Nursing Testimony

by Rick

(Num 23:19 NLT)  God is not a man, so He does not lie.  He is not human, so He does not change His mind.  Has He ever spoken and failed to act?  Has He ever promised and not carried it through?


This morning we continue our new series entitled, “Re-Energizing Your Prayer Life.”  I like to teach by precept and example.  In this series I will give you lots of principles and precepts about prayer, from the Word.  But I also want to give you examples from both Biblical times and my own life. There was a time when I barely prayed, because I did not have an understanding of prayer.  My lack of understanding led to a level of intimidation.  I heard people talk about prayer and as they characterized their seemingly intimate relationship with the Father I secretly coveted what they had.  For me prayer led to more frustration than fruit, because I had been told to pray, but I had never been taught how to do it.  Since I love to study the Word, one day I decided to start a study about prayer.  The result was a better understanding and a much better prayer life.


10 years ago now, back in 2001, I was a young Chief Warrant Officer Two in the Army and my wife was a Sergeant.  As the leader of my family I wanted to hear from God concerning the direction of my wife’s career.  My wife wanted to either be a nurse or a physician’s assistant, either in or outside of the military.  That gave us four options.  I laid out all four options before God.  I had recently been putting faith pressure on God to lead me in prayer and I was earnestly praying about this situation.  I heard the Lord speak to me – I don’t mean an audible voice, but more like an ‘inner knowing’ – and He told me that my wife would be a nurse in the Army.  This was great.  Instead of having four options I was immediately down to one.  I then knew what to believe God for, because He had spoken to me.


My wife and I wasted no time in get her paperwork together for the Army Enlisted Commissioning Program (AECP).  If selected, the AECP would send my wife to school, pay her tuition, pay her then-current salary as a non-commissioned officer, and commission her as Lieutenant upon graduation.  We were Godly-excited about this opportunity.  I started telling my friends what we were believing God for and one of them, an Army Medical Services officer, offered to get us a recommendation letter from a retired Chief of the Army Nurse Corps.  Isabella and I saw this as the favor of God and we celebrated over getting the letter.  However, during that time I was teaching about Lazarus on Today’s Word and one morning I taught about the fact that God often wants “maximum glory” out of our situations.  We serve a God who often does things in such a way that His work cannot be confused with man’s.  When God does something that is well beyond the norm, we rightly give Him all the glory.  After writing Today’s Word I prayed and in prayer the Lord told me NOT to take the letter.  I immediately knew why.  God wanted all the glory from this situation.  I thanked my friend and respectfully declined his offer.  He was highly upset, because he had already spoken to the retired General.  He then said, “Look, Isabella is a Supply Sergeant.  The AECP is a very competitive program.  Without this letter she will NOT get selected!”  That is exactly what I needed to hear.  I knew the testimony would be even greater with his negative report.  I did not take the letter and Isabella did get selected, to the glory of God!


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1.  The Father wants to communicate with you in prayer.  Don’t do all the talking!

2.  When the Father speaks a Word to you in prayer, it is as much His Word as the written Bible.

3.  We serve a God who honors His Word!  If He said it (in the Bible or in prayer) He will do it.  If He promised it, He will make it good!


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for speaking to me in prayer.  I am You sheep and I have a blood-bought covenant right to hear Your voice.  I declare that my ear is calibrated to hear Your voice and the voice of a stranger I will not follow.  When You speak to me in prayer, Your spoken Word becomes as much Your Word in my life as Your written Word.  I stand on Your Word and I believe it will come to pass… no matter how long it takes and no matter how much opposition I face.  You are not a man that You should lie.  When You speak something You always make it good.  You honor Your Word and I believe You will honor it in MY life today and every day!  In Jesus’ name. Amen.


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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