From Frustration to Faith

by Rick

Today, we continue our series entitled “Laser Focus,” emphasizing living with a Laser Focus on the Fixed Purpose God established for us before the world began.

Scriptures we have been looking at all year:

(Proverbs 4:25 TPT)

Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.

(James 1:2-4 TPT)

2 My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties, see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! 

3 For you know that when your faith is tested, it stirs up power within you to endure all things. 

4 And then as your endurance grows even stronger it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.

(Ecc 3:1 ERV)

There is a right time for everything, and everything on earth will happen at the right time.

Focus for today:

Setting the Stage.  (From 1 Samuel 20:1-3)

Over the last couple of weeks, we walked through 1 Samuel chapter 19, and this week, we open up our series in chapter 20. After the bizarre encounter that left three waves of Soldiers prophesying and the king himself prophesying uncontrollably, completely naked, David decided to leave Prophets Village (Naioth in Ramah).  

David went to see his covenant brother, the king’s son, Prince Jonathan.  He asked Jonathan, “Why does your father Saul want to kill me?  What have I done wrong?”  Jonathan naively replied, “My father can’t be trying to kill you!  He never does anything without telling me about it.  Why would he hide this from me?  It can’t be true!”  After everything Saul had done to David, Jonathan’s statement makes him sound clueless.  However, it was because Saul was hiding what he was doing from Jonathan.  David responded, “Jonathan, I swear it’s true!  But your father knows how much you like me, and he didn’t want to break your heart.  That’s why he didn’t tell you.”  David knew the real deal, and he was not upset with Jonathan’s naïveté because he understood how deceptive Saul was being towards his own son.

David’s following statement is what jumped out at me.  David said, “I swear by the living LORD and by your own life that I’m only one step ahead of death.”  David knew the hand of God was on him, and I am sure he knew he was experiencing divine protection, but David was at the point of frustration.  He felt like he was continually cheating death, and it sounded like he was losing hope that he could continue to get out of Saul’s attacks.  The spear attacks, the countless and seemingly unnecessary missions to the front lines, the bizarre incident in Prophet village, and life on the run all got to David.  I will stop here for today.                    

So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1.  Don’t be surprised when you encounter conniving and deceptive people.  

I am not trying to turn you off from people because the Lord wants us to have lasting and fruitful relationships, but I do want you to keep your trust in God and not in man.  Even well-intentioned people will sometimes do you wrong, but some have no good intentions at all. They will do all they can to stop you, using conniving and deceptive practices to turn others against you.  Here’s my point: when others come up against you, don’t be surprised or dismayed.  Just pray for them and keep your trust in God. 

How this applies to you:

— Not everyone with you is for you, even those close to you.

— Some people will go out of their way to bring you down.

— God will give you the wisdom to deal with treacherous people. 

— Develop discernment through prayer and reliance on the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

— Maintain a heart of love and forgiveness, even towards those who may seek to harm you.

— Trust in God’s sovereign protection over your life and purpose.

— Use wisdom in your interactions, but don’t let the fear or sting of betrayal cause you to close your heart to genuine relationships.

— Some people hold on to the sting of betrayal so long that they no longer seek relationships with people who are designed to be part of their destiny.

— Remember that frustrating situations with difficult people can be stepping stones to deeper faith.

2.  Being honest with God about how you feel is okay.  

Even the best of us get tired and frustrated.  David was not Superman, and that is good news.  God did not use perfect people; He just put His perfection on the flawed.  David got upset, like we all do, and that reminds us that we can be real with God.  Don’t put on a phony face when you pray to God.  Remember, He knows your heart.  Just be honest with Him and let Him know when you are frustrated, disillusioned, or even depressed.  No matter how low you are, He can pick you up!     

How this applies to you:

— Be honest with God about your fears, doubts, and frustrations.

— Recognize that expressing negative emotions to God is an act of faith and trust.

— Your authenticity with God will actually deepen your relationship with Him.

— Use prayer as a safe space to process your emotions and receive God’s perspective.

— Your prayer closet can be seen as a space for spiritual therapy.

— Remember that God’s love for you is not contingent on your emotional state. He knows you will get upset from time to time.

— Even the best of us can have moments when our humanity gets the best of us.

— Understand that expressing frustration to God is often the first step towards renewed faith.

3.  The Father won’t allow you to face what you can’t handle.  

David was frustrated, but the Lord knew he could take it, and He would not allow Saul to take David past his breaking point.  Guess what?  He does the same for you.  The Father will not allow you to face something that will ultimately break you.  So, if you are facing it, then it is evident that God trusts you with it and you can handle it.  

How this applies to you:

— View your challenges as opportunities to demonstrate God’s power in your life.

— Trust that God has equipped you with the necessary grace to face every trial you encounter.

— Embrace difficulties as a chance to grow stronger in your faith and character. The more you rely on God and the more you embrace His grace, the more you will be able to overcome.

— Remember that God’s grace is sufficient for every challenge you face. You will never face something God has not prepared you for.

— Encourage others who are struggling by sharing how God has empowered you in difficult times.

4.  The Lord always makes a way.  

No matter what Saul did, God was there for David every time.  Not because David was in faith.  Not because David was standing on a Word from the Lord.  Not because David was connected with God in the spirit.  No, God stepped in time after time by grace and grace alone.  The Lord was protecting David for his purpose, and He will do the same for you!  He will make a way where there seems to be no way, even when you are frustrated and tired.

How this applies to you:

— Rest in the assurance that God’s protection over your life is constant and unwavering. He loves you with unconditional love.

— Look for evidence of God’s provision in your past to build faith for your present challenges. In other words, look back in order to look forward!

— Trust that God will make a way even when circumstances seem impossible.

— Cultivate an attitude of gratitude for God’s daily protection and provision.

— Face every challenge with the mindset that God will use it to take your faith to another level!

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I trust Your protection, knowing You’re always one step ahead.

I choose honesty in prayer, laying bare my frustrations and fears before You.

Your grace empowers me to face every challenge, no matter how big.

I declare that You always make a way, even in impossible circumstances.

Your wisdom guides me through treacherous relationships and difficult people.

My faith grows stronger as I recall Your past faithfulness in my life.

I embrace trials as growth opportunities, knowing they’re shaping me for Your purpose.

Your love is my refuge, bringing peace in every season of life.

I stand firm, assured that Your good plans for me will prevail against all opposition.

GREATER IS COMING FOR ME! I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word. Apply it and prosper!????????????????

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