When The Blessing Comes Looking For You

by Rick
When The Blessing Comes Looking For You

(Read Daniel 5:5-12)


This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”.  We will pick up Daniel’s story where we left off yesterday.


The Bible says, “Suddenly, a person’s hand appeared and began writing on the wall.  The fingers scratched words into the plaster on the wall, near the lampstand in the king’s palace.  The king was watching the hand as it wrote.


King Belshazzar was very afraid.  His face became white from fear, and his knees were shaking and knocking together.  He could not stand up because his legs were too weak.  The king called for the men of magic and the Chaldeans to be brought to him. He said to these wise men, “I will give a reward to anyone who can read this writing and explain to me what it means. I will give him purple robes to wear and will put a gold chain around his neck. I will make him the third highest ruler in the kingdom.”


So all the king’s wise men came in, but they could not read the writing or understand what it meant.  King Belshazzar’s officials were confused, and the king became even more afraid and worried. His face was white from fear.


Then the king’s mother came into the place where the party was. She had heard the voices of the king and his royal officials. She said, “King, may you live forever!  Don’t be afraid!  Don’t let your face be so white with fear!  There is a man in your kingdom who has the spirit of the holy gods in him.  In the days of your father, this man showed that he could understand secrets.  He showed that he was very smart and very wise.  He showed that he was like the gods in these things.  Your grandfather, King Nebuchadnezzar, put this man in charge of all the wise men.  He ruled over all the men of magic and the Chaldeans.  The man I am talking about is named Daniel.  The king gave him the name Belteshazzar.  He is very smart and he knows many things.  He could interpret dreams, explain secrets, and find the answer to very hard problems.  Call for Daniel, he will tell you what the writing on the wall means.”


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things.


1.  New leaders bring winds of change.

a)  Even after all King Nebuchadnezzar learned about God, a new king meant new changes and in this case, the changes were not for the good.

b)  As a leader you get to establish what the military calls a “Command Climate”.  Your decisions and disposition greatly influence the overall climate of the organization you lead.

c)  God can grace you to establish a climate of fairness, ingenuity, creativity, dedication and success.


2.  Vengeance is the Lord’s.

a)  When King Belshazzar took over, Daniel lost his position of influence, but Daniel did not make it an issue.  Daniel trusted God.

b)  When King Belshazzar was making decisions that were not pleasing in God’s sight, Daniel did not take it upon himself to correct the king.  Daniel trusted God.

c)  The Lord said, “I will take revenge; I will pay them back. In due time their feet will slip.  Their day of disaster will arrive, and their destiny will overtake them.” (Deut 32:35).

d)  In the New Testament, while quoting Deuteronomy, Paul said, “Dear friends, never take revenge.  Leave that to the righteous anger of God.  For the Scriptures say, “I will take revenge; I will pay them back,” says the LORD.” (Romans 12:19).

e)  If your leaders are not doing the right thing, don’t worry, they will reap what they sow.  Trust God and hold your peace.


3.  God’s grace can make your name great.

a)  God promised to make Abraham’s name great and He delivered on His promise.

b)  God made Daniel’s name great under the reign of Nebuchadnezzar.

c)  Solomon said, “A good name is worth more than silver or gold.” (Prov 22:1).


4.  With a good name and God’s grace you can weather the changes of life.

a)  Seasons may change, but a good name will carry you through the changes.

b)  Daniel woke up on day under the rule of a new king who did not honor the anointing on his life.  But Daniel still had a good name.

c)  It did not take long for Daniel’s name to be brought up to the new king.


5.  Your gift will make room for you.

a)  Solomon said, “A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.” (Prov 18:16).

b)  Daniel held his peace and when the time was right, people came looking for him, to bring him before the new king.

c)  Daniel did not have to look for a blessing, The Blessing came looking for him, because of the grace of God on his life.

d)  If you are in business, the grace of God can cause contracts and business opportunities to come looking for you.

e)  If you are working your way up in a career, the grace of God can cause your name to be brought up to senior leaders and opportunities will come looking for you.

f)  Daniel did nothing but ‘be Daniel’, and the door of opportunity came looking for him.  God can do the same for you!

g)  The favor of God will cause divine opportunities to come looking for you.


Closing Confession:   Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith.  I walk, live, pray, fight and overcome the world by faith.  I am a believer and not a doubter.  I walk by faith and not fear.  I trust You with my whole heart and I believe Your favor is on me to succeed in life.  I enjoy grace-based success; success that comes to me Your way, by Your grace and for Your glory.  I live a life that is pleasing in Your sight.  I walk upright before You.  And You give me a name that is worth more than silver or gold.  You make my name great and my reputation opens doors for me and brings me before great men.  I honor You and You see to it that men honor me.  Your grace ushers me before people of great influence.  Your grace causes business and career opportunities to come looking for me.  Your Spirit leads me to simply be “me”, and as I do, You see to it that the doors of success swing wide open for me.  I declare that opportunities are looking for me today and every day.  Instead of pursuing success, I pursue You, and as I do, You see to it that success pursues me.  You move on the hearts of others to open doors for me that no man can close.  My success may not be effortless, but it shall surely be sweatless, because of Your grace.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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