This morning we continue our series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.” Yesterday I shared a testimony of God’s goodness. Honestly, I only shared a portion. I don’t have time to tell the entire…
The Power of Fellowship Part 21: (Testimony) God Knows What He’s Doing
by Rickby RickThis morning we continue our series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.” In our last message I taught from Psalm 139. In that Psalm David beautifully highlighted how God knows everything. Today’s message will…
Today I continue our new series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.” This is now the fourth week of of this series. I trust it has been a blessing to you. We are just…
Today I continue our new series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.” This series has been going on for three weeks now. I trust that it has been a blessing to you. As we…
Today I continue our new series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.” For days I have been teaching on learning to be content. The Holy Spirit will not allow me to move on from…
Today I continue our new series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.” For the past couple of days I have talked about learning to be content. I will do the same again today. I…
Today I continue our new series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.” Yesterday I talked about being content. I will flow in the same vein today. Let’s go back to what the Apostle Paul…
The Power of Fellowship Part 11: Learn To Be Content
by Rickby RickToday I continue our new series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.” In our last message we looked at Genesis 1:26-28. We will deal more with the book of Genesis this week. But for…
Today I continue our new series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.” Yesterday I talked to you about the Greek word for fellowship: koinonia. I also told you that the root word for koinonia…
Today I continue our new series entitled, “Power of Fellowship.” For over a week we have been looking at how Jesus fellowshipped with the Father. He had a true and intimate relationship…