Do You Have the Faith?

by Rick

(John 11:40 NIV)  Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?”


This morning we continue this mini-series  “Lessons from Lazarus.”  I trust you had a good holiday weekend.  I had a house full of people yesterday and we had a wonderful fellowship, celebrating the independence of this great nation and the liberty wherewith Christ Jesus has made us free.


Last week I left with Jesus telling them to roll away their own stone – in faith.  This was the family’s requirement in the miracle; this was their opportunity to participate in their own breakthrough.  However, their response was not that of immediate action.  As soon as Jesus told them to roll away the stone Martha said, “But Lord, by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.”  We have already discussed the significance of the four days and how God’s purpose was wrapped up in it.  But the four days had done something else as well, it had taken Mary and Martha beyond their capacity to believe.  Maybe if Jesus had arrived when Lazarus had only been dead for a few hours they could have believed Jesus to raise him back to life.  But the fact that Lazarus had been dead for four long, arduous days – coupled with all the pain and grief they had already experienced – had taken the sisters beyond their level of faith.  Furthermore, they were just really coming to grips with the fact that their brother was dead.  After a few days the reality of his death was settled in and by this point it was hard for them to give Jesus access to the wounds in their hearts long enough to give Him access to Lazarus.  Sometimes the sting of a painful situation can hurt so hard that when God does come to deliver us from our past, it’s hard for us to give Him access to that pain because we don’t want to open up the old wounds.  Opening up old wounds oftentimes causes us to relive old pains; pains that many of us would rather leave untouched.


No question, this was a painful situation.  Lazarus was now in a place where his family had lost hope and they did not want to do anything about it.  He was, in tier minds, beyond repair.  He was dead and stinking.  Jesus’ reply did not deal with the condition of Lazarus, but rather the condition of Mary and Martha.  This is where we pick up our text.  Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?


So what does this mean to you today? It means that it is never too late for God.  Listen, I know we sometimes get into some really tough situations; some that we even put ourselves in.  But no matter how hard, tough, bad, or hopeless your situation may seem this morning  –  it is not over until God says its over! There is NOTHING too hard for God.  Your breakthrough is not contingent upon whether or not God can do it; He always can!  Your breakthrough is not even tied to the status of our situation, because there is nothing too hard for God.  No, your breakthrough is tied to the status of your Faith! Jesus’ reply was tied to Martha’s faith, not Lazarus’ body.  This word “believed” in our text is the same word for faith.  In other words, He said, “If you have faith, you will see God show up and show out!” (Pina Translation).  So no matter how dead your situation may seem, in the natural, if you have the faith, God can provide the victory!


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for the reminder this morning that there is nothing too hard for You.  There is literally nothing You cannot do.  You have all power.  You sit on the circle of the earth.  You spoke to darkness and created light.  You spoke to chaos and created order.  You spoke to death, in Lazarus’ case, and created life.  And I know You can speak to my situation as well.  One Word from You can turn any hopeless situation around.  I declare, by faith, that I have the faith required to instigate You to action in my life.  I get You involved in my situation by faith.  I open up the old wounds, I give You access to my situation, no matter how painful it may be, so that You can get involved and manifest Your glory.  In Jesus’ name!  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!


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