Two major points I want to make this week: All true vision will be tested for authenticity. Nothing happens until you announce it. All true vision will be tested for authenticity:…
Purpose is predetermined and fixed, vision is incremental and progressive. Vision is sight, birthed from insight, with the benefit of hindsight (progressive). Example: Abraham Abraham’s Purpose was fixed: God visits…
My prayer for you is that you: 1. FIND your purpose. 2. FOLLOW your purpose. 3. FINISH your purupose. … before you die! That is the definition of success in my eyes.…
First of all, I want to wish you and yours a Blessed and Happy New Year! This month I am going to teach on Purpose and Vision. I pray you will be…
Before you start planning for 2012, make sure you CLOSE OUT 2011 STRONG! Watch this, it will bless you: (Hab 2:2-4 NLT) Then the LORD said to me, “Write my answer…
God has a DREAM for your life. You role is to open your heart to it. I will use Joseph as an example: 1. Believe the dream: (Gen 37:5 NLT) One night Joseph had a dream…
Far too many believers have given up hope. But our God, is the God of Hope! Paul said: (Rom 15:13 NASB) Now may the God of hope fill you with all…
Damaged, but still Destined! Not Perfect, but you still have Purpose! Watch this and be blessed…
Our pace today is extremely hectic. Most of us work long hours, we stay connected with our Blackberry’s and laptops when we get home, and the line between work-hours and off-hours is…
My cousin, Nelson Monegro, is gone, but he will never be forgotten!