Pride is a Blessing-Blocker

by Rick

(2nd Kings 5:12 CEV)  But Naaman stormed off, grumbling, “Why couldn’t he come out and talk to me?  I thought for sure he would stand in front of me and pray to the Lord his God, then wave his hand over my skin and cure me.


This morning we continue our new series entitled, “Faith and Patience VOL III – Never Give Up!” by picking up where we left off in the story of Naaman.  Yesterday we saw how Naaman tried to receive a spiritual blessing through his natural connections.  He took the letter from the king of Syria to the king of Israel, but the Israelite king thought it was a setup.  He knew he did not have the ability to heal Naaman and he thought the king of Syria was using the situation to give him an excuse for a war.  The king did not know what to do.  That was when Elisha, the prophet, heard about the situation and sent word to the king saying, “Why are you so afraid?  Send the man to me, so that he will know there is a prophet in Israel.”  The king was relieved and Naaman was encouraged because he thought he was getting what he wanted.


Naaman left with his horses, chariots, and small fortune and headed to see Elisha.  He arrived at the door of Elisha’s house.  Elisha sent a servant out to say to Naaman, “Go wash seven times in the Jordan River.  Then you’ll be completely cured.”  This was a Word from the man of God.  As God’s mouthpiece, this was just as good as a Word from God Himself.  But Naaman allowed his pride to cloud his judgment.  He stormed off, grumbling, “Why couldn’t he come out and talk to me?  I thought for sure he would stand in front of me and pray to the Lord his God, then wave his hand over my skin and cure me.  What about the Abana River or the Pharpar River?  Those rivers in Damascus are just as good as any river in Israel.  I could have washed in them and been cured.”


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1.  The spirit of offense will block your blessing.  Naaman got offended because Elisha did not come out to address him directly.  He thought – by virtue of his position, connections, and wealth – that he deserved better treatment.  The same guy who was seemingly ready to believe the impossible (to get healed of leprosy) allowed offense to change his demeanor and expectation.  You must be careful to not allow yourself to get offended.  Once you are in offense, it will stifle your faith and hinder you from receiving your breakthrough.


2.  God’s ways vs. your expectations.  Naaman had a picture of the way he wanted to be healed.  He said, “I thought for sure he would stand in front of me and pray to the Lord his God, then wave his hand over my skin and cure me.”  It is good to have great expectations and even a mental picture of what you are believing God for; but never allow your expectation to limit God.  Expect God to show up in your life, but know that He may not do it exactly the way that you expect.  So if God wants to do it any way, be open to whatever He wants to do!


3.  Pride is the silent killer.  Naaman’s offense caused him to question the Word from God, saying, “What about the Abana River or the Pharpar River?”  Naaman allowed himself to place his opinion and his thinking above God’s opinion and God’s thinking.  Unless he humbled himself and released that pride he would never receive from God.  I call this the “silent killer” because pride is something that hinders many believers in secret.  You may operate in pride for a long time without others noticing, but rest assured that God notices.  He expects you to always honor His Word and to never have the audacity to place your opinion above His.  So as you wait on God, check you heart and ensure you are remaining humble and open to His ways.


Closing Confession:  Father, my heart is open to You!  I believe, I expect, I anticipate, and I look forward to Your glory being manifested in my life; but I will not allow my expectation to hinder Your manifestation.  I have high expectations, but I am always willing to receive the manifestation of Your grace in whatever way You decide to bring it.  Your Word is above my word.  Your opinion is above my opinion.  Your decisions are above my decisions.  You sit on the throne of my life.  It is You that have made me and not the other way around.  So I enter this day with great expectations and a mental picture of my success, but if You decide to bless me in a different way than what I have already imagined, then I am open for that as well!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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