God’s Grace and Our Faith

by Rick

(Read 2 Peter 1:1)


This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing with our new mini-series entitled, “Growing in Grace.”  Yesterday we looked at 2 Peter 1:2.  Today we will go back to verse 1.


The Apostle Peter opened his letter by saying, “This letter is from Simon Peter, a slave and apostle of Jesus Christ.  I am writing to you who share the same precious faith we have.  This faith was given to you because of the justice and fairness of Jesus Christ, our God and Savior”(2 Peter 1:1 NLT).


So what does this mean to you today?  Let’s break down this verse and find out.


1.  Peter’s name:  Peter opened the letter by introducing himself as “Simon Peter.”  Simon is the name his parents gave him.  Peter is the name Jesus gave him.  The Apostle acknowledged both.  Likewise, we should acknowledge who we were when we were born and who we have become after being Born-Again.


2.  Peter’s position:  Peter called himself a “slave.”  Others translations use the word “servant” or “bond-servant.”  Before Peter acknowledged his calling as an Apostle he introduced himself as a simple servant.  Jesus said, “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant… just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.” (John 20:26-28).  At the end of the day, we are all servants in the Kingdom.  We may have different callings, but we have the same position: SERVANT.  The greatest thing we can do in the Kingdom is serve God and man.


3.  Peter’s calling:  Peter acknowledged his calling as an “Apostle.”  Some believers today, in an attempt to come across as humble, seek to avoid titles.  I, for one, don’t get caught up on titles.  However, there is nothing wrong with acknowledging what God has called you to do.  If you remember that you are still a servant and that you have been called by God’s unearned grace, you can operate in your calling with sincere humility.  So no matter what you are called to do, accept it, embrace it, and pursue it by faith, because God called you by His amazing grace.


4.  Like precious faith:  Peter wrote to believers with “the same precious faith” he had.  In the same breath that Peter discussed God’s grace (verse 2), the Apostle also acknowledged our faith (verse 1).  God saves us and calls us by His grace.  We are to accept and pursue His assignment by faith.  We may not all have the same calling, but we all have access to the same faith.


5.  Faith is the great equalizer:  Peter said “This faith was given to you because of the justice and fairness of Jesus Christ, our God and Savior” (2 Peter 1:1).  Paul said, “Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you” (Romans 12:3).  God has given us all the same faith.  Now, we must all work our faith, grow our faith, develop our faith, and mature our faith, but the point is that we have all received faith from God.  We may not all have the same calling, but we all have the same faith.  We are believers of “like precious faith.”  Faith puts us all on the same plain.  Grace is how God deals with us, faith is how we deal with Him.  So when you see a believer who seems to surpass the others, don’t blame God and accuse God of giving him or her more grace.  That person may simply be working their faith.  I have been teaching on grace for 21 months in this series, but God’s grace does not negate your requirement to operate in faith.  Actually, the only way to access the grace of God for your life is with your faith.  Your faith accesses God’s grace.  So if you don’t like where you are right now in life, ask yourself this question: am I exercising my faith to access God’s grace for my life?


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for Your Word.  I learn from the Apostle Peter this morning.  Like Peter, I acknowledge who I was before I came to You and also whom I have become after being Born-Again.  I am no longer the same person.  I have been made new.  I am in Christ and Christ is in me.  I am in the Kingdom and the Kingdom is in me.  With that in mind, I humbly accept my position as a servant.  I serve You and I serve men.  You did not save me to sit, You saved me to serve, and I shall serve all the days of my life.  I enjoy being a servant.  And Father, my position is to servant, but my calling is __________.  You have called me and I accept the calling.  I don’t get caught up in titles, but I also don’t devalue or disregard what You have called me to do.  I acknowledge it, others see it, and I pursue it.  You have called me by grace and I pursue my calling by faith.  I can’t even take credit for having or operating in faith.  You gave me the faith by Your unearned grace, and I now seek to live by faith every day.  I have the same faith others have.  I don’t have to look down on them, nor should they look down me.  My brothers and sisters in Christ have different callings, but we have the same faith.  As believers of like precious faith, we support one another, we get behind one another, and we build each other up, never tearing each other down.  We are not in competition.  We have different callings, but the same Lord.  Different assignments, but the same goal; and that is to impact the world for You Father.  I enter this day and the rest of my life determined to access Your grace for my life, with the faith You have given me.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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