Reason #1: God said NOT to!

by Rick

(Genesis 15:1 KJV)  After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.


This morning we continue our series entitled, “Re-Energizing Your Prayer Life,” by continuing with our teaching on “The Fear Factor.”  I hope you can see by now that fear can significantly impact your prayer life in a negative way.  I am always amazed by how much that Bible has to say about real life issues.  Dealing with fear is not a small thing for most people.  Fear can consume and suffocate your life.  Not to mention the fact that it can just about cancel out every one of your prayers.  Jesus came that we might have and enjoy life (John 10:10), but you can’t do so if you are afraid of flying, getting in the water, elevators, failure, rejection, and of your prayers not being answered.


I looked up the types of documented phobias and I was surprised to find 588 types of fears.  Don’t find yourself on that list.  Fear pleases satan, faith pleases God.  Avoid fear at all costs.  To help you avoid it I am going to give you some reasons why you should not fear and then I will get back to teaching on prayer in a more direct way.  The first reason why not to fear is because “God said not to!”  God told us not to lie, cheat, steal, envy, backbite, murder, have sex outside of marriage, and etc.  These are easily identifiable as sin.  However, Paul said, “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin” (Rom 14:23).  The most basic definition for sin is “Missing the mark.”  Whenever we do anything God told us not to do we are clearly missing the mark.  In one way, shape, or form, God told us hundreds of times in the Bible not to fear.


The first mention of the words, “Fear not” in the Bible are in our focus text.  In chapter 14 Abram (later Abraham) led a rescue mission to recover his nephew and his entire family.  The rescue mission also netted a great deal of spoils from the enemy.  Abraham decided not to take the spoils.  He told the king of Sodom that he did not want the king to be able to say, “I have made Abram rich” (Gen 14:23).  Two verses later we see God telling Abram not to fear.  What was the point?  The point was that whenever we take a stand to rely on God as our source of provision the enemy will attempt to get us to doubt God and thereby fear lack.  The same thing happens when you pray a prayer of faith.  You take a stand and you believe that God will do what He said He would do in your life, but as soon as you do, rest assured that you will have plenty of opportunities to throw in the towel on your faith and your prayer.  The enemy will always attempt to get you to give up on God.  The Lord reassured Abram that He was not only his protector (shield), but also his source (exceeding great reward).  If we seek the Lord for reassurance while we are waiting on Him for the manifestation of our prayers, He will do the same for us and reassure us that He will bless us for remaining in faith.


So what does this mean to you today?  It means that you should not want to fear, because God told you not to.  It would take too long to go through all the scriptures where God said, “Fear not,” or “Fret not,” or “Do not be afraid.”  But the bottom-line is that God does not want you to fear.  God told you not to do it.  So just like you avoid other things God told you not to do, you must make every effort to avoid fear.


Faith pleases God and fear disappoints Him, because fear tells Him that you have more confidence in your opposition than your God!  Don’t disappoint God today, choose to operate in faith and not fear.  Why?  Because God said so!


Closing Confession:  Father, I seek to live a life that is pleasing to You daily.  I know faith pleases You and fear does not.  You are disappointed every time I fear, because in-so-doing I am saying that my situation is bigger than my God.  But right now, by faith, I declare that fear has no power over me.  My God is bigger than any situation I face.  My confidence is in You, Lord, and my confidence in You overrides anything that man or satan can do to me.  I don’t live a life of fear, doubt, or unbelief.  I live a life of faith.  I pray the prayer of faith and I hold on, no matter how long it takes, for my prayers to be fully answered.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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