You Will Take The Test Again

by Rick

Read Genesis 42:14-21

This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing with our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”, by continuing in the story of Joseph.  Yesterday we left off with Joseph realizing that his second dream was still alive and his brothers claiming not to be spies.  Joseph insisted that they were spies and said, “I will let you prove that you are telling the truth. In the name of Pharaoh, I swear that I will not let you go until your youngest brother comes here.”  The younger brother he spoke of was Benjamin.  Benjamin was Joseph’s only brother with the same mother.  The brothers all had different mothers.  Benjamin held a special place in Joseph’s heart and he knew that Benjamin would also hold a special place in his father’s heart.  Joseph and Benjamin were born from Rachel and Rachel was Jacob’s first and strongest love.  This was a test to see if the 10 brothers hated Benjamin as much as they had hated Joseph some 20 years earlier.  This was a test to check their character and their progress (or lack thereof).


Joseph had them thrown in jail for three days to think about it.  After three days he came to them and said, “I am a God-fearing man.  Do this, and I will let you live.  If you are honest men, one of your brothers can stay here in prison, and the others can go and carry grain back to your people.  But then you must bring your youngest brother back here to me.  Then I will know that you are telling the truth, and you will not have to die.”  While this was clearly a hard situation to be in, at least Joseph gave the brothers hope.  When he said, “I am a God-fearing man,” the brothers should have found hope.  Joseph was letting them know that he served the same God they did – the only true God.  This is a reminder to all of us that even when we find ourselves in trouble, God is still God!  The brothers agreed to the deal.  Honestly, they really did not have many options.  Then they started talking among themselves saying, “We are being punished for the bad thing we did to our younger brother Joseph.  We saw the trouble he was in.  He begged us to save him, but we refused to listen.  So now we are in trouble.”


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1.  You will reap what you sow.  There are several scriptures that attest to this fact.  No matter how long it takes, you will reap what you sow.  That is good news for those of us who sow godly seed, and not-so-good news for those who sow wicked seed.  It took 20 years, but the bad seed Joseph’s brother sowed eventually produced a bad harvest.  The message to you is simple: If you don’t like the harvests you are reaping, then check the seeds you are sowing!

2.  If you look for a reason to hope you will find it.  Joseph did not have to let his brothers know that he was a God-fearing man, but he did and by doing so it gave his brothers a glimmer of hope in a dark situation.  Like Joseph’s brothers, you may face difficult situations from time to time — especially as a result of bad decisions on your part — but if you look hope in the middle of a dark situation, you will find it and your Godly hope will see you through it.  Even if you are facing a dark situation this morning, believe God, keep your hope alive, and remain expectant no matter how hopeless the situation seems.  Remember, one word from God can turn any hopeless situation around.

3.  Your character will be tested.  Joseph’s brothers were being tested to see if they still had the same flawed character they possessed 20 years earlier.  The only way to know if you are growing is to be tested.  As you walk with God you should expect to be tested.  The test will either expose your progress or your lack of progress.  And the tests are important because God will not promote you to the next level until you have the character to handle the blessing.

4.  God is a God of another chance.  God is so committed to you and to the plans He made for you before the world began, that if you fail a test and you prove that you are not ready for the next level, God will keep working with you and give you the test again.  Joseph’s brothers had another chance.  They failed the test with Joseph, but they passed the test with Benjamin.  So don’t get discouraged when you feel like you failed God.  He loves you enough to NEVER give up on you.  If you failed the test, get ready, because you will take it again!  Not only does God ALLOW you to take it again, He actually REQUIRES you to take it again, because He will not promote you until you prove you are ready.

Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  You love me with an everlasting love.  You saved me completely by Your unearned grace.  But while You saved me by grace, You expect me to live by faith.  You have setup a system in the earth that runs by cause and effect, sowing and reaping, and the free will of humans.  You allow me to reap whatever I sow.  You are the Lord of the Harvest and You ensure my seed, both good and bad, produces a harvest.  Therefore I declare that I sow love, peace, mercy, goodness, kindness, benevolence, and money.  I sow righteousness and I reap the same.  I am no longer the person I used to be.  But to prove my progress I know I will be tested.  I have failed some tests along the way, but You love me enough to give me another chance.  I know You will not promote me until I have the character to handle the blessing, so I am ready to be tested again.  I welcome Your tests because I now know how to pass.  I don’t pass with my effort or human ability.  I pass by dying to self and by allowing You to flow through me by Your grace.  So I will pass every test — not by my power, only by Your grace — and as I do, I free You to elevate me to the next level.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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