Major points I want to make this week: 1. Jesus is ALIVE! 2. If the Resurrection is not true, we don’t have Christianity. 3. We can GO because He CAME! 4. We can OVERCOME because He …
The Power of the Resurrection
by Rickby Rick(Mark 16:1-6 NIV) When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Solome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. Very early on the …
Jesus on the Cross – Into Thy hands I commend my Spirit
by Rickby Rick(Luke 23:46 KJV) And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, He said, Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, He gave up the ghost. …
Jesus on the Cross: “I Thirst”
by Rickby Rick(John 19:28,29 KJV) After this, Jesus knowing that all things were accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled saith, I thirst. Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar: and they …
Winning the War Within (Part 9) – SuperNatural Power to Change
by Rickby RickPoints I want to highlight this week – PASSION WEEK: 1. Jesus endured the pain of the cross by faith. 2. Faith works by love (Gal 5:6). 3. If we live by …
(Prov 27:15 CEV) The steady dripping of rain and the nagging of a wife are one and the same. This morning we continue our “Unlocking the Power of Proverbs – Walking …
(Prov 27:14 MSG) If you wake your friend in the early morning by shouting “Rise and shine!” It will sound to him more like a curse than a blessing. This morning …
(Prov 27:11 NLT) Be wise, my child, and make my heart glad. Then I will be able to answer my critics. This morning we get back to our “Unlocking the Power …
DreamsFaithFavorFinancesGivingGraceHealth/HealingLovePrayerPrioritiesPurpose and Vision
Praying for Yourself – to Walk in the Blessing
by Rickby Rick(1 Thes 5:17 NLT) Never stop praying. This morning we continue our series entitled, “Re-Energizing Your Prayer Life,” by continuing to look at “What to Pray For.” I will provide you …
(1 Tim 2:1-4 NIV) I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and …