Humility is a Major Key to Divine Success

by Rick
Humility is a Major Key to Divine Success

(Read Daniel 4:36,37)


This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  Let’s pick up the story of Nebuchadnezzar’s letter where we left off.  Today we get to the king’s closing words.  After describing his pride, the divine judgment that came because of it and the lessons he learned, the king closes his letter with a few sobering words.


King Nebuchadnezzar said, “At that time God gave me my right mind again, and he gave back my great honor and power as king.  My advisors and the royal people began to ask my advice again.  I became the king again—even greater and more powerful than before.  Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, give praise, honor, and glory to the King of Heaven.  Everything he does is right.  He is always fair, and he is able to make proud people humble!


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  The Lord would prefer you to learn by simply hearing his voice.

a)  Nebuchadnezzar refused to hear God’s voice through Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

b)  God warned Nebuchadnezzar several times, but the king refused to listen.

c)  When Nebuchadnezzar ignored God’s multiple warnings, God took drastic measures, the king lost everything, and he finally learned his lesson.

d)  Don’t force God’s hand.  Listen to God’s voice, submit to His leaders, heed His prophets and obey His teachings.  This is a much better way to learn.

e)  When seeking to experience God’s best for your life it is much better to swiftly obey than to require constant correction and discipline.


2.  We all have a need of self-worth.

a)  After the honor and power associated with the throne were restored to Nebuchadnezzar, the king made an interesting statement.  He said, “My advisors and the royal people began to ask my advice again.”

b)  While Nebuchadnezzar was a king and he had a band of advisors, it is clear that he felt a sense of self-worth when his advisors and the royal people came and asked him for advice.

d)  The crown, robe and signet ring associated with the throne were fulfilling for Nebuchadnezzar, but not as fulfilling as simply feeling ‘needed’.

e)  While he was out roaming the fields, eating grass like an ox, Nebuchadnezzar missed the throne, but he missed the people even more.  He missed the sense of importance he had when people came to ask him for advice.

f)  God knows what you need to feel fulfilled and by His grace, He will make sure you get it.


3.  God’s restoration often comes with elevation.

a)  Nebuchadnezzar said, “I became the king again—even greater and more powerful than before.”

b)  God did not just restore Nebuchadnezzar, but he promoted him in the process.

c)  I want to highlight two aspects of this promotion:

i)  God can do what no man can do.  He won’t just restore what was lost, but He will restore it with interest.

ii)  Your perspective of power is very important.  Nebuchadnezzar already had the highest position in Babylon.  One could argue that there was no room for growth.  But there was.  The growth was not external.  The growth Nebuchadnezzar experienced was internal.  When he was restored as king he was even greater and more powerful, but this time he was humble.  Humility enables you to operate with power under control.


4.  God is able to make the proud humble.

a)  Nebuchadnezzar said the following of God, “He is able to make proud people humble!

b)  You won’t succeed God’s way if you are proud.  Pride keeps the focus on you and your power.

c)  Humility puts the focus on God and His grace.

d)  If you really want to succeed God’s way you must be humble.  So either you humble yourself or God will humble you.

e)  You can be proud and pursue success your way or you can humble yourself and pursue success God’s way.  But you can’t do both!


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  The fact that I have decided to walk, live and pray by faith is proof that I acknowledge a higher power.  That power is You.  It is in You that I live, move and have my being.  I am nothing without You.  I pursued success on my own and I have the battle scars to prove it.  I have tried living my life on my own terms.  There was a time in my life where I was proud enough to think I could be the Captain of my own ship and chart my own course.  Those days are over.  I have learned enough lessons, failed enough tests, and experienced enough hardship.  I have learned two major lessons in life.  One, there is a God.  Two, I am not Him!  So I submit myself to You Father.  I humble myself under Your mighty hand.  In me You have a person who was once proud and is now humble.  Now that I am humble You can freely give me Your power, because now I can have power without power having me.  Now I can handle true success.  Now I can manage earthly riches and authority.  You can bless me richly now, because I am now in position to acknowledge Your grace, yield to Your leadership, and become a conduit of Your blessing in the earth.  Humility has positioned me to experience true and Godly success.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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