Grace Attracts Favor

by Rick

Today we continue our series entitled “Living the Grace Life,” where we will learn to embrace and walk in God’s unmerited, unearned, and often undeserved favor throughout 2025.

Key scriptures for this year:

2 Corinthians? ?9?:?8? ?TPT??

“Yes, God is more than ready to overwhelm you with every form of grace, so that you will have more than enough of everything—every moment and in every way. He will make you overflow with abundance in every good thing you do.”


??Galatians? ?5?:?4? ?TPT??

“If you want to be made right with God by fulfilling the obligations of the law, you have cut off more than your flesh—you have cut yourselves off from Christ and have fallen away from the revelation of grace!”

Romans? ?6?:?14? ?ERV??

“Sin will not be your master, because you are not under law. You now live under God’s grace.”


1 Corinthians? ?15?:?10? ?NIV??

“But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.”

Additional scriptures for today:

Psalm 5:12 NKJV 

“For You, O LORD, will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him as with a shield.”

Proverbs 3:3-4 NIV 

“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.”

1 Samuel 16:18 NLT 

“One of the servants said to Saul, ‘One of Jesse’s sons from Bethlehem is a talented harp player. Not only that–he is a brave warrior, a man of war, and has good judgment. He is also a fine-looking young man, and the LORD is with him.'”

Setting the Stage:

Throughout this series, we’ve explored how grace liberates, transforms, sustains, empowers, matures, and flows through you. Today, I will discuss how God’s grace attracts favorIn a world where connections, credentials, and qualifications seem to determine access and opportunity, God’s grace introduces a supernatural advantage that transcends human systems. When the favor of God is flowing, people will do things for you and not even know why they are doing it.

The Bible declares that the righteous are surrounded with favor “as with a shield” (Psalm 5:12). This isn’t earned through performance but received through a relationship with God.  Joseph experienced this supernatural favor in Potiphar’s house, in prison, and in Pharaoh’s palace. Not because he earned it (even though he was doing the right things). If you study the life of Joseph, you will see that God’s favor was on him simply because God was with him. Daniel experienced favor in Babylon. Esther found favor with the king. David, a shepherd boy, found himself recommended to King Saul by a servant who somehow knew he was “a talented harp player… a brave warrior… has good judgment… and the LORD is with him” (1 Samuel 16:18). Before David killed Goliath, he was summoned to the palace because of the favor of God. In each case, God’s grace attracted favor and opened doors that no level of human effort could have opened.

When you understand that grace attracts favor, you stop striving for advantage and start believing God to reveal the advantage He has prepared for you.  This doesn’t mean you won’t work hard or develop your skills.  It means you recognize that the favor on your life comes from God’s grace, not your performance. This revelation fundamentally changes how you approach opportunities, handle challenges, and view yourself in any environment.

So, what does this mean to you today?  A few things.

1. Grace Opens Doors That No Man Can Close.

Grace will open doors for you that no man can close and close doors that no man can open. When God’s grace is on your life for a certain purpose, circumstances and relationships will align in ways you could never orchestrate yourself. Look at David’s story. He went from tending sheep to being summoned to the palace, not because he applied for the position or because he had connections, but because the grace on his life for kingship was already creating a path.  David couldn’t go back to his normal life even if he tried. When there is a grace on you for something, that grace will supernaturally position you where you need to be.  This doesn’t mean you sit back and do nothing. It means you understand that your efforts alone aren’t what’s creating the opportunities. It’s God’s grace working on your behalf.

How this applies to you:

Part of living THE GRACE LIFE is recognizing that certain doors opening in your life are not coincidental but providential – evidence of grace positioning you for purpose.

— When unexpected opportunities arise that align with what God has placed in your heart, you step through with confidence, knowing God’s grace has preceded you, paving the path for God’s purpose.

— You stop trying to force open doors that God has clearly closed, recognizing that grace will guide your path with divine wisdom.

— In career transitions, you trust God’s timing and placement, understanding that grace creates pathways you could never create for yourself. You don’t have to force things to happen because God has already made things happen for you.

— You view rejection from certain opportunities not as failure but as divine protection, trusting that grace is navigating you toward the right open doors. Sometimes, we want things that are not what God wants us for us. Looking back, with the benefit of hindsight, we become thankful that God closed a door that was not leading to His best.

When doors open that you feel unqualified for, you walk through them with humble confidence, knowing grace qualifies the called.

— You maintain patience during waiting seasons, understanding that grace is often working behind the scenes before doors open wide for you.

— Your entire approach to networking and relationship-building shifts from manipulation to authentic connection, trusting grace to put you before the right people at the right time. In other words, you know your gift will bring you before the right people when God wants it to happen.

2. Favor Can Do More in a Minute Than Labor Can Do in a Lifetime.

This is a truth I’ve emphasized for years: favor can do more in a minute than labor can do in a lifetime. David could have worked his entire life as a shepherd and never had an audience with the king. But once God’s favor was operating in his life, one divine recommendation placed him before royalty.  God’s supernatural favor positions you where you need to be, connects you with who you need to know, and opens doors that no amount of human effort could open.  

How this applies to you:

The reality of God’s favor doesn’t diminish the value of hard work; it simply acknowledges that there’s a dimension of advancement that transcends human effort.  

Favor accelerates opportunity and amplifies impact in ways that hard work alone never could.

— You approach your work with excellence, but you trust favor to take your results beyond what your efforts alone could produce.

— While continuing to develop your skills and knowledge, you recognize that favor often opens doors before your resume would qualify you.

— In business development or sales, you experience connections and opportunities that couldn’t be explained by your strategies or techniques alone. People call you “out of the blue,” wanting to do business with you. That’s the favor of God.

The favor of God can compress timelines.  What would normally take years or even decades can be done in days or minutes when God’s favor is flowing.

— Your prayer life shifts to include asking for favor in specific situations, recognizing that God delights in demonstrating His grace through favor.

— You maintain the humility to acknowledge when favor, not just your labor, has created breakthroughs, giving God the glory for what He’s orchestrated.  It is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in His sight.  When you recognize this, your life becomes about something that is greater than just YOU!

3. Favor Is A Visible Manifestation of Grace.

Favor is essentially grace made visibleIt’s what happens when God’s invisible grace manifests in tangible advantages and opportunities through human interactions.  David had been anointed with oil by Samuel, receiving the invisible grace for kingship.  That invisible grace became visible when Saul’s servant inexplicably knew about David’s character and abilities.  The servant’s recommendation was favor, making grace visible. This pattern repeats throughout Scripture and continues in believers’ lives today.  When people see unexplainable advantages operating in your life, they’re actually witnessing evidence of God’s grace.  This is why favor becomes such a powerful testimony – it makes the invisible reality of grace visible to a watching world.

How this applies to you:

— You recognize that the favor you experience in various settings is God making His grace visible, both to you and to others who are paying attention to your life.

— When people ask about your success or advancement, you can point them to God’s grace rather than your own abilities or strategies.

The favor of God is not just for spiritual contexts, like church. The favor of God can position you to impact whatever mountain of influence you currently operate in. The seven mountains of influence are Education, Religion, Family, Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment, and Business. God can favor you to ascend to the top of your mountain, so you can impact a broad audience for His glory!

— Your leadership influence expands as others witness the favor operating in your life, creating curiosity about its source. When people ask, you should not he ashamed to share your faith in Jesus.

— The consistent pattern of favor in your life becomes a powerful witness that opens doors for spiritual conversations.

As you grow in Christ, you must steward God’s favor with integrity, ensuring your character never contradicts the grace God is making visible through you.

— When experiencing unusual favor, you ask God for wisdom to respond in ways that make His grace evident rather than elevating yourself.

4. You Can’t Earn Grace or Favor, But You Should Appreciate Both.

While you can never earn God’s grace or favor, your proper response is profound gratitude when they operate in your life. Grace and favor are gifts, not wages.  They’re expressions of God’s goodness, not rewards for your performance. Yet how you respond to them matters tremendously. Gratitude positions you to recognize and receive more of what God is doing.  Entitlement, on the other hand, can cause you to miss or mishandle the grace and favor God is extending.  David maintained a heart of gratitude and worship even as favor elevated him to unprecedented heights. His psalms overflow with thankfulness for God’s undeserved goodness. When grace attracts favor in your life, let your heart overflow with similar gratitude.

How this applies to you:

— Begin each day with thanksgiving, acknowledging that any favor you experience flows from grace, not merit.  Not only should you be thankful in the morning, but your heart should express gratitude throughout the day.

— When unexpected opportunities arise, your first response is gratitude to God rather than pride in yourself. You are not making all of this happen!

— You develop the habit of recognizing and celebrating even small expressions of favor, training your heart to see God’s hand at work.

— In leadership, you model grateful stewardship of favor rather than entitled expectation, influencing your organizational culture. In other words, you are not ashamed to let your people know WHO is the source of your personal and organizational success.

— Your conversations regularly include testimonies of God’s favor, not as boasting but as grateful recognition of His grace.

When favor opens significant doors, you pause to express deliberate gratitude to God before walking through them.

— You enter every interaction with thanksgiving on your lips, a smile on your face, and expectancy in your heart, positioning yourself to recognize and receive the favor grace attracts.

You live your life very thankful for God’s grace and favor, knowing that if God only gave you what you deserve, your life would be miserable.

Declaration of Faith:

Father, I thank You that Your grace in my life attracts supernatural favor.

I declare that Your grace and favor open doors for me that no man can close and close doors that no man can open.

I walk in the confidence that favor can do more in a minute than labor can do in a lifetime.

Your favor on my life is not because of my performance but because of Your grace and goodness.

I steward every expression of favor with tremendous gratitude and integrity.

My life is a testimony of supernatural advantage that points others to Your amazing grace.

I enter each day with thanksgiving, expecting Your favor to make Your grace visible through me.

Living this way, I experience THE GRACE LIFE in 2025 and beyond, and GREATER IS COMING FOR ME!

I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

This is Today’s Word! Apply it and prosper!

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