Get Rid of Troublemakers

by Rick

(Prov 22:10 GW)  Drive out a mocker, and conflict will leave.  Quarreling and abuse will stop.


This morning we continue our series entitled “Unlocking the Power of Proverbs – Walking in the Wisdom of God.”  Have you ever noticed how you can either be positively or negatively affected by those you hang around?  Make no mistake, both wisdom and foolishness can be transferred by association (see Prov 13:20).  That’s why in chapter 24 Solomon goes on to say, “Don’t envy evil people or desire their company” (24:1).  In the New Testament Paul said, “Bad company corrupts good character” (1st Cor 15:33).  Solomon clearly understood this truth, and that is why he basically instructs us to get rid of the troublemakers.  The person Solomon describes here is a person who is irreverent towards God and others, who is always jesting, who takes nothing seriously, who makes a joke of others consistently, and who seemingly enjoys the conflict and strife they stir up.  I am sure you know people like this, we all do.  But the point is that we don’t have to willingly associate with them.  Is this to say that we should not attempt to reach the lost?  Absolutely not!  We are called to reach the lost, but we must also exercise wisdom.  Too much exposure the wrong people will leave you vulnerable to becoming the wrong person.  So there are some people you simply need to cut off.  Once you do, Solomon tells us that the conflict will leave, the quarreling and abuse will stop, and the peace will be restored.


I have two teenagers and they sometimes struggle to understand why I emphasize so strongly to them the importance of choosing friends wisely.  I know that if they choose the wrong friends they will wind up doing the wrong things.  How many times have you heard of kids taking a turn for the worse because they started hanging out with the wrong people?  The problem is that many adults think peer pressure is something that is reserved for children.  No, we can all be affected by those that we CHOOSE to associate with.  And that’s the good news – we have a CHOICE!  We get to choose who we call our friends.  We get to choose whom we spend time with.  We get to choose whom we allow to speak into our lives.  We get to choose whom we share intimate thoughts with.  We get to CHOOSE!


We make hundreds of choices every day; some are more important than others and therefore require more deliberation.  One of the decisions that we should place in the important category is the decision of whom we will call our friend.  You can tell a lot about someone by looking at his or her friends.  Most people choose friends that have like interests, ambitions, character, and lifestyle.  I know the term is used lightly today, but it should be reserved for someone you can pour into and someone who can pour into you; someone you can let your guard down around and know that they will not make your pay for it.


So what does this mean to you today? It means that your friends matter!  I can’t remember who said, “Who you will be in five years will be influenced by the friends you choose and the books you read.”  Some things are taught, but many things are simply caught.  You pickup things from people as you hang out with them, so make sure you are hanging out with the right crowd.  Choose the right friends and you will be influenced the right way.  Surround yourself with fools and you will become a fool yourself.


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for explaining to me the importance of the company I keep.  I understand that bad company corrupts good character, so therefore, I refuse to surround myself with the wrong people.  Wisdom and foolishness are transferred by association, so I choose to only surround myself with people of like precious faith; people that are striving to be all that You desire for them to be; people of Godly passion and purpose.  I associate with the wise and I become wise myself!  I am a peacemaker, not a peace breaker and I surround myself with people of like passion and compassion.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!


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1 comment

Tweet January 18, 2016 - 11:25 am

I ask as many that out trouble maker in the family mjc being taken away to his own troubles his uncessary drams ,out done ways and sneakiness end very soon.


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