This morning, we continue our series on “The Parables of Jesus.” We will seek to glean “Pearls from the Parables.” Before we get to the parable, let’s look at a scripture we …
Purpose and Vision
BelievingExpectationFaithGraceGraceBasedSuccessPurpose and Vision
Pursuing Grace-Based Success (Part 50): The Grace to Outshine and Outperform
by Rickby RickToday we continue our series entitled “Pursuing Grace-Based Success!” Here are our foundational scriptures: (Ephesians 2:8-10 ERV) 8 I mean that you have been saved by grace because you believed. You did …
DisciplineFaithPurpose and Vision
Pursuing Grace-Based Success (Part 47): Resting in God is a Major Key to Success (Part 3)
by Rickby RickToday we continue our series entitled, “Pursuing Grace-Based Success!” Here are our foundational scriptures: (Ephesians 2:8-10 ERV) 8 I mean that you have been saved by grace because you believed. You did …
BelievingExpectationFaithFocusPurpose and Vision
Pursuing Grace-Based Success (Part 38): The Importance of Having Your Priorities In Order
by Rickby RickToday we continue our series entitled, “Pursuing Grace-Based Success!” Here are our foundational scriptures: (Ephesians 2:8-10 ERV) 8 I mean that you have been saved by grace because you believed. You did …
DecisionsDestinyFaithGraceBasedSuccessPurpose and Vision
Pursuing Grace-Based Success (Part 33): You Shouldn’t Attempt to Be “Anything” YOU Want
by Rickby RickToday we continue our series entitled, “Pursuing Grace-Based Success!” Here are our foundational scriptures: (Ephesians 2:8-10 ERV) 8 I mean that you have been saved by grace because you believed. You did …
DecisionsDestinyFaithPurpose and Vision
Pursuing Grace-Based Success (Part 32): The Desire and The Power Come By Grace
by Rickby RickToday we continue our series entitled, “Pursuing Grace-Based Success!” Here are our foundational scriptures: (Ephesians 2:8-10 ERV) 8 I mean that you have been saved by grace because you believed. You did …
BelievingExpectationFaithGraceGraceBasedSuccessGreatGracePurpose and Vision
Pursuing Grace-Based Success (Part 23): Enjoying Your Lot In Life
by Rickby RickToday we continue our series entitled, “Pursuing Grace-Based Success!” Here are our foundational scriptures: (Ephesians 2:8-10 ERV) 8 I mean that you have been saved by grace because you believed. You did …
FaithGraceGraceBasedSuccessGreatGracePurposePurpose and Vision
Pursuing Grace-Based Success (Part 20): Accept Your Lot In Life
by Rickby RickToday we continue our series entitled, “Pursuing Grace-Based Success!” Here are our foundational scriptures: (Ephesians 2:8-10 ERV) 8 I mean that you have been saved by grace because you believed. You did …
BelievingExpectationFaithFocusGreatGracePurpose and Vision
Pursuing Grace-Based Success (Part 19): Success Is Found When You Accept Your Lot In Life
by Rickby RickToday we continue our series entitled, “Pursuing Grace-Based Success!” Here are our foundational scriptures: (Ephesians 2:8-10 ERV) 8 I mean that you have been saved by grace because you believed. You did …
DestinyDeterminationDevelopmentFaithGracePurpose and Vision
God’s Grace & Our Faith (Part 83): It’s Already Done (Part 21) – The Grace To Be Me
by Rickby RickToday we will continue our series entitled “God’s Grace & Our Faith.” We are looking at The Law given under Moses vs. the Grace provided by Jesus. Our primary scriptures are John …