
by Rick

(Read 1 Samuel 23:15-18)

This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing.”  When last we left David he was still on the run from Saul, roaming the countryside with his 600 men, and God was seeing to it that Saul could not find him.  One day near Horesh, David received word that Saul was on the way to Ziph to search for him and kill him.  The Bible says, “Jonathan went to find David and encouraged him to stay strong in his faith in God.”  By visiting David, Jonathan was risking his life, but he thought it important enough to encourage his friend that he would risk personal injury to do it.

Jonathan reassured David, saying, “Don’t be afraid, my father will never find you!  You are going to be the king of Israel, and I will be next to you, as my father, Saul, is well aware.”  The Bible does not say what David’s mental, psychological or spiritual state was at the time, but I am sure David appreciated what Jonathan had to say.  We all need encouragement from time to time and we all enjoy a little reassurance that what we are planning it going to turn out the way we expect.  After David received the encouragement from his friend the two of them renewed their solemn pact before the LORD.  David and Jonathan did not just have a friendship, but they had a covenant relationship, between themselves and God, to be there for one another.  Having renewed their vow, Jonathan returned home and David stayed at Horesh.

So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:
1.  Your faith must be in God.  The first thing Jonathan told David was to “stay strong in his faith in God.”  When you are faced with a challenge your faith cannot be in man (because others will let you down), and it cannot even be in yourself or your own strength (because you will sometimes fail yourself); your faith must be in God.  When you keep your faith in God you are able to commit yourself and your ways to the author and finisher of your faith.  By keeping your faith in God you are telling Him that you trust Him to complete what He started in your life, even when you make mistakes along the way.  That’s faith that is rooted and grounded in grace.

2.  Resist fear at all costs.  The next thing Jonathan told David was not to be afraid.  You cannot be in faith and in fear at the same time.  Fear will stifle your faith.  Countless times Jesus said, “Do not fear,” “Fear not,” “Do not be afraid,” or something along those lines.  Why was Jesus so against fear?  It is because fear will paralyze you from moving forward and it will strip you of the courage you need to live by faith.

3.  God has a way of sending people to you, to encourage you, right when you need it.  The text does not tell us how frustrated David was with the situation, but God knew he needed encouragement, so he sent Jonathan to provide it.  The Father knows when you need a smile, a hug, a kind word, or a shoulder to cry on, and He often sends people your way, to provide you encouragement, at just the right times.

4.  The Father can grace you to be a conduit of divine encouragement.  Just like the Father can send others your way to encourage you, He can also use you as the source of encouragement.  So be open and willing to be used of God today and this week to be a blessing to someone else.

5.  Divine relationships are important.  You don’t have to run this race alone.  David had Jonathan, Moses had Aaron, Timothy had Paul, Paul had Barnabas, and while I may not know you, it is safe to say that God has given you divine connections through which He is helping you run your race.  Enjoy those relationships and foster them.  You need others and they need you.  There are no lone rangers in Christ.

Closing Confession:  Father, My faith and confidence is in You.  I know You will never leave me, forsake me, or let me down.  Others will fail me, and I will even fail myself, but You will never fail.  You are faithful, even when I am not, and for that I give You praise.  I live by faith and my faith is rooted and grounded in grace.  I know You freely give me all things richly to enjoy and everything I need to fulfill my Kingdom assignment is available to me.  By faith I access the grace and I receive Your best today and every day.  And Father, while my faith is in You and not in man, I do thank You for the divine relationships You have blessed me with.  You send people to me, to encourage me, at just the right times.  You know how to provide me a kind word, a smile, a hug, a warm shoulder, and a listening ear.  Thank You Father for always being there for me and for caring enough about me to keep me surrounded with the people I need to fulfill my purpose.  Likewise, I also thank You for using me to be a conduit of divine encouragement.  You use me to be there for others and when You do, I walk away knowing that You just touched someone through me, and that feels great.  So Father, I enter this day and this week with my confidence firmly rooted in You, with an appreciation for others, and with a willingness to be used of You to help someone as they pursue their purpose.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen!

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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