The Power of Fellowship Part 59: The Freedom to Be You

by Rick

This morning we continue our series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.”  We have been looking at the following passage for a couple of weeks.  Let’s close out the week with one last message from it.

(1 John 1:5-10 Easy The Passion Bible)

5  This is the life-giving message we heard him share and it’s still ringing in our ears. We now repeat his words to you: God is pure light. You will never find even a trace of darkness in him.

6  If we claim that we share life with him, but keep walking in the realm of darkness, we’re fooling ourselves and not living the truth.

7  But if we keep living in the pure light that surrounds him, we share unbroken fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, continually cleanses us from all sin.

8  If we boast that we have no sin, we’re only fooling ourselves and are strangers to the truth. 

9  But if we freely admit our sins when his light uncovers them, he will be faithful to forgive us every time. God is just to forgive us our sins because of Christ, and he will continue to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

10  If we claim that we’re not guilty of sin when God uncovers it with his light, we make him a liar and his word is not in us.

So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.

1.  You are who you are by the grace of God (1 Cor 15:10).  You were born on purpose. You are called to live your life focused on completing that purpose.  You have been equipped by God with everything you need to get it done while you are in the land of the living.  No one else has your fingerprint, voice print, or spiritual assignment. You are unique and wonderfully made by God to be YOU.  You are not perfect. You will miss the mark. God sent His Son to pay the penalty for your sin. God knew everything you would do, and based on your performance (or lack of performance), He knew you could never earn your assignment.  So He called you by grace and NOT merit. God called you because He is good, not because you are. He now expects you to embrace His grace to become the man/woman you are called and destined to be.

2.  You cannot become the man/woman you are called to be by living under the pressure to perform.  God knew you could not perform. So He called you by grace (not merit) and He gave you His Spirit.  The Holy Spirit can perform through you. But He will not compete with you. If you insist on trying to do everything on your own, focusing on human ability and strength, the Holy Spirit will stand by and watch you struggle.  If you work, He will rest. But if you rest, He will work. if you admit you are not good enough, and could never be perfect enough to walk in the holiness associated with your calling, you are able to submit to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to flow through you.  If you do so, you can abstain from sin (because the Holy Spirit will not sin), you can operate in wisdom that far exceeds your education and experience, and you can perform things that were previously impossible to you. Because at that point, it is not you doing the work.  It is God through you. This is the way the Father wants us to live. And when you live this way, knowing that you are actually NOT the one doing it, you realize God is living in you, giving you the words and performing the work, and you really have no reason to boast. How can you look down on others when you know you have NOT earned God’s goodness?  When you die to self you cannot live in pride, because you have nothing to be prideful over. You know God is the one who is living in you. At this point you have tremendous tolerance for others, because you realize how flawed and limited you are OUTSIDE of God.   

3.  When you start walking with God, called by His grace and enabled by His Spirit, you will live an amazing life.  Sin will have no power over you, because the Holy Spirit will never lead you to sin. You will be able to accomplish more than you ever imagined, because God can do the impossible through you with ease.  And your relationships will be strong, because you know you have nothing to boast about. Pride is never an issue for a person who has nothing to boast about. If you are going to boast, you boast in God’s goodness.  You are honest with people and you tell them that you would be NOTHING without God. With this type of attitude people will like being around you and they will be drawn to the Jesus in you.

4.  God’s grace and His Spirit enable us to live the life God has called us to live.  Please embrace both. Be honest. You are who you are by the grace of God, not because you are so good.  God looked past your flaws when He called you. Get over yourself and your flaws, so you can become the man/woman you are called to be.  And so you can leave a mark in this world that will be felt for generations to come.

5.  When you know you are nothing without God and everything with Him, you are free to be yourself.  You enter into God’s rest. You don’t take on any pressure to impress anyone. You simply embrace the grace to be YOU!

Declaration of Faith:  

Father, I enter into Your rest.  I embrace the grace to be ME. I have no need to envy anyone else.  I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am special and unique. I am called and destined.  Now, I could never earn my calling. Nor could I ever perform on the level of my purpose without You.  My ability is not good enough. My effort could never be perfect enough. But You are always enough. Without You I am nothing.  With You I can do all things. I abstain from sin. I live in holiness. I operate in wisdom that exceeds my education and experience.  And I perform the impossible. Because I am NOT the one doing it. It is You Father, living in me. You give the words and You perform the work.  I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

This is Today’s Word.  Apply it and prosper!

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