Why Your Faith NEEDS God’s Love

by Rick

Today we continue our series entitled “Living the Grace Life,” where we will learn to embrace and walk in God’s unmerited, unearned, and often undeserved favor throughout 2025.

Key scriptures for this year:

2 Corinthians? ?9?:?8? ?TPT??

“Yes, God is more than ready to overwhelm you with every form of grace, so that you will have more than enough of everything—every moment and in every way. He will make you overflow with abundance in every good thing you do.”


??Galatians? ?5?:?4? ?TPT??

“If you want to be made right with God by fulfilling the obligations of the law, you have cut off more than your flesh—you have cut yourselves off from Christ and have fallen away from the revelation of grace!”

Romans? ?6?:?14? ?ERV??

“Sin will not be your master, because you are not under law. You now live under God’s grace.”


1 Corinthians? ?15?:?10? ?NIV??

But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.

Additional scriptures for today:

Galatians 5:6 KJV

“For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.”

1 John 4:16 ERV

“So we know the love that God has for us, and we trust that love.”

Setting the stage:

Many believers struggle to maintain consistent faith in their daily walk with God. They attempt to stand on the promises of God, meditate on the Word, make their confessions (declaring God’s Word over their lives), and try their best to believe, but something seems to be missing. The Apostle Paul gives us the key in Galatians 5:6 when he tells us that “faith works by love.”  This is a profound revelation that many miss.  

We often try to operate in faith without first being grounded in the revelation of God’s love for us.  We attempt to use faith as a formula or technique, making it mechanical and ultimately ineffective. But faith was never meant to operate in isolation. For faith to work properly, it must be rooted in and fueled by God’s love.  This isn’t about your love for God; it’s about His love for youWhen you are fully convinced that God loves you – despite your flaws, failures, and imperfections (basically, by grace) – your faith will be strong and consistent.  As we continue our journey of living THE GRACE LIFE in 2025, understanding this connection between faith and love is paramount.

So, what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1. Faith Must Be Fueled By Love.

For your faith to be effective, it must be fueled by God’s love. Many believers attempt to live by faith without first being grounded in God’s love.  This leads to performance-based believing that will inevitably fail, because our performance will never be flawless.

How this applies to you:

— Faith without love becomes mechanical, meaning that you are going through the motions. You find a scripture, meditate on it, pray it, declare it, and attempt to stand on it, but you are not careful, you can do all of this out of your humanity.

— Faith is not about a formula.  When you attempt to live by faith in some sort of mechanical motion, since you are doing things based in your humanity, when you make a mistake, you feel like you have failed, and “now” you won’t receive what you were believing God for.  

— Going through the motions without hearing from God and being rooted and grounded in His love and grace is ineffective.  

— When you know God loves you, you can believe Him despite your performance.

— Your faith will be strong when you’re convinced of God’s love for you.

— Love gives you the confidence to keep believing even after making mistakes.

— Faith works by love, not by your performance or perfection.

— God’s love towards you is not based on your behavior.

— The more you are convinced that God loves you, the stronger your faith will be.

— As a business owner or leader in your field, when you face challenging decisions, knowing God loves you gives you the confidence to move forward without fear of failure. You can take calculated risks, knowing God’s love doesn’t change based on the outcome.

— When dealing with difficult employees, clients, or co-workers, remembering God’s love for you helps you respond with grace rather than react in the flesh, because you’re operating from a place of security rather than insecurity.

2. Moving Beyond Mental Agreement.

True faith goes beyond a mental acknowledgment of God’s promises.  It’s a heart conviction born out of intimacy with God and an understanding of His love.

How this applies to you:

— Mental agreement is not the same as heart-faith.

— Faith flows from your heart, not your head.

— The Holy Spirit pours out God’s love in your heart (Romans 5:5).

— Heart-faith produces results that head-faith cannot.

— Being convinced that God loves you transforms mental assent into genuine faith.

— When you know God loves you, faith becomes natural.

— Your faith will be unstoppable when it’s rooted in God’s love.

— During your morning routine, spend a few minutes meditating on God’s love before checking emails or starting your day.  This sets a foundation of faith rather than pressure. Once you are convinced God loves you, you can open your email because, at that point, no matter what you read, you will be ready to respond in faith, without a doubt, and without wavering. Why? Because faith works by love!

— When facing targets, deadlines, goals, etc., at work, let your heart-conviction of God’s love keep you peaceful rather than anxious. Make decisions from this place of peace rather than a place of pressure.  This is all part of living THE GRACE LIFE!

3. Love Overcomes Condemnation.

When you understand God’s love, your faith can withstand the enemy’s attacks of condemnation. Satan wants you to feel disqualified when you make mistakes, but God’s love keeps your faith strong. Winning the battle over guilt, shame, and condemnation is a major part of THE GRACE LIFE.

How this applies to you:

— God knew every mistake you would make before He gave you the promise He made concerning your business, career, family, finances, health, etc.

— When you fall, God’s love empowers you to get back up.

— Condemnation loses its power when you’re convinced of God’s love.

— Your mistakes don’t change God’s promises or His love for you.

— Living in God’s love delivers you from the fear of failure.

— Your imperfections don’t disqualify you from God’s promises becuase God knew all the mistakes you would make before He gave you the promise.

— God’s love for you is greater than your failures.

The Apostle John said, “If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.” (1 Jn 3:20 NIV)

— When you do something wrong, the devil will remind you of it over and over again so you can live with condemnation in your heart. 

— Satan wants you to feel condemned in your heart. But John said that when your heart condemns you, God is greater than your heart. Why? Because He knows all things.  He already knew the mistake you were going to make, and He called you to your destiny ANYWAY! So stop beating yourself up for your mistakes.  Receive forgiveness from God, forgive yourself, and keep going!  You have not derailed yourself from your destiny.  Greater is coming for you!

4. Grace, Faith and Love Working Together.

Grace is God’s part, faith is your part, and love is what connects them.  When you understand this divine partnership, you can truly live THE GRACE LIFE.

How this applies to you:

— Grace provides everything by love, and faith receives it because you are convinced God loves you, not because you are good, but because God is good.

— Your faith accesses what God’s grace has already provided.

— Love gives you confidence in both God’s grace and your faith.

— You don’t earn God’s promises; you receive them by faith rooted in love.

— God’s love fuels your faith to receive His grace.

— The more you understand God’s love, the more grace you can receive by faith.

— This three-fold cord of grace, faith, and love cannot be broken.

— During your workday, view your business or career as a partnership with God where His grace provides the opportunities, His love gives you confidence, and your faith helps you walk through the doors He opens.

— When setting goals for your business or career, let God’s love inform your faith to believe for things beyond your natural ability, while His grace empowers you to achieve them.

— Your faith will be overwhelmingly strong when you are convinced of God’s overwhelming love for you!

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I thank You for teaching me that faith works by love.

I declare that my faith is fueled by Your perfect love for me, not by my performance.

I am fully convinced of Your love, which empowers my faith to remain strong even when I make mistakes.

I live free from condemnation because Your love is greater than my failures.

I am led by Your Spirit daily, and my faith works because it’s powered by Your love.

Your grace provides, and my love-powered faith receives all You have for me.

I reject performance-based believing and embrace faith that works by love.

My faith is unstoppable because it’s rooted in Your unchanging love.

Living THE GRACE LIFE in 2025, I declare that GREATER IS COMING FOR ME!

I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

This is Today’s Word! Apply it and prosper!????????????????

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