The Power of a Praying Spouse

by Rick

Today, we continue our series entitled “Laser Focus,” emphasizing living with a Laser Focus on the Fixed Purpose God established for us before the world began.

Scriptures we have been looking at all year:

(Proverbs 4:25 TPT)

Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.

(James 1:2-4 TPT)

2 My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties, see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! 

3 For you know that when your faith is tested, it stirs up power within you to endure all things. 

4 And then as your endurance grows even stronger it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.

(Ecc 3:1 ERV)

There is a right time for everything, and everything on earth will happen at the right time.

Focus for today:

Setting the Stage.  (From 1 Samuel 25:14-46) 

Yesterday, we saw David’s anger was kindled because Nabal did not show him kindness.  Basically, David got offended, he stepped out of the will of God, and he was ready to kill Nabal and every man in his household.  But Nabal’s wife, Abigail, sensed what was going to happen and she sprang into action when her servants told her that David had been nothing but kind to them in the wilderness, even going to the extent of protecting Nabal’s flocks with his own armed guards.  Abigail wasted no time and quickly gathered 200 loaves of bread, two wineskins full of wine, five sheep that had been slaughtered, nearly a bushel of roasted grain, 100 clusters of raisins, and 200 fig cakes.  She sent the gifts with her servants and didn’t tell her husband what she was doing.

Abigail caught up to her men just before they encountered David, so she was there when they did.  When Abigail saw David, she quickly got off her donkey and bowed down before him.  Abigail took all the blame, acknowledged that her husband was a wicked and ill-tempered man, and asked for mercyShe then quickly moved from asking for mercy to operating in faith.  Abigail started speaking what she desired to happen as if it was already done.  She said, “Now, my lord, as surely as the LORD lives and you yourself live, since the LORD has kept you from murdering and taking vengeance into your own hands, let all your enemies and those who try to harm you be as cursed as Nabal is.”  Notice that Abigail did not wait to hear David’s decision before ‘leading the witness’ with her words.  She said that the Lord had kept David from taking vengeance in his own hands, before David said it.  She said it by faith.  Guess what?  It worked.

Abigail then offered David the gifts and pronounced a blessing over David, saying, “The LORD will surely reward you with a lasting dynasty, for you are fighting the LORD’s battles. And you have not done wrong throughout your entire life.  Even when you are chased by those who seek to kill you, your life is safe in the care of the LORD your God, secure in his treasure pouch!  But the lives of your enemies will disappear like stones shot from a sling!”  

Whether she knew it or not, Abigail was speaking prophetically.  God was using her to minister a Word to David.  David went on to say, “Praise the LORD, the God of Israel, who has sent you to meet me today!  Thank God for your good sense!  Bless you for keeping me from murder and from carrying out vengeance with my own hands.”  David was basically thanking her from keeping him from sinning against God and man.  

After showing his appreciation, David accepted her gifts and said to her, “Return home in peace.  I have heard what you said.  We will not kill your husband.”  When Abigail arrived home, Nabal was throwing a big party.  He was celebrating like a king, completely drunk and oblivious to what had just happened.  He had no idea that his wife had just saved his life.  

So, what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1.  Thank God for a praying spouse.  

While the Bible does not say that Abigail fell on her face before the Lord and prayed, I certainly believe she was led by God to discern the gravity of the situation. Once she did, she quickly sprang into action to save her husband.  Husbands and wives are graced to intercede for each other.  The Father will use you to be a blessing to your spouse, and vice-versa.  So never stop praying, interceding, and intervening for your spouse.  God has graced you to do it.  And when you are the recipient of your spouse’s intercession and intervention, praise God.  Never cease to give God praise for your spouse.

How this applies to you:

— Abigail’s quick action in the face of impending danger demonstrates the importance of prayer, discernment, and the courage to act once God tells you what to do. 

— Her intervention wasn’t just about saving her household. It was also about preventing David from committing a grievous sin that could have derailed his destiny.

— Cultivate spiritual discernment to recognize when God is calling you to intervene.

— Act swiftly and decisively when you sense the Holy Spirit’s prompting.

— Don’t be afraid to stand in the gap for others, even when it’s risky or uncomfortable.

— Recognize that your timely intervention could be saving someone from making a terrible mistake.

— Trust that God can use you as an instrument of peace and reconciliation in tense situations.

— I believe one of the major benefits of a child having both parents in the home raising him/her is that two are better than one (Ecc 4:9). Not only does this apply to parenting, but it applies to life. When you have a spouse, the two of you are supposed to do life together, and you are supposed to support one another like Abigail supported Nabal in this passage. She saved his life, but he did not even know it.  

— Thank God for your spouse!

2.  Every answer is not spiritual.  

I am not lessening the importance of spiritual things in any way, but I am making the point that the same God who speaks to us in spiritual ways often leads us to do natural things in order to bring about His will on earth.  Abigail did not hold a prayer service. She did not offer an animal sacrifice to God as a form of worship.  She got natural things together and brought them to David as a gift.  If she had not done so, her husband would have been killed.  Don’t think that our spiritual God will not lead you to do natural things.  You live in a natural world, so while our God is a Spirit and He speaks to your spirit, He will lead you to do natural, practical and pragmatic things, in the earth, in order to experience His best.

How this applies to you:

— God often leads us to take practical actions to fulfill His spiritual purposes.

— Balancing spiritual sensitivity with practical wisdom is key to walking in God’s will.

— Sometimes, the most spiritual thing you can do is to take action in the natural realm.

— God’s guidance may lead to mundane or practical solutions to spiritual problems.

— Being spiritually minded doesn’t mean neglecting practical steps and/or common sense.

— Please don’t overlook simple, tangible actions as potential answers to your prayers.

— Remember that living in God’s will involves both spiritual discernment and practical application.

3.  You don’t even know.  

Nabal had no clue his wife just saved his life.  He was fat, dumb, drunk, and happy, oblivious to what was going on.  And you know what?  You don’t know how many times God’s done the same for you.  When you get to heaven, you will be amazed at how many times God stepped in, sent someone your way, or did something that kept you from disaster.  And you had no idea it was even happening!  You were just going about your day, not knowing God was working behind the scenes.  That’s not luck, my friends. That’s not coincidence.  You know what that is?  That’s GRACE!  Pure and simple. God’s unearned, undeserved favor working in your life, whether you see it or not.  So next time you’re tempted to think God’s not doing anything in your life, remember Nabal. 

How this applies to you:

— God often works behind the scenes in ways we can’t see or understand. As the generations before us said, “We will understand it better, by and by.”

— Many of our blessings and protections come through unseen divine interventions.

— Appreciate that God’s grace is constantly at work, even when we’re unaware.

— Recognize that others may be used by God to help you without your knowledge.

— Cultivate gratitude for the unseen ways God preserves and protects you daily.

— Trust that God is always working for your good, even in seemingly ordinary circumstances.

— Understand that part of God’s grace is His hidden protection and provision.

4. Humility will open the door for God’s intervention.

Abigail’s approach to David was marked by extreme humility. She took responsibility for her husband’s actions, bowed before David, and spoke with respect and honor. This humility disarmed David’s anger and opened his heart to hear God’s voice through her words.

How this applies to you:

— Embrace humility as a powerful tool in conflict resolution.

— Practice self-effacement by downplaying your own importance and elevating others, as Abigail did before David.

— When you are self-effacing, it disarms people and helps them be more open to what you are saying.

— Be willing to take responsibility, even for things that aren’t directly your fault, to bring peace.

— Approach difficult situations with a spirit of honor and respect, regardless of how you’ve been treated.

— Recognize that humility can soften hearts and create openings for God to move.

— Allow God to use your humility as a channel for His grace and wisdom in tense situations.

5. Seeking God’s perspective will help you make wise decisions.

David’s response to Abigail’s intervention shows the importance of being open to God’s perspective. He recognized God’s hand in sending Abigail and quickly abandoned his vengeful plans.  This openness to divine guidance prevented him from making a grave mistake that could have jeopardized his future kingship.  Who knows?  David’s story could be have been completely different if Abigail had not done what she did.  Thankfully, David was open to his disarming approach, and he released the anger he had in his heart.

How this applies to you:

— Always be open to God’s correction, even when you feel justified in your actions.

— Seek God’s perspective in every situation, especially when emotions are running high.

— Be willing to change course quickly when you recognize God’s guidance.

— Be quick to realize when you are “in your feelings,” and then snap out of it so the Holy Spirit can lead you.

— Thank God for the ‘Abigails’ He sends into your life to keep you aligned with His will.

— Cultivate a heart that is sensitive to God’s voice, allowing Him to guide your decisions.

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I thank You for using others to intercede and intervene on my behalf.

I embrace both spiritual discernment and practical action in pursuing Your will.

Your grace protects and provides for me, even when I’m unaware.

I choose to walk in humility, knowing it opens doors for Your intervention and peace.

Your perspective guides my decisions, keeping me aligned with Your purpose.

I remain open to Your correction, even when I feel justified in my actions.

I am grateful for the ‘Abigails’ You send to redirect my path.

I stand ready to be Your instrument of peace and reconciliation in tense situations.

Whenever you help me to realize I am overly emotional and being led by my feelings and not Your Spirit, I am quick to repent and open my heart to Your leading.

I declare that as I walk in Your wisdom, GREATER IS COMING for me in every area of my life.

I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

This is Today’s Word.  Apply it, and prosper!

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