Purpose and Vision – Final Message

by Rick

(Proverbs 19:21 NIV)  Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.


This morning we close out our mini-series on “Purpose and Vision” by looking at a few things Solomon said about our plans God’s purpose.  Please read our focus text and then also read what Solomon said in chapter 16: “Mortals make elaborate plans, but GOD has the last word” (v.1) and “We plan the way we want to live, but only GOD makes us able to live it” (v.9).  This drives home the importance of both understanding our purpose (which was established before we were born) and receiving divine vision (which is given to us incrementally so we can know which way to go in the present, that will take us towards God’s expected destination for our lives).


God has a part and we have a part.  In this verse Solomon speaks to God’s sovereignty, but in many of his writings he went to great lengths to highlight our responsibilities in God’s plans.  God’s sovereignty does not alleviate us of the weight of our decisions, but rather adds on us the additional task of seeking God’s will and of aligning our decisions with it.  So herein lies the partnership the Father seeks.  He wants to reveal His purpose and vision to us, SO THAT we can align our decisions and actions accordingly.  If we do, we will experience God’s best.  It basically comes down to is this: our plans will not experience Godly success unless they line up with God’s purpose.


Here is a quick overview of what we have covered:

1.  God’s purpose for your life is established and unchanging.

2.  Our goal, after coming to Christ, is to find, follow, and finish our purpose before we die.

3.  God gives us incremental vision – which is sight, birthed from insight, with the benefit of hindsight – so that we can have direction for life.

4.  God’s vision will always extend you beyond your ability and your comfort zone.

5.  God’s vision will require His provision; it will be too big for you to accomplish without Him.

6.  Once you receive what you believe is God’s vision for this season, your job is to: a) Believe it, b) Receive it in your heart, c) Declare it with your mouth (take God public), and d) Step out in faith (pursing it with your actions).


So what does this mean to you today?  Understanding your purpose and living your life in accordance with the divine vision you receive from the Lord enables you to:

1.  Focus your efforts: Purpose driven people are narrow-minded, fixed, and focused.  Jesus could have done a lot of things, but He only did those things that would lead Him to the end of His purpose.  Jesus did not meander His way through life, He was purpose driven and He reached the end of His ministry a short 3 years after it began. Know your ministry (purpose) and stick to it.

2.  Celebrate the diversities of callings without jealousy: God may not have given you what He gave others, but guess what?  God did not give others what He gave you.  Knowing your purpose frees you from having to be like others and it helps you to celebrate what God has called others to do, without jealousy.

3.  Tap into divine provision: Once you find out what has purposed you to do, you must be obedient to operate within the confines of your assignment.  If you do, you will experience the Blessings of God like never before!  Powerful things happen when there is an alignment with your God-given assignment.  Because God freely releases provision for the vision He has established.  But if you pursue the wrong things, you will ask God for things He is not willing to give you, because they will take you down the wrong path.


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for this series.  I declare, by faith, that I receive the understanding of both Your purpose for my life and Your vision for this season.  I am Your sheep and I hear Your voice.  You speak to me and I have an ear to hear what You are saying.  I write the vision down so that both my family and me can run with it.  We all receive it by faith and we are committed to doing our part in order for the vision to come to pass.  The vision is the ruler by which we judge our decisions and it also provides a basis for unity and harmony in my house.  We know where we are going and we will get there by faith.  By the end of the year we will arrive at Your expected end for 2012 and we will be one step closer to Your overall end for our lives.  We receive it, believe it, declare it, and step out into it in 2012 by faith!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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