Purpose and Vision – You were NOT born to do Everything!

by Rick

(1st Cor 6:12 NIV)  “Everything is permissible for me”—but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible for me”—but I will not be mastered by anything.


This morning we continue our mini-series on “Purpose and Vision” by starting to wrap it up.  I believe I will close the series out tomorrow and get back to teaching on prayer.  But before I do, there are few things I want to share with you.  First of all, you must understand the fact that you were not born to do everything.  Way too many people stumble through life trying to do everything that comes across their path.  Vision restrains us.  In Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth he explained that he was basically permitted, or capable, of doing just about anything.  Let’s be honest.  As free moral agents we have the ability to choose to do whatever we want.  However, as Paul explains, everything is not beneficial.  The Message Bible paraphrase of this verse reads, “Just because something is technically legal doesn’t mean that it’s spiritually appropriate.  If I went around doing whatever I thought I could get by with, I’d be a slave to my whims.”


Without understanding your purpose and receiving the subsequent vision that is birthed from it, life can become an experiment full of frustration.  Since God has given us the power to make our own decisions, the most complicated thing about life is the alternatives.  The most challenging thing for us is determining what decisions to make amongst the alternatives.  This is where vision comes in.  Vision helps to restrain us and it becomes the foundation for discipline.  What is discipline?  Dr. Myles Munroe said, “Discipline is a self-imposed standard or restriction motivated by a desire greater than the alternatives.  Discipline is about making decisions that are dictated by a determined destiny… A person becomes disciplined when they find something that is more important than the alternatives and they decide to forego the alternatives in order to achieve what they consider desirable.”


Here’s an example, let’s say a woman wants to lose 20lbs. this year.  How does she establish her base for motivation?  She gets a picture (a vision) of herself 20lbs. lighter.  She then keeps that vision before her whenever she is making decisions about what to eat.  Now, let’s say she attends a lunch meeting at an “all you can eat” buffet.  She pays her $9.99 fee and she is given the legal right to all the items on the buffet.  But just because she can eat all the items on the buffet, it does not mean she should.  If she keeps her vision before her the vision will enable discipline, she will avoid the wrong foods, eat the right foods, and remain on course to arrive at her expected end (20lbs. lighter).  However, if she fails to keep the vision before her, she will not have discipline, and her lack of vision and discipline will result in poor food choices.  In this case, where there is no vision, the FOOD will perish (smile).


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1.  You were not born to do everything.  Knowing your purpose and receiving divine make life simple.  People who are led by their God-given vision don’t dibble and dabble in everything.  They know where they are going and they have the discipline to remain on course.

2.  Vision becomes the source of discipline.  You need discipline to make the decisions that will take you towards God’s expected end for your life.

3.  Vision inspires passion.  Visionaries are passionate about life.  Knowing that you are pursuing your life’s purpose is exciting!  You get up everything morning motivated by your life’s assignment.


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for blessing me to understand my purpose.  My purpose gives birth to divine vision.  You give me the insight I need to know what I am required to do this year, in order to get incrementally closer to Your expected end for my life.  This vision becomes the foundation for my discipline.  I use my vision as the ruler by which I judge my decisions.  I make my decisions based upon my destiny.  My desire to arrive at Your determined destination for my life is stronger than the temptation of the alternatives.  I remain fixed and focused on my purpose, led by the vision You give me, fully determined to maximize my purpose and potential before I die.  Lastly, I enjoy life.  Knowing my purpose and being led by vision makes live exciting.  I love my life and I pursue my purpose with passion and zeal.  I enter every day with a spring in my step, a song in my heart, a smile on my face, and with my vision before me!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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