Changed to Help Change the Lives of Others

by Rick

(2 Sam 9)


This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing.”  I had a choice this morning.  I could either move on to chapter 10 or provide you one last message from chapter 9.  I chose the latter.  In this chapter we covered one of my favorite episodes in David’s life and one of the greatest stories of redemption and restoration in the Bible.  So, let’s take one final look at this story, but from an angle we have yet looked at it; from David’s perspective.


We know how David’s life went haywire after he killed Goliath.  We have already studied the ups and downs he had to endure while he was Israel’s most wanted fugitive.  And I already pointed out how David did the right thing when he finally took the throne that was destined to him, by giving God the glory and by wanting to build God a house (the temple).  However, after ascending to the throne, after giving God the glory and honor due His name, and after expanding his kingdom through a series of wars, David remembered Jonathan and he wanted to BE a blessing to his descendents.  A few chapters ago David realized how blessed he was and he wanted to express his thanks to God.  In this chapter David realized how blessed he was and he wanted to offer a blessing to someone else.


In the New Testament, when posed the question, “Which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?”  Jesus replied, “You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.  A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.  The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”  (Mat 22:36-39).  In essence, Jesus was saying, “All the teaching of the Bible can be summed up in this: Love God and love others.”  When David realized how blessed he was he expressed his love and gratitude to God when he offered to build the temple.  Expressing our love to God is absolutely important.  But it cannot stop there.  If the Love of God has truly come TO us, then it must flow THROUGH us.  David took it a step further when he decided to extend God’s love and grace to Mephibosheth.  We are expected (actually commanded) to do the same.


So what does this mean to you today?  A few things:


1.  The Lord made plans for you before the foundations of the world.


2.  The Lord offers you the life He planned for you by grace and love.


3.  You are introduced to His love through the preaching of the gospel.


4.  When you respond to the Gospel message you are saved by grace, through faith.


5.  You are Born-Again by God’s Spirit and the Holy Spirit is then able to reveal to you the plans God made for you before the foundations of the world.


6.  You are changed and blessed through the renewing of your mind.  The more your mind is renewed, the more you can make an alignment with your divinely appointed assignment.


7.  As you pursue your purpose, you will be blessed.  When you realize how blessed you are, the proper response is to show your gratitude and love towards God.


8.  Your love and gratitude towards God should not stop at Him.  True love for a God you cannot see is expressed by loving those you are able to see.


9.  You are blessed TO BE a blessing.  SuperNatural change has come TO you in order for God to effectuate change THROUGH you.


10.  You are blessed, you have been changed, and you have expressed your love to God.  But have you taken the next step by expressing that love to others?  God changed you so you can help change others.  Are you doing that?  If not, start today!


Closing Confession:  Father, I thank You for Your overwhelming goodness, kindness and grace towards me.  You made plans for me before the world began.  You also knew that I would be born ignorant of those plans.  You sent people to me, to preach the gospel, and to share Your love with me.  I responded to the gospel message, I was Born-Again by Your Spirit, and I was then able to receive insight into Your divine plans for my life.  The more I learn of Your plans, the more I am able to align with them.  As I pursue Your purpose I am blessed.  You bless me in a way that is far greater than anything I deserve.  You bless be richly and I am extremely thankful.  I seek for ways to express my love and appreciation to You.  I am always on the lookout for an opportunity to give You praise.  But Father, I know Your expectation of my love does not stop with you.  While my love is directed UP, towards You, I know You also expect me to direct my love OUT, towards others.  Your love and grace have come TO me, and Your desire is that they flow THROUGH me.  You have changed me, and now You want to change others through me.  I accept the assignment.  I am blessed TO BE a blessing and I will seek to be the conduit of Your love and grace every day of my life.  Use me Father, today and every day, for Your glory!  I declare by faith that You use me as an agent of SuperNatural change everywhere I go!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

This is Today’s Word!  Apply it and Prosper.

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