True Colors

by Rick

(Read 1 Samuel 20:17-42)

This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing.”  Although David knew that Saul was trying to have him killed, Jonathan was still not convinced, so the two came up with a plan.  David was to hide in the woods in a certain spot and Jonathan was to attend the dinner meal, during the moon festival, with his father.  David had a spot at the table and when the king realized that David was missing Jonathan was to tell his father that David had to go home to Bethlehem to attend to a family matter.  If Saul was okay with David not being there, then that would be evidence that Saul’s anger had subsided, but if he got angry, then it would be clear that Saul wanted David killed.  The next day Jonathan was to go out into the woods for archery practice and after shooting three arrows in the direction where David was, Jonathan would send a boy to get the arrows and then yell one of two things to the boy.  One statement would let David know the coast was clear.  The other statement would tell David that his life was in danger.  This sounds like something out of a movie.  I love it.

The festival came and the plan was set in motion.  When Jonathan told Saul that David had to go back to Bethlehem, Saul was furious.  Prior to this, Saul was always careful not to expose his true feelings in front of Jonathan, because he knew Jonathan loved David.  But this day Saul lost it.  Saul said to his own son, “You stupid son of a whore!  Do you think I don’t know that you want him to be king in your place, shaming yourself and your mother?  As long as that son of Jesse is alive, you’ll never be king.  Now go and get him so I can kill him!”  But Jonathan pleaded, “Why should he be put to death?  What has he done?”  Saul got even more upset with the questions and hurled his spear at Jonathan, intending to kill his own son.  With that, Jonathan finally realized that his father was determined to kill David and he was crushed by his father’s shameful behavior.

The next morning Jonathan went out to the woods, shot his arrows, sent the boy, yelled the statement to signal to David what had happened, and then sent the boy back to town.  As soon as the boy was gone, David came out from where he had been hiding, he bowed three times to Jonathan with his face to the ground, as a form of thanks for what he had done.  By this point both men were in tears.  They embraced each other and said good-bye.  Jonathan’s last words to David were, “Go in peace, for we have sworn loyalty to each other in the LORD’s name.  The LORD is the witness of a bond between us and our children forever.”

So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:
1.  God can grace you to see other’s true intentions.  Although Jonathan either could not see or did not want to see the evil in his father, David certainly did.  Unfortunately, many will smile in your face and then attempt to stab you in the back.  However, God can grace you to see right through the façade of others, discerning their true intentions.

2.  People’s true colors come out eventually.  What’s in you abundantly has to come out of you eventually.  It was only a matter of time before Saul exposed his true colors to Jonathan and everyone else, and the same is true today.  People may attempt to hide their true feelings about you, but sooner or later, the truth will come out.

3.  Don’t let others change who you are.  No matter how others feel about you, good or bad, do not allow the actions or feelings of others to change you.  Be true to yourself and your God.  Be yourself day-in and day-out.  This way, even when others change, you won’t.  If you are at peace with your identity in Christ — knowing who God made you to be — then you will not be moved by actions of others.  Said another way, you have the grace to be YOU.  Don’t let anyone cause you to operate outside of that grace.

Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for blessing me to discern the true intentions of others.  While people may smile in my face, with full intentions of stabbing me in the back as soon as I turn around, I am neither fooled nor moved by their actions.  I am not fooled, because You reveal to me all I need to know, in order to run the race that is set before me.  And I am not moved, because their actions cannot hurt me and I refuse to allow their actions to change me.  When people deal with me in deceptive ways, I know that their true colors will eventually come out, and everyone will see them for who they are.  But before, and even after their true intentions are known, I am committed to being ME.  You have graced me to be ME and I declare that I will.  I refuse to allow the actions of others to get me outside of my grace.  I have the grace to run my race and I will do so.  No one can get me off course.  No malice, strife, ill-will, or attack can derail me from my destiny.  I know who I am, because I know whose I am, and I shall be the best ME I can be, all the days of my life.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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