Today, we continue our series entitled “Laser Focus,” emphasizing living with a Laser Focus on the Fixed Purpose God established for us before the world began.
Scriptures we have been looking at all year:
(Proverbs 4:25 TPT)
Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.
(James 1:2-4 TPT)
2 My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties, see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can!
3 For you know that when your faith is tested, it stirs up power within you to endure all things.
4 And then as your endurance grows even stronger it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.
(Ecc 3:1 ERV)
There is a right time for everything, and everything on earth will happen at the right time.
Focus for today:
Setting the Stage. This is based on 2 Samuel 5:6-12.
David’s ascension to becoming king over all Israel was the culmination of a long and challenging journey. From the day Samuel anointed him as a teenager, to this moment of national unity, David had endured approximately 20 years of trials, tests, and tribulations. He had faced a giant (Goliath), survived the attacks of an angry king (Saul), lived in caves as a fugitive, lost his best friend (Jonathan), and even had to flee to enemy territory to preserve his life. After Saul’s death, David reigned as king over Judah for 7.5 years in Hebron while the other tribes followed Saul’s son. Finally, all the tribes had come together to make David king over a united Israel.
But becoming king was just the beginning. David knew that for Israel to be truly united, they needed a central capital that would serve both the northern and southern tribes. Jerusalem was the perfect location. Situated on a hill between the northern and southern territories, it was strategically positioned to unite the nation. There was just one problem: Jerusalem was still under Jebusite control, and they had a fortified position.
The Jebusites had held this fortress city for centuries. They were so confident in their position that when David came to take the city, they taunted him, saying, “You’ll never get in here! Even the blind and lame could keep you out!” Their confidence came from their location. The city sat on a hill, surrounded by steep valleys on three sides, making it naturally defensible. They believed their position was impenetrable.
This situation perfectly sets up several powerful lessons about how God operates in our lives. The Jebusites’ taunt reminds us of how the enemy often mocks God’s promises over our lives. Their strong fortress represents the seemingly impossible obstacles we face. And what happened next – David’s conquest of the city (nothing could stop him), followed by King Hiram’s generous contribution to building David a palace – shows us how God’s grace operates in different ways, sometimes requiring us to fight and other times bringing us to favor we didn’t even ask for.
Most importantly, this moment in David’s life demonstrates how God’s timing brings everything together. After years of preparation, running, fighting, and waiting, David was not only positioned to take Jerusalem but also to receive the provision needed to establish it as Israel’s capital. King Hiram sent messengers to David, along with cedar timber carpenters and stonemasons, and they built David a palace. After this, the Bible says, “David realized that the LORD had confirmed him as king over Israel and had blessed his kingdom for the sake of his people Israel.”
So, what does this mean to you today? A few things:
1. Grace Comes in Different Forms.
Once David secured Jerusalem, King Hiram took it upon himself to send cedar timber, carpenters, and stonemasons to build David a palace. David did not ask for it; it simply came to him by grace and favor. I love it when things work out this way. I wish this were the ‘default’ way to walk with God, but we all know it is not. But when God gives us favor with others and they simply hand us a blessing on a silver platter, it sure is nice. Don’t think it will always come this way, and make sure to appreciate it when it does.
God’s grace manifests in various ways. With Jerusalem, David had to fight, but with Tyre, King Hiram voluntarily sent materials and workers to build David a palace. Sometimes, God’s grace shows up as favor that makes things easy, while other times, it shows up as strength to overcome opposition. The key is recognizing that both are manifestations of God’s grace and being grateful for each.
How this applies to you:
— Learn to recognize and appreciate different expressions of God’s grace in your life.
— Don’t get discouraged when things require effort; that’s just a different type of grace.
— Sometimes, with grace, you do nothing. Other times, you are empowered to do all things.
— Maintain gratitude whether the blessing comes easily or through struggle.
— Stay humble when favor makes things easy.
— Remember that both “instant” blessings and “fought for” victories come from God. Both are manifestations of God’s grace.
2. Your Fight Has Divine Backing.
Unlike the favor David experienced with Tyre, the Jebusites did not give up anything to David without a fight. If David wanted Jerusalem, he would have to fight for it. So he fought and won because the Bible says, “The LORD God of Heaven’s Armies was with him.” The point is that sometimes your blessing will be handed to you, and other times, you will have to fight for it. Either way, the grace of God is on you for it. In one case, God will give you the grace to accept the gift gracefully without crossing over into pride. In the other case, God will give you the grace to fight for what He wants you to have. Either way, grace is in operation. So if the door swings wide open for you, and God graces you to walk through it sweatlessly, then thank Him for it. But if the enemy shuts the door and the Lord leads you to kick it down, then know you have the grace to do that as well, and when you fight (and win), make sure to give God the glory for the victory!
How this applies to you:
— When God gives you a promise, He also gives you the grace to possess it.
— David didn’t just fight in his own strength; he fought with divine backing. The Bible specifically states that “David became more and more powerful, because the LORD God of Heaven’s Armies was with him.”
— When the Holy Spirit is leading you, you can face challenges knowing God’s power backs your efforts.
— Remember that your battles are won by God’s strength, not just your ability.
— Trust that if God gave you the vision, He’ll provide the victory.
— Stand firm knowing that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.
3. Your Purpose Is Bigger Than You!
The Bible says, “The LORD had confirmed him as king over Israel and had blessed his kingdom for the sake of his people Israel.” Notice that David was confirmed as King for the sake of the people. David’s purpose in life was to lead Israel. Everything David had been through — Goliath, the cave, life on the run, the fights, the heartaches, the pain, and the victories — was designed to get him to the point where he could serve the people of Israel.
David’s life was not just about him, and your life is not just about you. David’s purpose was bigger than just himself, and your purpose is bigger than you. You are not on the earth to simply breathe in and blow out air for a period of time and then die. No, you are here on purpose and the Father expects you to live with a purpose. His purpose is always bigger than you.
Your life is not just about fulfilling your pleasures. Your life is about making the impact you were born to make. Along the way, your life will take you down paths you did not want to go, but remember, it is not just about you. When you have the time to look back you will realize that those paths were designed to help you be a blessing to others. It won’t always be easy, but it will be worth it.
How this applies to you:
— Recognize that your success is meant to benefit others.
— Every trial you face is preparing you to be a blessing to others in ways you cannot see right now.
— Your purpose is connected to people you have not met yet and problems you have not encountered yet.
— God develops your character through challenges because your assignment will require proven character.
— Your struggles are not just about you – they are building a testimony that will help set others free.
— The size of your trials is often connected to the size of the impact God wants to make through your life.
— Your success is meant to create a pathway for others to follow.
— When you embrace the fact that your life is not about you, you stop fighting the process of preparation.
— Your story becomes a source of hope and inspiration for others facing similar challenges.
— Every victory you experience is meant to help others believe in the faithfulness of God.
— Your breakthroughs become bridges for others to cross over on their journey.
— Every door God opens for you is an opportunity to hold it open for others.
4. Embracing God’s Grace Is About Living Beyond Yourself.
David’s realization that his kingship was “for the sake of his people Israel” reveals the broader purpose of divine blessing. God’s blessings in our lives are never just about us; they’re about His kingdom and His people. When we understand this, we begin to see our successes and struggles in a different light.
How this applies to you:
— When you live beyond yourself, you tap into a greater dimension of God’s grace.
— The Holy Spirit empowers you to operate in realms that are beyond your human capacity.
— God’s grace gives you the power to say ‘yes’ to assignments that are bigger than you.
— Your assignment will always be bigger than your personal comfort or convenience.
— The more you focus on helping others, the more God’s grace flows through your life.
— The more you give away your blessings, the more God gives you to give away.
— The bigger the assignment, the more grace God makes available to you.
— God’s grace enables you to accomplish things that far exceed your natural ability, education, or experience.
— When you reach the end of your human ability, you tap into God’s supernatural capability.
— Divine grace transforms your limitations into launching pads for God’s power.
— His grace enables you to maintain peace while operating beyond your human limitations.
— When you acknowledge your inadequacy, you position yourself to receive His sufficiency.
— God’s grace turns your “I can’t” into “God can through me.”
Declaration of Faith:
Father, Your grace empowers me in different ways, and I receive each expression with gratitude.
I accept that my purpose is greater than my comfort, and I embrace every step of preparation.
Your supernatural power flows through me, enabling me to accomplish what exceeds my ability.
I am positioned to be a blessing to others, and Your grace multiplies as I pour into their lives.
What the enemy means for evil, You are turning around for the sake of Your kingdom.
I declare that no obstacle can stop what You have ordained for my life and purpose.
Beyond my limitations, Your grace launches me into realms of supernatural victory.
Every open door becomes an opportunity for me to help others find their breakthrough.
Your divine purpose unfolds in my life as I yield myself completely to Your will.
Living this way, I know GREATER IS COMING FOR ME!
I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
This is Today’s Word. Apply it, and prosper!