The Path to Your Purpose

by Rick

(Read 2 Samuel 2:1-4)


This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing.”  Let’s fast-forward to 2nd Samuel.  In the first chapter David learned of Saul’s death and he mourned the loss of Israel’s king and his former father-in-law.  Even though Saul had been terrible towards David, David still respected Saul and grieved his death.


After having accepted the reality of Saul’s death, David inquired of the LORD concerning his future.  Once again, David had a priest with him, but he chose to inquire of the LORD directly, asking, “Should I move back to one of the towns of Judah?”  Israel had 12 tribes.  Saul was from the tribe of Benjamin and David was from Judah.  David knew he was destined to reign as the king over the entire nation (all 12 tribes), so he could have prayed about going to any of the regions, but he limited his request to the tribe of Judah (his home).  I believe David was led to pray this prayer, because they Lord said, “Yes,” the Lord told him which town to go to within Judah (Hebron), and as soon as David settled in Hebron with his family, the Bible says, “The men of Judah came to David and anointed him king over the people of Judah.”  While this was not yet the ultimate position and David was king of only one of the 12 tribes, David was certainly incrementally closer to God’s overall destiny for his life.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:

1.  There is a PATH to your purpose.  The writer of Hebrews told us to run with patience (and endurance) the race that God has “set” before us (Heb 12:1).  Not only do I believe we have a God-ordained purpose, but I also believe there is a God-ordained path to that purpose.  David went from obscurity to national hero overnight.  He married the king’s daughter, he moved into the royal palace, and he had people singing his name.  But just when you thought David had it all, he wound up on the run and living in a cave.  This path was not always easy, and David made his fair share of mistakes, but whenever he got in position, like he did when he moved to Hebron, there was a blessing waiting for him in that place.  It is the same with you.  You have a God-ordained path to your purpose and you will stray from time to time, but when you get back in position, the blessing is waiting for you.


2.  There is a PACE to your purpose.  By 2nd Samuel 2 it had been over 10 years since Samuel anointed David to be the next king of Israel and it still had not come to pass.  Humanly speaking, you would think that it was taking too long, but God’s timing is not our timing.  God anointed David king when he was a teenager, even though He knew there would be a space of about 13 years in between the promise and the manifestation of it.  13 years is nothing to God, but it seems like a lifetime to us.  The point is that God will give you promises, but He also knows the PACE at which those promises will come to pass.  Sometimes we get too impatient, shortsighted, restless and anxious.  Slow down, run your race at your pace, and know that God has a blessing for you in each season.  But you can’t get to the next season until you finish this one.


3.  There is a GRACE for your purpose.  If someone were to meet David when he was reigning as the king over the entire nation of Israel and say, “Wow, I would sure love to be that guy, he has it all,” they would be making the statement without understanding all David went through to get what he got.  People envy the glory without knowing the story.  What David went through to fulfill his purpose would have broken most people, but David had a grace for it, because it was his purpose.  Likewise, whatever God has called you to do, He has also graced you to do.  You have grace — divine empowerment — to run your race.  So no matter how hard your journey gets from time to time, just keep reminding yourself that you have grace for your assignment.  You don’t have other people’s grace and they don’t have yours.  That’s why you just need to focus on running your race and let others run theirs.  Whatever God expects you to do, He already equipped you to do!


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for making plans for me before the foundations of the world.  Before my mother met my father You established my purpose and You also prepared a PATH to my purpose.  By faith I declare that I shall run the race You have set before me with patience and endurance.  I know my life is not a sprint, but rather a marathon.  I will journey down Your ordained path for my life, enjoying every encounter, understanding that You have already prepared me for both my successes and the obstacles I will face along the way.  Not only do I have an ordained PATH, but I also have an ordained PACE at which I am to run my race.  I don’t concern myself with other people, because they have their own race, which they are supposed to run at their own pace.  Someone else’s pace may be too slow for me, frustrating me along the way.  And then again, someone else’s pace may be too fast for me, leading me to get burned out.  I could even kill myself trying to keep up someone else.  I have a tailor-made assignment from You and I will follow my PATH at my PACE.  And finally Father, I thank You for giving me the GRACE to do it.  I have a PATH, I have a PACE, and I have the GRACE.  You have supernaturally empowered me, by Your grace, to do what You have called me to do.  So I face each day with the confidence of knowing that I am graced to overcome every obstacle, to accept every success, and to maximize every season.  I declare this by faith.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!


This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.


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