Attitude and Favor

by Rick

This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing with our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  Yesterday I shared with you how God had a plan for Joseph and how his brothers’ attack could not derail him from his destiny.  This morning we see how the unmerited favor (grace) of God was on Joseph because of God’s plan.  For the next few days we will discuss the following passage:


As it turned out, God was with Joseph and things went very well with him.  He ended up living in the home of his Egyptian master.  His master recognized that God was with him, saw that God was working for good in everything he did.  He became very fond of Joseph and made him his personal aide. He put him in charge of all his personal affairs, turning everything over to him.  From that moment on, God blessed the home of the Egyptian—all because of Joseph.  The blessing of God spread over everything he owned, at home and in the fields, and all Potiphar had to concern himself with was eating three meals a day.  (Gen 39:2-6 MSG)  


A few days prior Joseph had been his father’s favorite child and he paraded around in a special coat of many colors.  Genesis 39 opens with Joseph as a betrayed slave.  In one fell swoop Joseph lost his family and his freedom.  He was sold to a pack of strangers, taken to a foreign country, resold as a slave, and assigned to his new master, but the young boy still had his dream.  He knew that someway, somehow, God’s plan would still prevail.  This enabled Joseph to keep the proper attitude.  With the wrong attitude Joseph’s life could have spiraled out of control.  But with the right attitude Joseph was able to walk in divine grace and favor, even as a slave.


Joseph was sold to Potiphar.  As previously mentioned, Potiphar was no ordinary man.  He was on Pharaoh’s personal staff, the commander of the palace guard, the head of the Secret Service.  Potiphar had a key position and he lived well.  Joseph, the new slave, could have wound up working anywhere on Potiphar’s property, but in another seeming coincidence, Joseph wound up living and working inside the house.  Then, instead of murmuring and complaining, Joseph kept the right attitude and started working diligently.  Joseph worked hard and God favored his work.  Potiphar noticed God’s blessing on everything Joseph did.  Everything Joseph touched was successful — because of the grace of God.  So Potiphar promoted Joseph and made him his personal aide.  Potiphar put Joseph in charge of his house and all of his property.  Why?  Because Joseph worked hard and God favored him, blessing the work of his hands.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  God works in ways you can’t.  Joseph did not have control over what happened to him.  Once he was sold to the Ishmaelite caravan he could no longer dictate where he would wind up.  But God is always working and He has a way making the most of bad situations.  God saw to it that Joseph wound up in the right home (with Potiphar).  I can personally attest to the fact that God did many things for me, before I was Born-Again, to shield and protect me for my purpose.  God did it for Joseph, He did it for me, and He will do it for you.  So when you are facing something you have no control over, trust God, there is nothing He cannot do.


2.  Keep the right attitude.  Had Joseph developed the wrong attitude, he could have easily wrecked his life.  But inspite of the terrible things that happened to him, Joseph kept a positive attitude.  The right attitude can help you make the most of every situation.  You attitude will determine your altitude.


3.  Give God something to work with.  Joseph did not crawl up in a corner to cry his pain away, nor did he fall down on his knees and pray 24 hours a day.  I am sure Joseph did not like the situation he was in, but he chose to press on and he worked.  Joseph worked diligently and God Blessed everything he did.  For God to bless what you are “doing” you have to be “doing” something!  So stop crying about your past and stop just praying about your future.  When you leave your prayer closet it is time to get to work.  If you want to experience the favor of God you will have to DO SOMETHING for God to favor.


4.  Expect Unmerited Favor.  Without the favor of God Joseph could have worked hard for years without getting promoted.  He could have toiled for decades and not have been given the position he was given.  Make no mistake, favor can do more in a minute than labor can do in a lifetime.  With His favor God can move on the hearts of people to use their power, their ability, and their influence to help you in ways you could never help yourself.  Favor can open doors no man can close and close doors no man can open.  Favor can get you noticed and promoted.  Favor can propel you into divine success, and it will be grace-based, not because you earned it, not because you are so good, but because God is so good.  So my message to you is simple: Do all that God has blessed you to do and expect God to favor the work of your hands.


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my purpose.  You made plans for me before the world began and I am convinced that You will see to it that Your plans come to pass.  I believe You are so committed to me and to the plans You made for my life that You have already done things for me that I am not aware of, that I won’t find out about until I get to heaven, and You are still working in my life, behind the scenes, to ensure I get before the right people in order to have the right opportunities.  But just like You are working FOR me, I know satan is working AGAINST me.  So there will be times when I wind up in bad situations because of an external attack or a personal foolish decision.  But no matter the circumstances, I will maintain a positive outlook and attitude.  I will enter every day with an expectation of good.  I will begin every project determined to do my best, to give You something to work with, to put my hands to work, trusting that You will bless the work of my hands.  So Father, I expect Your blessing on everything I put my hands to do and I also expect Your favor on my life.  You raise up people who use their power, their ability and their influence to help me in ways I cannot help myself.  You open doors for me that no man can close.  You close doors for me that no man can open.  You bless me to experience success in life, YOUR WAY, by Your grace, for Your glory!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.


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