This past Sunday was Resurrection Sunday (or Easter Sunday). All week long I have been teaching you about the importance of the cross. Today’s message will flow in that same vein. We …
This past Sunday was Resurrection Sunday (or Easter Sunday). For the past few messages I have been teaching about the importance of the cross. Today’s message will flow in that same vein. …
Today we continue down The Road to the Resurrection. Yesterday I talked about the importance of the resurrection of Jesus. Today I will talk about the power of the resurrection and how …
(Read John 19:12-18) Today we continue down The Road to the Resurrection. After Jesus was arrested, He was taken from mock-trial to mock-trial in the middle of the night, without any witnesses …
(Read John 18:1-10) Today we continue down The Road to the Resurrection. Soon we will be celebrating the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus the Christ. In preparation, for the …