whatever you do, don’t you quit!  Because the only way you can lose (and the enemy can win) is if you quit!

How this applies to you:

— Don’t be surprised when challenges follow significant victories in your life.

— Trust that God’s grace is sufficient for both triumphs and trials.

— Draw strength from past victories when facing new obstacles.

— Use difficulties as opportunities to deepen your dependence on God.

— Remember that adversity often precedes advancement in God’s plan.  

— We serve a God who will see it that you reap a harvest on every seed sown. In other words, God can see to it that you receive DOUBLE for your TROUBLE!

— It drives satan crazy when he does all he can to get you distracted or to get you to derail yourself from the path to your destiny, but you don’t. He gets frustrated because he can’t MAKE you do anything. All he can do is create environments designed to “suggest” to you that the best thing you can do is stop or quit. And when you don’t take his “suggestions,” there is literally nothing he can do.  

— Satan will find people around you that he can manipulate (like he did with Saul against David), and he will use those people to do all sorts of things to you, but if you refuse to be moved by what people do, then there is nothing satan can do to you! Why? Because you have realized that you have the grace to push through it!

3. Respect God’s Timing.

David knew he was anointed to be the next king. He had that promise from God tucked away in his heart. So when he was in Saul’s court, dodging spears and dealing with other attacks, he could have easily thought, “You know what?  I’m done with this. I’m gonna take matters into my own hands. After all, I’m supposed to be king anyway!” But David didn’t do that. Let me tell you why this is so crucial.  David understood something that many of us struggle with: God’s timing is perfect.  Period. End of story. The right thing at the wrong time becomes the wrong thing.  

David could have forced the issue, but he chose to wait on God’s perfect timing. Let me tell you something, waiting on God is never wasted time.  It’s in the waiting that God often does His deepest work in us. So, if you’re in a season of waiting right now, don’t despise it. Embrace it.  Because there’s a harvest that’s due, and it’s coming at just the right time. Not a moment too soon, not a moment too late. God’s got you on a schedule that you can’t see, but He’s working it all out for your good.

How this applies to you:

— Resist the urge to rush ahead of God’s timing in your life.

— Resist every temptation to take matters into your own hands and attempt to “make it happen.” Abraham and Sarah did that, and they wound up making their Ishmael. The rift between the bloodline of Ishmael (Islam) and Isaac (Judaism and Christianity) started because Abraham and Sarah did not wait on God’s timing.  

— Cultivate patience as you wait for the fulfillment of God’s promises.

— Use seasons of waiting to prepare for future responsibilities.

— Trust that God is working, even when you can’t see Him working.

— Focus on faithfulness in your current position while awaiting promotion. You have to prove faithful over little before God will put you in charge of much.

— Know that God is moving pieces around the chessboard of your life (preparing you, preparing other people for you, putting the systems in place you will need when the time comes, moving on the hearts of others to get resources ready for you, etc.), so don’t get frustrated. If the assignment is big, the period of preparation will be long!

4. Maintain Consistency of Character.

Here’s where the rubber really meets the road. David faced extreme highs and extreme lows, often within a very short span of time. One minute, he’s the hero who saved the nation; the next, he’s running for his life.  These kinds of swings can reveal kinks in your character. Success can make you cocky, while constant attacks can make you bitter and resentful. But not David. Whether he was basking in the glow of victory or hiding in a cave, David remained true to who he was at his core. He didn’t let the good times inflate his ego, and he didn’t let the bad times crush his spirit. We can certainly learn from him!

How this applies to you:

— Don’t let praise puff you up or criticism tear you down. Stand firm in who God has called you to be.  

— Walk upright before God, whether you’re on the mountaintop or in the valley.  

— Strive to maintain your integrity regardless of your circumstances.

— Let your identity be rooted in God’s view of you, not others’ opinions.

— Practice self-awareness to guard against subtle character shifts.

— Seek accountability from trusted friends to help you stay grounded.

— Regularly revisit your core values and ensure your actions align with them.

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I choose humility in success, knowing all my abilities come from You.

In trials, I stand firm, confident that Your grace is sufficient for every challenge.

I trust Your perfect timing and refuse to rush ahead of Your plan for my life.

Your grace empowers me to maintain integrity in all circumstances.

I am anchored in Your love, unmoved by fleeting praise or undue criticism.

My character remains consistent, rooted in the identity You’ve given me.

Your purpose for my life will prevail, just as it did for David.

I am patient in trials, joyful in hope, and steadfast in faith, for GREATER IS COMING FOR ME!

I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

This is Today’s Word. Apply it and prosper!????????????????

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