Do Not Lose Heart

by Rick

(2 Cor 4:1 NIV) Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart.


This morning we continue our new series entitled, “Faith and Patience VOL III – Never Give Up!”  I shared this verse with you yesterday and I could not leave it without addressing the words, “we do not lose heart.”  In one sense we, as believers, are no different than non-believers.  We face challenges everyone else.  The difference is that we have God and His presence in our lives gives us the internal strength to keep going when the going gets tough.  Once again, Paul is a great example.  When we read Paul’s writings we are encouraged, uplifted, edified, and instructed.  But when we realize that he wrote a great deal of his letters while enduring significant challenge, and some while actually incarcerated, it adds more depth to the significance of his endless enthusiasm.


It’s remarkable what you can accomplish in life if you resolve to never quit and to resist every temptation to get bitter when things don’t go your way or when they don’t happen on your timeline.  If you study the lives of who God used mightily you will find that they were able to accomplish what they did, not because of the absence of opposition, but because of their determination to persevere through it, trusting God every step of the way.  The enemy knows that he can’t really stop us, but he makes every attempt to discourage us so that we stop ourselves by quitting.  Paul refused to quit and he urges us to do the same.  Let’s highlight a few things from this verse:


Through God’s mercy:  While Paul arguably accomplished more than any other apostle and more than any other believer during the first century of Christianity, he made every effort to remain humble.  Paul believed and taught that we are who we are, and we are able to do what we do, by grace and mercy of God.  Paul had committed his fair share of mistakes and he persecuted the church with fervor and fire before his conversion experience.  He was ever thankful for the mercy of God and we should be as well.  Don’t ever allow pride to cause you to cross over into arrogance.  You are not a self-made man/woman.


We have this ministry:  I like the fact that he said “we” and not “I.”  Like Paul, we too have a ministry and that ministry is to fulfill our life’s assignment and part of that assignment is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Now, you may not ever stand behind a pulpit, but rest assured that your life is preaching every day.  What type of message if your life sending?  Are you shining as light or are you allowing the challenges of life to keep your flame dim?  You have way too much to accomplish, before you die, to allow days to go by without being productive.  You have an assignment, get to it!


We do not lose heart:  When you think about the mercy of God (how you should have been consumed by now) and the assignment God has for your life (with all that He expects from you), you just CAN’T give up.  The Greek word used here for “lost heart” means: to turn out a coward; to lose one’s courage; then to be fainthearted, to faint, or to despond in view of trial, difficulty, etc.  Paul was not disheartened, discouraged, or deterred by the difficulties he faced and neither must you.  The consciousness of being entrusted with such a ministry animated him and the mercy and grace of God sustained him.  The same can and should be said of you!


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for Your grace.  You have given me much more than I deserve.  I also thank You for Your mercy.  You have withheld from me much of the punishment that I do deserve.  It is only by Your grace and mercy that I am still alive and still available to be used of You.  You looked past my failures and flaws and You still gave me an assignment in life.  I take this assignment seriously and I am determined to accomplish it before I die.  I have a ministry and I will get busy performing it.  I am too focused on performing Your will to quit.  I do not lose heart, turn coward, faint, or shrink in the face of opposition.  I know You are on my side and You are more than the entire world against me.  Together we move forward today – BY FAITH!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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