Overcoming Laziness

by Rick

(Prov 22:13 NIrV)  People who don’t want to work say, “There’s a lion outside!” Or they say, “I’ll be murdered if I go out into the streets!”


This morning we continue our series entitled “Unlocking the Power of Proverbs – Walking in the Wisdom of God.”  When I first read this scripture I honestly had no clue what Solomon was talking about.  But as I read it from different translations and read what the scholars had to say, I finally got the point.  Solomon exposes his humorous side as he describes the hyperbole of the lazy man.  Basically, the message here is that if a lazy man can’t find an excuse for not going to work, he will make one up, no matter how ridiculous it is.  In this case the lazy man, not being able to find any other reason not to go to work, comes up with the outlandish story that there is a lion loose in the city.  This way he can obviously excuse himself from going outside, because, of course, if he does, he will be eaten alive on the streets.


Part of what Solomon is teaching us here is about the ingenuity with which the slothful attempt to get out of work.  Have you ever noticed how much effort people put into getting out of something?  If they put half that effort into the actual work itself, the work would be done.  I have seen people go to great lengths to avoid doing something.  These people are extremely creative.  YouTube is full of videos where people came up with creative ways for avoiding work.  But why?  Why not just use that creativity in a positive way?


This reminds me of the friends I had growing up in Brooklyn who chose the illegal route.  Most of them are dead or incarcerated at this point, but I often wondered why they did not use their ingenuity in a legal way.  These guys bought a product, repacked it, marketed it, came up with a distribution system, and then sold it for a profit.  If they could do this for something illegal, then why not do it with something legal?  I’ll tell you why, because they were too lazy.  A legal business would have required more start up capital to launch, it would have involved more overhead, and would not have produced the same level of profits, which would mean that they would have to put in more work to enjoy lavish lifestyles they were seeking.  I am extremely thankful for my mother.  She instilled in my the value of hard work and making an honest living.  While my friends were running their illegal businesses and making upwards of $10,000 a week, I was working in a restaurant 4-5 days a week, making $300-$400 a week, which was more than enough for me at the time.  Sure, I was not able to shop where they shopped and I did not have a car like they did, but most of them ruined their lives taking the lazy route.


So what does this mean to you today? Two things:

1.  Learn the value of honest work.  God never promised to give you everything on a silver platter.  But if you work honestly and diligently, and you honor the Lord with your finances, you will find that you will have more than enough to meet your needs and you will have the added benefit of being at peace with God and yourself.  It is extremely satisfying to be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor; fully knowing your labor was honest and earnest.

2.  Refocus your energy.  You can wreck your life by spending too much time, energy, and effort attempting to get out of things you know you need to do.  Determine within yourself to DO what you need to do, WHEN you need to do it, and then DO IT to the glory of God.  Believe me, your life will be much more rewarding this way.


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for this reminder this morning.  I am determined to DO all that I am required to DO, and as I DO it, I ask You to bless me with the insight, revelation, wisdom, and understanding required to DO it well.  I refocus my energy today and I use the ingenuity You have blessed me with to accomplish every task efficiently and effectively.  Like Daniel, I work with an excellent spirit and You bless the work of my hands.  The more I do, the more You bless what I do, and the more I experience Your best in the earth.  I represent You Father, today and every day, as I seek to glorify You in my life and living.  Every meeting, conversation, and activity I engage in today will bring glory to Your name!  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


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