A Grace Case: Moses (Part 2)

by Rick

(Read Exodus chapters 1 and 2)

This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing.”  Last week I introduced you to Moses and his amazing story.  Moses was born with a death sentence looming over his head.  He was supposed to be thrown into the Nile River to drown, but God had other plans for Moses.  The same river that was supposed to destroy him was the place he was delivered.  The same family that pronounced his death sentence wound up taking him in as one of their own.

This story is one of grace and providence.  No doubt, God had great plans for Moses.  God knew this baby boy would be the one He used to deliver his people out of Egypt, so he needed to be strong and courageous.  God knew Moses was destined to write the first five books of the Bible (the Torah), so he needed a solid education.  God knew Moses would some day need an audience with the Pharaoh, so he needed a relationship with the Egyptian royal family.  All these things were provided by the same family who wanted him dead.  God used Pharaoh to finance Moses’ education, upbringing, physical training, and to foster the relationships he would need later on in life.  I love it when God uses the enemy to finance the ministry.

This is clearly a grace case.  This is not a story of Amram and Jochebed’s exceptional faith.  While Moses’ parents did hide him for a few months, they released him into the water without any inkling of what would happen next.  It’s not like they offered God a sacrifice and stood in faith that all this would happen to Moses.  This was divine providence.  This was God overlooking, overseeing, overshadowing baby Moses, by His grace; protecting and preparing him for his life’s assignment.  Moses, the baby who was supposed to die, grew up as an Egyptian prince, with the best life had to offer, and he would eventually give it all up for his life’s assignment.

I came to God at 23 years of age and one of the most life-changing experiences I have ever had with God was a night in Kuwait when the Father took me back over my life, as if it were a movie, showing me experience after experience where He kept me for my life’s assignment.  I had a praying mother and a praying grandmother, and I am sure God honored their faith, but I also firmly believe that the Father shielded me countless times by grace and grace alone.  Growing up in Brooklyn I was shot at multiple times, once with a sawed-off shotgun (where the gunman is not supposed to miss), and I was never hit, by the grace of God.  At the tender age of 11 years old a thief put a .357 magnum to my head in order to steal my $23 blue-and-white suede Adidas.  I have had knives at my throat, guns to my head, and threats on my life, all before the age of 18, but like Moses, God kept my by His grace; all the while preparing me for my life’s assignment.

So what does this mean to you today? A few quick things:
1.  God initiated His involvement in your life by His grace.  He took the first, second, third… 500th step, because He loves you.

2.  Life is better understood looking back.  When you are going through something you may not understand why.  God has a plan for your life and it is a good one.  Once you submit to Him you begin to understand how He was with you the whole time, preparing you for such a time as this.

3.  God can turn it around.  God does not do everything and every bad thing that happens did not come from Him, but He surely knew it would happen and He can make a way to use it for your good.

4.  Trust God.  When you establish a firm trust in God – in His goodness, grace, mercy and kindness – then you can maintain that trust, even when you don’t know how things are going to work out.  No matter what happens, the fact that God is still with you should bring you comfort.

Closing Confession:  Father, this morning I can look back and say, “Thank You.”  I too can attest to the fact that You were there for me when I had no clue that You were.  You stepped in for me and saved me, when I would have otherwise perished.  You shielded and protected me for such a time as this and for that I will never cease to give You praise.  You initiated the contact in my life.  You pursued me and tracked me down, and You were relentless in Your pursuit.  You kept sending people to me, to speak to me, even when I flat-out ignored You and those You sent.  Thank You Father for never giving up on me and for keeping me, by grace, for my life’s assignment.  I now vow to live my life on purpose, with purpose, for Your glory.  I am still here, so I ask You to use me today so Your Kingdom plans and purposes can be made manifest through me.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper!

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